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Multiple Accounts = Ban?


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Well, my good real-life friend and RS friend who recently became a mod was talking to me yesterday. I was chopping willows in Draynor, he was making planks to do construction, but that's beside the point.








I was talking to him about how I was waiting for my other account, Sir Xaeroe, to get unbanned so I can play on it again. He began to act all wierd and stuff, telling me to stop talking about it.








The next day, I get to my class I have with him and ask him what he was talking about. He says it is against the rules to have multiple accounts, and that it is "Account Sharing". I just looked over the rule regarding this, and saw nothing about it.








Is he just a little paranoid about losing his newly-gained mod powers? Or am I really breaking the rules? I don't see how I would, seeing as MANY people have secondary accounts, including JaGEx staff! (Their Mod accounts and their normal accounts)








Help me out here... I just think it's him, but I'm not sure.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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Having multiple accounts is completely allowed, so long as you don't log them on at the same time, drop trade between them, or other stupid junk like that to get ahead in the game. Next time he starts going on about it, tell him to read over the rule descriptions and prove it, he won't be able to ::'




Edit: Found solid uncontestable proof on the Runescape official rules section




"Rule 8 - Multiple Logging-In




You may create more than one RuneScape account, but if you do, you may not log in more than one account at any time, and they must not interact with each other in any way. This includes 'drop trading' or any other method of item transfer." - Runescape rules page

Owner of quest cape since December of 2006


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Ooh thank you! I'll get on right now and tell him about it!








I was pretty darn sure it wasn't against the rules, but I was just double-checking. Heh.. he probably won't believe me though.. haha.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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Just direct him to that place. Unless he's pigheaded enough not to even look, in which case he actually runs a higher risk of losing his "newly found mod powers" for false reporting

Owner of quest cape since December of 2006


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Just direct him to that place. Unless he's pigheaded enough not to even look, in which case he actually runs a higher risk of losing his "newly found mod powers" for false reporting








lol so true. Yes it is alowed but i'm not sure about JAGex havn't two accounts each? who told you this lol?

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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They say it on the main website, under the guide for JaGEx moderators. It says that once you start working there, you have your J-Mod account for work purposes, and your normal playing account for.. normal playing. I'd give ya a link but I'm feeling lazy right now.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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ooh ok, do they automaticly give you 126 combat too? lol every Jagex mod i've seen have had 126 combat :evil:








Yes J-mods can alter all of their stats, use new or unreleased items, and all that other good stuff.








And your evidence on that is where? lol

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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ooh ok, do they automaticly give you 126 combat too? lol every Jagex mod i've seen have had 126 combat :evil:








Yes J-mods can alter all of their stats, use new or unreleased items, and all that other good stuff.








And your evidence on that is where? lol








It's common knowledge, just look on any "J-mod spotted" thread and you commonly see level 1 mods, or ones with phats, other various items they spawn that they cannot trade.

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JaGEx mods do not automatically give their accounts 126 combat, although they do have the power to do so. As far as I know, they can:








  • -Spawn any item
    -Spawn any monster (they never do this though)
    -Ban and mute characters temporarily and permanently
    -Change any of their levels to whatever they want
    -Going along with the above, they could change their stats to wear
    Barrows or Dragon armour, then change their stats back to be a level 1 with full Barrows/Dragon.
    -Move to any position on the map, at any height on the map. This includes the area where bankers stand, on Party Pete's table, and in the water.
    -Bypass the chat filter (methinks).
    -Can't be traded, duelled, or attacked.








That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Know anymore?


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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JaGEx mods do not automatically give their accounts 126 combat, although they do have the power to do so. As far as I know, they can:








  • -Spawn any item
    -Spawn any monster (they never do this though)
    -Ban and mute characters temporarily and permanently
    -Change any of their levels to whatever they want
    -Going along with the above, they could change their stats to wear
    Barrows or Dragon armour, then change their stats back to be a level 1 with full Barrows/Dragon.
    -Move to any position on the map, at any height on the map. This includes the area where bankers stand, on Party Pete's table, and in the water.
    -Bypass the chat filter (methinks).
    -Can't be traded, duelled, or attacked.








That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Know anymore?








I think those are the main ones. There's probably some other perks they get that we don't know about or that aren't really important.

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-Bypass the chat filter (methinks).




Don't think they do, i've seen a screenshot of Andrew speaking, with part of a word censored out :lol:








They do bypass public chat (like player mods do), and can also bypass a player's private chat if it's turned off.


Sig And Avatar by Tripsis - 99 Slayer Blog - My Pyramid Plunder Guide

Owner of Fire Cape since 28-09-2005 - 426th to 99 Strength

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Oh right, forgot that one, Dork. Heh, sounds like I'm calling you a name when I say.. your.. name. :?








Some other possibilities that they could do are:








  • -Attack players from any distance.
    -Delete accounts.. permanently.
    -Teleport to a certain person.
    -Teleport a certain person to them.
    -Transform into any NPC.
    -Replace certain objects with other objects and spawn objects. Objects, not items; this includes doors, walls, chests, etc; things that you can interact with. I.E. they can spawn the chest for the crystal key wherever they want to, or spawn a Magic Tree at any place.
    -Bank their items from anywhere on the map.
    -Start and end mini-games.








I'm sure there's more.. pretty much if you can do it, they can do it in any way they want to. It just takes the time to program it into the RS source code.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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Jagex mods can also immediately kick anyone off their account if needed, then lock it.








But could they actually spawn items for regular players? I was thinking they couldn't, but I don't know...








I don't think they can actually delete accounts, just either ban them, lock them, or wipe them - clean their bank out and reset their levels. I saw some guy whose account got wiped... he was in the Warrior's Guild I think, which was funny - a level 3 in the Warrior's Guild! :lol:



Sig credit goes to ThruItAll. :D



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Some other abilities:




From a the video of a J-Mod stat switching, and getting monster attacked and exterminated while at level 1 - they can attack / be attacked by NPCs








From the "meeting", it appears that J-Mods can summon randoms at will.
















Anyway, "Account sharing", is two people on one account, not two accounts for one person, however, is one account was banned (depending on what it was banned for), it may be unwise to draw attention to it as it may reflect badly on the player, in connection with any other accounts.

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Looks like your poor friend is suffering from the massive information overload you get on becoming a pmod - give him time, he'll get over it with a bit of time & experience under his belt. Just don't ask him too much, it's sometimes hard to decide what you can & can't say about being a pmod, and it doesn't sound like he need the aggravation :wink: .




He was your friend first, and Jagex chose him for a reason, so I'm sure he'll be "back to normal" before too long - and he'll appreciate still having your friendship.












Jmods can't be hit with a rubber chicken either :evil: . No fair.

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