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Most unusual gift you've recieved


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Weirdest thing... probably not one yet. I know my parents are getting my brother a condom in March JUST IN CASE! (His 16th lol) Other than that I can't really think of any weird gifts.








16 years old? I would think by then it would be a little too late.








I can't think of any wierd gifts I have gotten before, but one year my dad got a Marilyn Monroe cardboard cutout, we gave it to this restaurant called Celebrity's cafe and from what I heard they put it in the mens bathroom.








I also gave my dad a leg lamp this year cause he likes quoting the father off A Christmas Story.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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Weirdest thing... probably not one yet. I know my parents are getting my brother a condom in March JUST IN CASE! (His 16th lol) Other than that I can't really think of any weird gifts.








16 years old? I would think by then it would be a little too late.








Where I live most people don't start having sex until 15 or 16. My friend got a condom from one of his family members for Christmas (while his girlfriend was with him) but he threw it away. He has pretty much vowed not to have sex until he's older or until he gets married (a decision which respect him greatly for).




As for getting a condom for a gift.. If I got one, I'd keep it. Better to be safe than sorry. :uhh:

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I got a handful of air... MOST AWSOMEIST PRESSIE EVOUR!!!! :shock:








The one post above me... i wouldnt keep that pressie... :shame: :notalk: probably will eat it :ohnoes: nah jk.. i think :shock: :-k

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So far I've received some christmas gifts from my friends...








6 cans of monster, a tupac shirt, and a banana.








So, yes.








I recieved 1 cigarillo strawberry flavored With a filter and one banana

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Weirdest thing... probably not one yet. I know my parents are getting my brother a condom in March JUST IN CASE! (His 16th lol) Other than that I can't really think of any weird gifts.








16 years old? I would think by then it would be a little too late.








Where I live most people don't start having sex until 15 or 16. My friend got a condom from one of his family members for Christmas (while his girlfriend was with him) but he threw it away. He has pretty much vowed not to have sex until he's older or until he gets married (a decision which respect him greatly for).




As for getting a condom for a gift.. If I got one, I'd keep it. Better to be safe than sorry. :uhh:








I have a couple in my room. >.> There's a place by my school where you can get them for free. It's kinda nice, better to be safe than sorry.








As for weird gifts, I haven't gotten anything too strange.


It really has

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2 years ago, my bestfriend gave me a bar of soap! -.-












I don't know what she was trying to tell me but I still accepted it and gave her my gift, which was a set of hairbands :-w












I actually felt offended when I got it but I still used it. I felt quite clean and hygienic afterwards. Not that I'm not clean and hygienic all the time <.<








HAHAHA to tell you the truth I havnt had a bath in a month... it's good to be a kid wierdest gift I've ever had was.... well i got it this christmas i open it up and its a disney princesses wallpaper thing...I was like OMG it was so hard to make myself look like was happy eventually I asked my mom...wah? she said It didnt have anything girly on it looked on it.. ok flowers... peaks with pink flag... pink and purple castle... i want a medieval 1 :XD:

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