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hsifreta --- Training in World 139

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Hi, I'm hsifreta, and I'm a skiller. =) This is my blog that i update once in a while for my friends, and supporters. =) But most of my forum activity is in my clan, Guild of Elite Skillers (GES).








A bit about Me




I started playing in RSC, and when I first joined the game, everyone was talking about pking and smithing, much like they do today, cept a lot more members skills and things of course. I have always been leaning towards making my way thru less obvious means, and I've done pretty much that.








I pretty much like skilling and working towards some sort of goal. Most of the time, I'm trying to get rid of something.. like when I get extra arrows in a trade, I shoot till I run out, etc etc.








I am also an excellent merchanter.. so if you want to know about prices and such, feel free to talk to me about things. One thing I learn is that most p2p don't really understand f2p the way that f2p understand it. =)








Easy example, Swordies can sell for as much as monkfish, and salmons as much as tunas, but since tuna's a more useful cooking ingredient than salmon in p2p, and salmon and swordies are less popular there, not many ppl see how far you can push serious f2p players for the top dollar.












Just a few goals for now. {Updated 28th March, 2007}








1. To reach 1k total skill pts.




2. 100 combat lvl.




3. 60 def.




4. 50 prayer.




5. 80 range.












Local Time: +8 GMT








* 17th April 2007




- spent a week in lvl 1 SoS




- ranging lvl 25 goblins and lvl 27 minotaurs




- collected 9 right-skull halves








* 7th April 2007




- current arrows: 583 iron arrows




- first rune med in 3 days




- been hanging around world 139 a lot








* 6th April 2007




- starting on lessers 2 days ago




- rose 2 lvls to 62




- used up 1.8k iron arrows




- usual lesser drops




- Kit: 10-15 lobbies, air staff, fire staff, 200 fire runes, 100 nats, maple short bow, iron arrows, coins.




- Randoms: grave digger, sandwich lady, dwarf, niles, 3 security guards, capt'n hand, 5 mysterious old man, evil bob fishing.








* 2nd April 2007




- taking a few days off for some Easter fun!








* 31st March 2007




- gained 1 range lvl to 60! (Ready or not, Oreo, here I come!)




- gained 1 def lvl to 60, 1 prayer lvl to 49, and 1 combat lvl to 78.




- used 585 iron arrows




- Randoms: 3 mystery box, 1 zombie, 1 security guard, 1 cap't hand.








* 30th March 2007




- gained 1 range lvl to 59




- gained 1 hp lvl to 65




- used up 348 iron arrows




- Randoms: 1 mystery box, 1 genie, 1 shade




- inventory: 71 mith arrows, 1 uncut sapphire, 1 uncut emerald, 4 new newt's eyes (i drop them when i bank), 150 ess, 26 coal, 1 genie lamp, 3 airs, 104 fires, 5 laws, 14 waters, 4 lobbies, 2 top of sceptres, and some coins.








* 29th March 2007




- gained 1 range lvl to 58




- used up 990 iron arrows




- Randoms: 2 mystery boxes, 1 security guard




- inventory: 19 mith arrows, varrock tele, 2 uncut sapphires, 1 uncut ruby, 30 fires, 21 waters, 2 laws, 5 lobbies, 4 newt's eyes, 2 top of sceptre, 90 ess, 3 coal.








* 28th March 2007




- gained 2 range lvls from 55 to 57




- gained 1 def lvl to 59, 1 hp lvl to 64




- used up 392 bronze arrows, 118 steel arrows, 22 mith arrows




- moved from ranging guards/dark wizards to catablepons (lvl 3, stronghold security)




- Randoms: grave digger, 4 mystery boxes, molly, mystery maze, 1 evil chicken








Skull Sceptre parts up-to-date:




Top of sceptre: 15




Right skull halves: 9








Current Things for Fun!








1. Newb Army Project




2. GES forums (lots of fun there, I just pure most of my intelligence into that place!)




3. Cabbage Bombing trips! (leave a note if you want to join me. =P example pic on pg 6)








Current Stats




I haven't touched my pure for a long time, I guess, with all that's going on, my main became fun again. =P








But here are the stats =)
























To My Friends




It's really awesome to have you guys around to share things with, and everything. But I'll keep this sort and stuff..








You know you're my friend, if you are someone..








..that I jump at to say hi to no matter what I'm doing,




..who's made a really big difference for me in this game,




..that I share bits of rl with,




..I share a laugh with no matter what,




..that I'll stop at nothing to entertain,




..who stayed around even when my mood was bad, and not only stayed around, but also return a smile that was not there,




..who share my vision, and know that there's more to the game than a game, than the gp, than the lvls,




..that give me strength to go on,








..who are my true friends.








The game is fun.. but as you know, I watch TV, or do homework, or listen to music most of the time while playing, its really just sharing these times with you guys that keeps me coming back every day. =)








You've made a big difference, however little you think you've done. Thank you.








Gifts from my Friends




In the space below, I'll honour gifts and donations that were really special and meant a lot to me. =) These may not be in order, but I'll add to it when I remember them. =P








Thanks James G., for your black chain, rune axe, and air staff, and endless hours of fun, friendship and advice over the last 3 years.








Thanks Oreo, for your Christmas gift, and your donation of 400 jugs and 200 grapes, and letting me hog up 2 spaces on your friends' list.








Thanks Boy Power45, for your battle axe to my main. I'll go train with it on mossies when I get a chance.








Thanks Draco, for your many gifts.. =P (2,000 willows, 300 leather, 100 threads, 5 needles, 10,000 air runes, 1,000 water runes, and 1,000 earth runes, 1k talismans, 64 sapphires, 39 emeralds, 31 rubies and 23 diamonds, and many hours of fun and sharing.)












Special Features








pg 1-2 newb blog




pg 4 - fm tour




pg 5 - a peek at my merchanting skills (none of these are mock trades, they all happened, including that fire rune one, the guy really wanted the fire rune it seemed =P)




pg 6 - Easter bomb diving fun








Friends' blogs




Draco's Blog to 99 Prayer

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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Thanks Killer gm for encouraging me to start my blog. =) {Edited 13th January, 2007}








Christmas Day, 2006








Been really busy with Christmas and all, haven't had time to finish off the introduction.








And an increasing amount of time spent on rs, means less time to think and type up stuff too. =P








I've finally gotten around to doing something I've always wanted to do, that's to create a Pure.








It's not just any pure, it's a pure skiller. =) I'm going to stay at lvl 3 combat, train and skill everything else. =) I think this is going to be quite fun. =) I always liked being self sufficient. =)








Learning the Ways of a Noob








I've always had a dislike for begging noobs, and ppl who take things for granted, and try to get things thru annoying other ppl into giving them things. Either scamming, or begging, as long as they haven't put effort into getting what they as for, I don't like those ppl.








If they ask, they can get work, I'm very willing to hire at market prices (eg. if they mine, i'll pay 100 per iron, and 175 per coal, instead of taking advantage of noobs) and if they ask, I'll teach them how to make money, etc.








But what I find surprising a lot of the time, is how the few good noobs can make such a great deal out of everything.. like, shrimps for example, they heal 3, and offer worthless experience when cooking, now that I'm at 78 cooking, I can't burn lobbies. With my noob account, I start seeing things from a different angle.. I saw shrimps on the floor, I just ran at it, and picked up as many as I could, and the random events.. that give out 640 gp that I usually drop on the floor, and laugh when noobs go and run to it. Wow, 640 when you have 25gp and no skill to make the anymore sooner, makes a huge difference.








So I guess, with this newb account, I realise that I can learn a lot and relearn the way of the noob, so that I can better help noobs in the game, and not just brush them off as bugs.








Inappropriate begging yes, but I guess a lot of the time, I took asking to be begging as well. This is wonderful. Well, back to skilling my noob. =)








Wow, my brother once collected over 1k cooked shrimps and 1k cooked sardines in his bank, and I never took him seriously, bought them of course, and ate them, but really, just because he's my brother, and never thought again about it, cept that I'll never ever eat another 1k shrimps in my life in rs. =P








But right now, with my cooking 10, fishing 5, newbie, I'm just storing up all the cooked shrimps in my bank. Realising the value of these shrimps to me, a lvl 3 noob with 10 hp.








A lot of the things we take for granted, noobs never had the luxury or the imagination for such great things. Light my first log takes 7 tries, fishing shrimps takes as long as swordies on my main!








This is a really nice experience.

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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Quests that I can do without affecting my combat




(So quests that don't require or award attack, str, hp, def, range, magic, prayer)












Cook's Assistant *




Doric's Quest *




Romeo and Juliet




Rune Mysteries *




Sheep Shearer *












Black Knight's Fortress (cool, I can wear iron with lvl 1 def)




Ernst the Chicken




Goblin Diplomacy (need to stick around Lumby to get the armours)




The Knight's Sword (need protection)




Pirate's Treasure




Prince Ali Rescue *








* = done








Update: 10th January, 2007




Thanks everyone for the Knight's sword suggestions. I'll attempt it on my own and see if I get anywhere without protection. =)

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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After ~4 hours of playing








Stats are:








mining - 3




smithing - 3




fishing - 14




cooking - 26




fire making - 7




wood cutting - 5

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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Another 3 sleepy hours brings me to...








mining - 19




smithing - 3




fishing - 15




cooking - 27




fire making - 7




wood cutting - 5

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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After 4 more sleep hours








mining - 19




smithing - 3




fishing - 15




cooking - 27




fire making - 31




wood cutting - 38








bought a mith axe today.. sure speeds things up. heaps better than bronze. =P since i can't actually wield anymore of my axes, i decided to permanently hold a snow ball in my hand. =P

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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  • 2 weeks later...

hehe.. =P i'd be equally happy for donations.. but right now i'm working on mining, and dont really need much donations for mining. =P








back from holidays in taiwan, and back with screenshots, news and other things. =)








26th December, 2006




My first mystery man maze! Mucked up totally. =P
















27th December 2006: Earthquake in Taiwan took out the Internet...




but miraculously, runescape still works! woot! Show's how rich they are =P








28th December, 2006




My friend gave my noob a belated Christmas present.. have a look! ;)
















4th January, 2007




Happy New Years, people! A lil late, but better late than never. =P








The current stats for my noob are:








mining - 49




smithing - 40




fishing - 15




cooking - 27




fire making - 31




wood cutting - 38








Mage lvl on my main went up to 61, att and def both went up to 58 after killing loads, and lvled up on 2 tiny rats in Lumbridge. =P I love maging, but I don't "train" anything on my main, I just play for fun. I think my noob is closer to my phat goal than my main is. =P

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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That's my cute noob avatar.. so glad it works. =)








Now you have a face to remember.. but i'm very cranky these days, there are way too many meanies around the mining site.. ppl just treat my lvl 3 with much less reverence than they do my lvl 72. =P grrr.








Other screenshots that I've saved up..








25th November, 2006




I tripped over an ice warrior.. hurray!
















It's one funny bug they never fix cuz noone really reports it.








29th December, 2006




My noob at 200 skills! Wooters!
















4th January, 2007




Saw 2 golems throwing rocks today.. missed that part of the screenshot, but I've found those rocks pretty amazing.. reaches any spot on the minimap, and makes you run very very far.
















That's about it for now. =)








PS. the tab that I use the most is the friends tab, because I chat a lot, and I tend to forget to click it away before I print screen something, so just as a disclaimer, please don't harass my friends, they have been really good friends, and will always be, so don't harass them. I've known some of them for over 3 years in this game, so yeah.

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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4th January, 2007




For those of you who know me, I absolutely love trading.. for those of you who don't, well, there you go. =)








Started my first shopping spree on my noob, most of the money on my noob are made from smithing iron sets and selling at the shops.. at lvl 42 smithing, that's a lot of iron sold. =P








I bought my first 3 cheap rune pieces today.. rune med at 7k, and 2 rune picks at 23k ea. =)








wooters! there's my security blanket, and my batteries all charged up again.. off to the mines we go!

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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Thanks. a bit hard now though. My mom just grounded me from teh computer as school's starting again. =(








Won't be able to train as much. This really sucks. It's for the better.

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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I find that I have this major attitude problem. =P








Let me rephrase that..








I love being nice and helpful, but if you just come out of nowhere and start being mean, you'll find that I can go far nastier and far lower than you, with the advantage of a fuller vocabulary, and more experience at slapping back with a smile. I always get the last word, and it usually end with "Reported. [Name], offensive language. Thanks for playing!"








I never swear, and after receiving one offense a while ago, I can easily slander without actually slandering.








I hate evil miners who think they can steal everyone's ores, I hate people who call newbs "newbs" rather than extending a hand to help them, I hate scammers, and I hate beggars, because it's so easy to earn you way up, and either way is just annoying and destructive. If you want to be generous, you teach them. Don't just let them lay out their hand, and give them what they want.

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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5th January, 2007




Found a way to get on the comp for a couple of hours.. but mom caught me. =P boohoo~








Current skills:




mining - 52




smithing - 42




fishing - 15




cooking - 27




fire making - 31




wood cutting - 38








I got bored of walking all over runescape to sell bits and pcs.. so i've decided to make full iron sets and just keep them in bank and see how many i have whenever.. =P








I've been mining 1k ores, smithing it, then back to mining for quite a few k ores, I've lost count. =P 995 ores standing in bank waiting to be smelt.. but it seems, I can only smelt and smith them in a week or something.. not sure when i'll be allowed on again. sigh~*

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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Quests that I can do without affecting my combat




(So quests that don't require or award attack, str, hp, def, range, magic, prayer)












Cook's Assistant




Doric's Quest




Romeo and Juliet




Rune Mysteries




Sheep Shearer












Black Knight's Fortress (cool, I can wear iron with lvl 1 def)




Ernst the Chicken




Goblin Diplomacy (need to stick around Lumby to get the armours)




The Knight's Sword (need protection)




Pirate's Treasure




Prince Ali Rescue








For the knights sword, you wont need protection. The monsters usually get stuck on the rocks.








For goblin diplomacy, switch to a busy world and look in lumby genral store. there is usually many goblin armor peices sold there.








hope this helps, gl :thumbsup:

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Thanks, justin. That helps a lot. Goblin armour, well, as a noob, I kinda pick up everythign that's of value that's on the floor, so I've got 3 armours in my bank. I think that's enough for the quest.

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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Spent a day with my main, I missed combat, so I ranged a bit, and then train a bit of magic and crafting. =) Won't be crafting much with my noob. =P It's one of my lower priority skills for newbino.

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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I absolutely hate it when Tip.It can't retrieve your scores info because you haven't gotten into the 1,000,000th spot yet. =P So that's my goal for now, to get into teh hiscores with my noob =P And to get into the remaining hiscores with my main. =P








Required lvls:




Mining - 52/55




Smithing - 43/45




Firemaking - 31/40




Woodcutting - 38/56




Fishing - 15/54




Cooking - 27/54








Strength - 58/60




Attack - 58/60

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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I've got this crazy new idea in my head. =P Woodcutting and firemaking!








Last night I decided to burn my way up to lvl 60, and start burning yews. =P Thought it'd be funny to burn yews right in front of yew cutters in a busy world. =P








10th January, 2007




Burning Lumby bank down! It's funny how different people react to a blazing bank. =P












So here I am at lvl 60 firemaking:












So time to chop my way up to 80~85 woodcutting.. muahaha. =P

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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10th January, 2007




Eat that scammers!








I met a lvl 70 scammer, who did the 180k > 18004 switch scam, he wanted to buy full rune. I was hanging around, and I realised that something fishy was happening, cuz he kept switching places and buying full rune at 180k when there's a guy at the centre selling at 175k.








So I bought one set to test him out. =P And I saw that he did the switch.. =P So i came back around with a noted iron full.. and spam trade him (i didnt say anything about selling full rune).. oh well, i was selling iron full and he offered 18k for it.








Score 2 for hsifreta, 0 for scammers








I did a similar thing before, when someone was selling rune axe for 10k, he switched to addy axe, and i switched to 1k. =P He accepted quickly, so I did too. =)








Let them taste some of their own medicine!








I also add them to my list of ppl to stalk when I feel righteous =P I just follow them and do colored text saying "[name] is a scammer, he does the [type] scam, don't trade him" till he leaves the world. =P

Integrity. See beyond the gp, nicks, and skills. Create value for others, as you'd like done for you.



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10th January, 2007




Eat that scammers!








I met a lvl 70 scammer, who did the 180k > 18004 switch scam, he wanted to buy full rune. I was hanging around, and I realised that something fishy was happening, cuz he kept switching places and buying full rune at 180k when there's a guy at the centre selling at 175k.








So I bought one set to test him out. =P And I saw that he did the switch.. =P So i came back around with a noted iron full.. and spam trade him (i didnt say anything about selling full rune).. oh well, i was selling iron full and he offered 18k for it.








Score 2 for hsifreta, 0 for scammers








I did a similar thing before, when someone was selling rune axe for 10k, he switched to addy axe, and i switched to 1k. =P He accepted quickly, so I did too. =)








Let them taste some of their own medicine!








I also add them to my list of ppl to stalk when I feel righteous =P I just follow them and do colored text saying "[name] is a scammer, he does the [type] scam, don't trade him" till he leaves the world. =P








Your becoming what you hate <.<








Talk about being a hypocryt?


Mmm... Mudkipz...

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