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Canadian issues and the Canadian topic!


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"Canadian Idiot"








Don't wanna be a Canadian idiot




Don't wanna be some beer swillin' hockey nut




And do I look like some frostbitten hose-head?




I never learned my alphabet from A to Zed








They all live on donuts and moose meat




And they leave the house without packin' heat




Never even bring their guns to the mall




And you know what else is too funny?




Their stupid Monopoly money




Can't take 'em seriously at all








Well maple syrup and snow's what they export




They treat curling just like it's a real sport




They think their silly accent is so cute




Can't understand a thing they're talkin' aboot








Sure they got their national health care




Cheaper meds, low crime rates and clean air




Then again well they got Celine Dion




Eat their weight in Kraft macaroni




And dream of drivin' a Zamboni




All over Saskatchewan








Don't wanna be a Canadian idiot




Won't figure out their temperature in Celsius




See the map, they're hoverin' right over us




Tell you the truth, it makes me kinda nervous








Always hear the same kind of story




Break their nose and they'll just say "sorry"




Tell me what kind of freaks are that polite?




It's gotta mean they're all up to somethin'




So quick, before they see it comin'




Time for a pre-emptive strike!












Sorry,I just had to do that :XD:


How many 'scapers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


1 to screw it in and 49 to complain how better it was before.

Was signed,Kioh Twan

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Just spent a few days in Canada last week. Whats with the "milk bags"?








Less plastic than a jug and makes it so only one bag is exposed to air at a time.








It's only an Ontario thing though. Afaik at least.

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Just spent a few days in Canada last week. Whats with the "milk bags"?








Less plastic than a jug and makes it so only one bag is exposed to air at a time.








It's only an Ontario thing though. Afaik at least.








Yeah, it's mostly in the eastern part.

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Question:I'm dutch so whats the whole








America-Canada issue?








What do you mean?








Speaking for both of us, what the heck has everyone got against Canada?

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Question:I'm dutch so whats the whole








America-Canada issue?








What do you mean?








Speaking for both of us, what the heck has everyone got against Canada?








They're jealous.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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Question:I'm dutch so whats the whole








America-Canada issue?








What do you mean?








On forums I always hear about the Diffrences about Canada and Amerika,why one is better than the other..








Wat is so special about Canada?


How many 'scapers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


1 to screw it in and 49 to complain how better it was before.

Was signed,Kioh Twan

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Question:I'm dutch so whats the whole








America-Canada issue?








What do you mean?








On forums I always hear about the Diffrences about Canada and Amerika,why one is better than the other..








Wat is so special about Canada?








Nothing. ;)








Hooray rednecks! :P



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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Listen, I got nothing against Canadians, I just love controversy!





















You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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Question:I'm dutch so whats the whole








America-Canada issue?








What do you mean?








Speaking for both of us, what the heck has everyone got against Canada?








It's fun to poke fun at 'em.









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At least we don't have Bush for a president.








Right you are there. But the again we can take over all of North America anytime we please. Canada wouldn't put up much of a fight. Horses don't out run jets now do they?
















Yeah, Canada doesn't have as much military power as America. Nor does it have as good health care.








What if we have weak military we have other country to help us like we help you

working on it

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There are still cities in Canada, even though they have 10 times less people than america does....and i am not canadian, i am american...but i go there every year \' , what you canadians need to do is get Quebec in line they is wack, they think they are more french than the french! PROOF: anyone know what stop signs say in france...they say "stop"...in Quebec they say "arret".....But for real now, you must make them put up both english and french signs on the roads, why should the rest of canada do it if Quebec doesn't???

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At least we don't have Bush for a president.








True but harper isn't that much better... #-o












also thedepressedsquirrel Take your stupid stereotypes elsewhere.








True. I'm just going to go with all politicians are idiots.

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There are still cities in Canada, even though they have 10 times less people than america does....and i am not canadian, i am american...but i go there every year \' , what you canadians need to do is get Quebec in line they is wack, they think they are more french than the french! PROOF: anyone know what stop signs say in france...they say "stop"...in Quebec they say "arret".....But for real now, you must make them put up both english and french signs on the roads, why should the rest of canada do it if Quebec doesn't???








Dude, even Canada hates Quebec. It's more joke material then anything. Think about it: Quebec is a tiny little chunk of Canada. Right now they want to become their own country. LET THEM.








All students now have to learn French in Canada, and it's only used in Quebec! I would rather learn German!

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There are still cities in Canada, even though they have 10 times less people than america does....and i am not canadian, i am american...but i go there every year \' , what you canadians need to do is get Quebec in line they is wack, they think they are more french than the french! PROOF: anyone know what stop signs say in france...they say "stop"...in Quebec they say "arret".....But for real now, you must make them put up both english and french signs on the roads, why should the rest of canada do it if Quebec doesn't???








Dude, even Canada hates Quebec. It's more joke material then anything. Think about it: Quebec is a tiny little chunk of Canada. Right now they want to become their own country. LET THEM.








All students now have to learn French in Canada, and it's only used in Quebec! I would rather learn German!








Actually Quebec is the largest province in all of Canada, and if you want a government job and many other jobs, you have to bilingual.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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There are still cities in Canada, even though they have 10 times less people than america does....and i am not canadian, i am american...but i go there every year \' , what you canadians need to do is get Quebec in line they is wack, they think they are more french than the french! PROOF: anyone know what stop signs say in france...they say "stop"...in Quebec they say "arret".....But for real now, you must make them put up both english and french signs on the roads, why should the rest of canada do it if Quebec doesn't???








Dude, even Canada hates Quebec. It's more joke material then anything. Think about it: Quebec is a tiny little chunk of Canada. Right now they want to become their own country. LET THEM.








All students now have to learn French in Canada, and it's only used in Quebec! I would rather learn German!








Actually Quebec is the largest province in all of Canada, and if you want a government job and many other jobs, you have to bilingual.








Ya, but it's only 1 of the provinces.








I know about the billingual thing, you actually need to speak 2 languages to get into some universities.

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There are still cities in Canada, even though they have 10 times less people than america does....and i am not canadian, i am american...but i go there every year \' , what you canadians need to do is get Quebec in line they is wack, they think they are more french than the french! PROOF: anyone know what stop signs say in france...they say "stop"...in Quebec they say "arret".....But for real now, you must make them put up both english and french signs on the roads, why should the rest of canada do it if Quebec doesn't???








Dude, even Canada hates Quebec. It's more joke material then anything. Think about it: Quebec is a tiny little chunk of Canada. Right now they want to become their own country. LET THEM.








All students now have to learn French in Canada, and it's only used in Quebec! I would rather learn German!








Actually Quebec is the largest province in all of Canada, and if you want a government job and many other jobs, you have to bilingual.








Ya, but it's only 1 of the provinces.








I know about the billingual thing, you actually need to speak 2 languages to get into some universities.








That is new to me. BTW, Quebec has alot of Canada's forests (Hence the soft wood dispute with the states) and many mines. They are important and should stay.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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There are still cities in Canada, even though they have 10 times less people than america does....and i am not canadian, i am american...but i go there every year \' , what you canadians need to do is get Quebec in line they is wack, they think they are more french than the french! PROOF: anyone know what stop signs say in france...they say "stop"...in Quebec they say "arret".....But for real now, you must make them put up both english and french signs on the roads, why should the rest of canada do it if Quebec doesn't???








Dude, even Canada hates Quebec. It's more joke material then anything. Think about it: Quebec is a tiny little chunk of Canada. Right now they want to become their own country. LET THEM.








All students now have to learn French in Canada, and it's only used in Quebec! I would rather learn German!








Right now, Quebec hates even more the present federal government. Thanks to that idiot of Harper bringing up the sovereignty topic again, it screws up the country's unity again.




Quebec justice system doesn't need to follow every single overall Canadian law since there's already another system with the current one {such as the bill 101 with the CEGEPs.}

-=Aznhuskarl=- Cleric

-=20Cent=- Juggernaught

More to come...

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This might(will) sound stupid but;








Isn't Quebec also a Maya city?I don't know it there,I was just wondering :oops:


How many 'scapers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


1 to screw it in and 49 to complain how better it was before.

Was signed,Kioh Twan

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