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hsifreta --- Training in World 139

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15th January, 2007




Decided to train up other skills for newbino. I'll update after I play. =P








I went off before I finished updating, but one thing that really needs mentioning is that Oreo gave me 400 jugs and 200 grapes upon hearing that I need 400 wines before I get to lvl 50 cooking. =)








Thanks for taking 20 mins of your time and doing nothing but world hopping and clicking to get me those. =) I forgot to get a print screen, but I'll list that out under gifts/donations on the first page.

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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Ah, sorry for not posting my rsn - draco_draco.




Im used to all peoples having their rsn as their forum name from my clan forum :).




congratulations about getting in strenght highscores - even though its semi low lv's (well, atleast they are low for me) youre getting, you make it into a intresting story - thats what i like!!.




what funny is there if reading a gallery with 10 99's and all stats +80 if theres no story?.

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16th January, 2007




Won't be skilling so much on either account these coming 3 weeks. The Fishing Event is coming up for GES (Guild of Elite Skillers; see entry 1), and I will be preparing and cooking 2,400 lobbies for the prizes. ;)








If you have 6 skills over 50, or 2 over 70, or around 700 total skills, you can check us out, currently we have over 100 members, and we run events just like TET. The fishing event is coming up.. so hurry if you want my delicious lobbies ;)








High alc'd 200 steel plates, 13k exp. Gained a magic lvl to 62. =)








Still no skills in hiscores for my noob. Sigh.. hiscores are hard work when you're aiming for them.. been cooking for 4 hours, and haven't gotten anything worth selling yet. Sure, I have 400 trouts and 100 salmons, and 100 wines, but they aren't worth walking all the way to varrock and standing around selling unless if I happen to be there. =P








Gained a lot of lvls though.. it's always fun to gain lvls.. found out one interesting thing, wines give you exp when they ferment! So you can be standing around in the middle of no where, and then count to 7 and type "snap crackle pop" and wait for the sparks. =P I did that until someone told me to shut up. =P








Lvls are starting to come slow, this is the dreadful stage of the game, where your lvl isn't exactly high for you to show off with, but you can't spark around either.. long tedious training.. ugh!








System's update, so I can stick around and do my blog. I'll update my stats when it's back up, and then log out for the day. =)








Its still fun.. darn, i can't get on a lot on weekends, and I can't catch a few of my younger friends, I hope they don't go and think I've left them or deleted them..









Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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Omg! I love the new update! You can now see which world you're in, and the descriptions of the spells is nicer. =) Whee!








Btw, guess what they updated on the last one.. they small fishign net changed. =P Look at it now. ;)








I hate trading as my pure.. scammers use me for practice. =( This scammer Lol45lol mucked up his scam 12 times and still tries to scam me. This is annoying.

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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17th January, 2007




Lobbies is boring.. so i cooked every fish from salmon up in the fish shops. =P








Had a lot of fun on my noob today.. will post more in a bit. Got cooking up to 50, fishing to 40, mining to 54, and smithing 46.








I think I'm in hiscores for smithing woot!








18th January, 2007




Guess what? I changed my smithing plans a bit. I'm going to get all my mining done in 1 go, then move onto smithing. =P It probably takes the same amount of time, but yeah a bit of change here and there is good.








I'm hiring runners at 1k per 25 ores banked, and I'm then selling every few k I get in falador world 1.








I now have 2 hiscores on my pure. Mining and smithing. Wooters!








Now some pictures for my update =P

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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Picture Update!




Yeah i'm lazy, I do them all in 1 go. =P








16th January, 2007




Time to alc some plates!












Why not alc plates when I'm out killing lessers? Doh, I alc'd my scimmy! (I was too shocked to save it while I was at lessers, so I did a mock rerun in the bank =P)












17th January, 2007




Wooters for lvl 46 smithing! I'm in the hiscores! My first hiscores on my pure! Yay!












18th January, 2007




This game is so biased =P I got 2 mazes on my pure and still none on my main.. finished with 32% this time. Note to self: Don't go opening chests, finish the darn maze already!












And finally, lvl 56 mining.. I had too much fun to stop.. my goal was 54, but oh well.. I'm well into the hiscores.. won't be dropping out of this list for a long time!












That's all for now. =)

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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Nope. I mentioned that already =P








Try again ;)








Btw, my uni blocked jagex, so i can only play in my real spare time at home.. which amounts to 5-10% of my usual 6-8 hr sessions =P








Oh well. =P It also means that I get on a bit more on weekends. =)

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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sorry to hear about them blocking.. i know that some sites can go through that and open another side INSIDE the first one, to get through filters.. dont remember their names though :).




Youre getting more and more lobsters ;).




and it could be 23 crafting, who knows :D!.




just keep it going at that rate and you will have a bunch of 99 skills in no time =).








Also, a question or 2 about your clan:




Is it skiller only? no PK/combat related events.




Do you have a member list that i could look at?.




Im intrested in joining a skiller clan =).

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Draco, yeah, we're a skillers clan. Our forum link is in the first entry. =)








I hear we have 140+ members, haven't checked it yet, but last time I looked, we had over 100. =)








2, members' list.. I dont think so, but off the top of my head.. Dalcyte, Oreo, Mirrorforced, Jess, Ryan, 25 Leaf, Pink bullet, etc. Quite a few TIF actives, TET, and Tip.It members.
















Oh, only 800 were needed. =P So i'm done with lobbies. =P More lesser training! Woot! 90 lessers left to kill to have all my stats on hiscores!








Woot.. boy power45 gave me a rune baxe and 800 raw lobbies =) cooking time. =)

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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20th January, 2007




Good news and bad news. ;P








Bad news is that I got very sick today. =(








Good news is that my friend, Draco, gave my newb a lot of g00d st00fs. =P Check entry 1 for a full list. =P








Since noone else is guessing =P Draco wins =P yeah.. I went and crafted to 23 crafting very quickly because I wanted to make tiaras. =P








Hmm. I need to increase my runner price to 2k per load, noone's paying attention to me. =P

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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22nd January, 2007




Wooters! I learnt something in class today! I'm a Market Maker! =P (It's a finance course) I actually wrote that on my notes:








!!! (What I do in RS)








lol. =P








A market maker is someone who uses various techniques to make prices meet and earn a profit on the way; consisting of scalpers (tiny quick profits), spreaders (buy at the lowest, and sell at the highest offered), and positive traders (keep things for long enough for the price to go up).








Wooters. =P I'm a scalper/spreader type more often than not. =)

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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23rd January, 2007












I get really ticked off when people just walk in and call you a noob, or when they come around, and since they can't mine as fast as you, they start bashing you in other ways.. my pure being a lvl 3, they usually come up with "i can pwn you so badly in wildy".. so i let them. ;)








I say 4 words: "you me wildy now"








Usually they get really careful when they lead me to wildy, being lvls 35-46, they are ginger about it, as there are pures out there killing noobs like them ;) And I get my fill of taunting before we actually get close to where they can kill me, and I let them kill me. =P (They usually say rediculous things like "I'm 18 and I started when I was 9.." and try to show off, but when I ask them how much does a zammy helm cost, or what monster drops rune battle axe, they go silent. And best of all, they usually get lost in wildy. =P 9 years, and lost in wildy.. that guy went off the side of the map and stopped at lvl 6 wildy and tried to hit me. =P)








Now the revenge part is that, they are usually in the middle of an area with a lot of possible clan wars (eg. multikilling area), and they have to walk back all the way from lvl 40 wildy with a skull over their head. =P








Well, that's what I do when I'm bored of skilling. Otherwise, I roam wildy. Extra motivation to do that during busy times now, when I saw a lvl 3 walk into lumby bank with a zammy helm for sale. =P I bought it and sold for 20k more, but that's another story. =P

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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23rd January, 2007




Fire Making Tour Begins!








1st stop: Lumby store.




No, not outside, INSIDE!!! I find that if you light up the bit between the counter and the west wall, there's only 1 row of space there, so it allows you to burn fires in a line from N to S instead of E to W. Thought that was kinda cool. ;)












2nd stop: World 3 Varrock Rune Mart!




Thought I'd start some spark in the already heating up field of grass, but instead of verbally heating it up this time, I add a lil more literal meaning to it ;)












3rd stop: Still at W3 Rune Mart




I decided 1 round wasn't enough, so I did more.. I even inspired someone else to join me =P












4th stop: Dead forest, Level 10 Wildy




First person to guess where about wildy this is gets a hug! It's actually quite easy, even for the occasional hiker to guess. It's a forest, all the leaves have fallen, time for some smokey flames, and forest fires! Too bad we can't chop them, else I'll have more wood to burn further up in wildy. A lvl 13 tried to kill me, so i started burning at lvl 9. =P Then got teamed by lvl 5's on the way back, but that's just free tele for me! wooties!












5th stop: Lumby Castle Feast Hall




We've all passed this place many times, esp after the bank established on the top floor, but do we ever came in to take a look? Nice place, the further side of the room (west) and the wall give 2 rows for burning, more convenient to burn without the candle stands and statues.












6th stop: Outside Lumby Castle




Quite a nice environment to be burning in.. that is, if Hans would stop following me. Every fire I light, Hans follows me 1 step at a time. Guess his feet were cold =P












6th stop and a half: Bank to Lumby Bank




I actually regularly light up lumby bank, so there's nothing special here, just hanging around and chatting with ppl.. but I finally remembered to print screen my lvl ups, I always neglect them. So lvl 42, with a beggar in tow. =P












7th stop: Duke's Bedroom




Ever wondered why the Duke's assistant is always in his bedroom? =P












8th stop: Lamb Chops!




Mmm.. I accidentally hit a ram, and almost lvl'd attack. So now I'm burning logs before their food stuff. =P












Just typing up the comments so I don't forget them =P Pictures up later. =) Do help me suggest where else I should do my firemaking =)

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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And lvl 52 cooking, the lvl you stop burning salmons! Wooties!








I didnt know that, I just decided to cook and drop trouts until i get back to lumby stove.. wooties. =)




















Darn, I found out I still burn at lvl 57 now on an open fire.. =P








Pic later. =P

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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24th January, 2007




I've been so focused on getting back at scammers and rule breakers, I realised that I've taken the wrong approach and created more anger and bad feelings in the game.








I need to focus on creating happy feelings.. there are ppl who do mean things, but being mean to them doesn't make you righteous, or make anything better. Instead, I got all bigheaded and such.








I'm gonna be nicer, or I'll let my friends down, as they've been really nice to me.








I need to pay attention to more than just playing time, exp, and gaining lvls.. I've been vigorously lvling lately, and ignoring a lot of cries for help.. grrr. Must change this!!!








Other news ;)








Thanks Draco for the following donation to my main =) Good luck with slaying and mining =D





Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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