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Is Runescape Better Than World Of Warcraft?


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I found WoW to be THE most boring game I have played yet. I didn't even make it halfway through the 14 day trial I had.








I didn't like how some of the skills I tried out were setup and to me the game felt empty. Even when I was in one of the big cities.. I wasn't impressed with much...








I really wish I could have experienced whatever it was that made people addicted to the game.








In runescape when I was a noob exploring was fun.. in WoW it was like the game was only trying your patience to see how long you could look at the blande landscape and not scream.








I feel the same way, except my mom's boyfriend gave me the game for free and I had a month free. I made it 2 days through and got to the point I couldn't play it anymore. I never really got into any MMORPGs besides RuneScape.

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One word my friend.
















Case Closed. =D>








Well duh.








Not every topic has to have a fixed, definite answer for it to be valid.








aka religion topics








I've never played WoW, myself, but from what I've seen and heard, it should kick Runescape's arse up and down the block.

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I get bored easily. To say that is a definite understatement.








I'm the sort of person that buys a ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã50 game, plays it for 2 days and forgets about it.








But I have to say. World of Warcraft is a better game.








I admit I am starting to get a bit bored doing the same things over and over again, but I'm going to make my final decision when I get my first character to level 60. I believe it's a lot more fun.








My idea is get level 60 and go ganking (killing lower level players) in Horde (opposite faction) cities.








Other people just like levelling, some people like gathering a lot of money. I know someone who just uses the Auction House (Like a mini-ebay) to buy and sell for profit. *cough* Landon *cough*.








It's stupid to only play a game for a few days and immediately dislike it. I don't enjoy playing RuneScape anymore. In fact I hate the game... But I have the perfect excuse. I've been playing since 2001.








Pros of WoW? Better social environment. Say you're walking through an area you're not supposed to be in yet. You get attacked by a much higher level mob (monster, npc) if there is another player around they'll help you. In fact, I regularly help lower level players I see.








Armour and weapons are more in-depth than RuneScape. I can't explain it, but if you've ever played Diablo or Diablo II/LoD then you'll know what I'm talking about.








It has proper guild support if you're into that sort of thing. (I have yet to join one)








If you choose to be on a PK server, you have the opportunity to kill players just about anywhere. There are restrictions though.




Example: If you're Alliance in Horde territory you can't attack a Horde player unless they attack you first. But if you're in Alliance territory or contested territory you can attack them whenever you want.








Party support is another bonus, there's a lot of quests that require up to a 5 man party. I've not been in one yet, but you can also be in a 40 man raid. Part of the party system is doing instances, which are unique dungeons that you and your party/raid can enter for gaining items that no one else can interfere in.








There are other benefits, but like other people say. It's all down to personal preference. I'm biased though, like I said I don't like RS anymore. :P


Notoriously Trollish.

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Pfft... Try playing on private servers...








Does that solve your money problems? -.-

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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I played RS for 4 years. Combat 115, 1700ish total skill. It got to the point where I could barely log in for 5 minutes anymore.








So I went to WoW.








It isa totally different game, and in all reality, it like 2 games, due to a massive end-game. Basically, you play from 1-60 with some fairly limited content. Gear is replaced every few levels because you grow out of it. Grinding can get fairly boring, though not nearly as boring as grinding any RS skills. Once you get to 60 though and get into the end-game content everything opens up. Raiding is far more addictive than RS could ever be. Playing together with 39 other people just to beat one boss, and repeating that many times over to finish an instance. Employing strategies for a single boss that can take weeks to perfect. The joy of facing a boss you have never faced before that other guilds have stumbled seriously on, and one-shotting him (killing him on the first attempt).








There is nothing like it in the MMO world. That is why they have 7 Million paying customers. Can't beat it.

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World of warcraft -








Bad -




Gets really repetative (if people feel like they have nothing better to do)




Not many skills








Good -




Graphics own




Less use of the word 'noob'




Better community.








Runescape -








Bad -




Graphics :ohnoes:




9/10 people are mentally *noob* challenged
















Good -




Lots of skills




Better pvp system









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well.....you don't want to get me started so i won't :P












wow is superior in every way shape and form








the only thing that bugs me is how massive(not necessarily a bad thing) the game is....so it depends how much time you have on your hands..








also you can't do alot of stuff without joining good guilds(clans) such as bosses or raids(gets ya good loot)








so yeah








but it has more features, better graphics, a better comunity(not as many noobs..although it does have its fair share) so yeah


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

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It isa totally different game, and in all reality, it like 2 games, due to a massive end-game. Basically, you play from 1-60 with some fairly limited content. Gear is replaced every few levels because you grow out of it. Grinding can get fairly boring, though not nearly as boring as grinding any RS skills. Once you get to 60 though and get into the end-game content everything opens up. Raiding is far more addictive than RS could ever be. Playing together with 39 other people just to beat one boss, and repeating that many times over to finish an instance. Employing strategies for a single boss that can take weeks to perfect. The joy of facing a boss you have never faced before that other guilds have stumbled seriously on, and one-shotting him (killing him on the first attempt).








There is nothing like it in the MMO world. That is why they have 7 Million paying customers. Can't beat it.








No other game has ever managed to produce the adrenaline rush I felt the first time we killed Nefarian. There really is no gaming experience quite like the one Blizzard managed to add to high end raiding. Altering tactics, analyzing what can be improved and how to improve it... Watching the individual cogs made up by the various classes interact to do handle an encounter...








WoW is, simply put, a much better game.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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WoW is better if you feel like paying like 2 or 3 times what you're paying for Runescape.








AWESOME! I'm paying nothing for RS, so... 2x0, and 3x0 = 0!!!! World of Warcraft is FREE! My dreams have come true!!11 :XD:


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"The only tyrant i accept in this world is the still voice within." - Mahatma Gandhi


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