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Why won't people just tell me the truth? Am i ugly or...


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well, the subject explains everything, I will get right to the point.








First, my mom always tells me that I'm so "handsome" and a "cute" boy, but my friends always say I'm ugly; Adults (25 or older) think that I'm handsome and people under that think I'm ugly. I don't understand, is it just peoples point of view? because its driving me crazy, I just wanna know how good I look.








Can anyone relate to this? I feel like I'm the only person in the world :? .

"I am free of all prejudices. I hate every one equally." -W. C. Fields

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Everyone is beautiful.




Of course parents will say that your handsome.




And who cares if other people call you ugly, it's how you feel about yourself.




But I think that everyone should feel beautiful


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Yes, I know you all are trying to cheer me up but society is all about looks.








if someone doesn't look good they are unpopular, and doesn't get a girlfriend (which I have a BIG worry about).








Theres no changing that, and thats what I'm worried about... :cry:

"I am free of all prejudices. I hate every one equally." -W. C. Fields

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Your perception of physical beauty changes as you grow up. I remember the girls I liked in high school, and the girls I thought were ugly. Looking back on my yearbook, my opinions have changed, and it's only been a couple years since I left high school. So maybe the "adults" are being honest with you. Younger kids also call other kids ugly because of their own self-consciousness.








And by the way, depending on your age, you really shouldn't be worrying about getting a girlfriend.

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If you've got good self esteem, your looks won't matter. If you believe you look good, you'll have the confidence to get girls, which I'm assuming is the reason for you posting this. They don't care as much about looks as they do confidence/assertiveness.

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If you've got good self esteem, your looks won't matter. If you believe you look good, you'll have the confidence to get girls, which I'm assuming is the reason for you posting this. They don't care as much about looks as they do confidence/assertiveness.








Exactly. If you are confident enough, you will be seen as a charming guy, which adds up for your looks when it comes down to girls.


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"apinagez... let me

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Yes, I know you all are trying to cheer me up but society is all about looks.








if someone doesn't look good they are unpopular, and doesn't get a girlfriend (which I have a BIG worry about).








Theres no changing that, and thats what I'm worried about... :cry:








I beg to differ with that statement. Not all of us women judge men solely on their looks. I know a lot of other people have already said this, but just be confident. Just go out there and strut your stuff like you have something to be proud of, whether you really do or don't :P

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Yes, I know you all are trying to cheer me up but society is all about looks.








if someone doesn't look good they are unpopular, and doesn't get a girlfriend (which I have a BIG worry about).








Theres no changing that, and thats what I'm worried about... :cry:








I beg to differ with that statement. Not all of us women judge men solely on their looks. I know a lot of other people have already said this, but just be confident. Just go out there and strut your stuff like you have something to be proud of, whether you really do or don't :P








I never realized you were female. :oops: Though I should've known by the symbol, but I must have overlooked it.








BTW just don't be over confident.


Me doing staff.

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Yes, I know you all are trying to cheer me up but society is all about looks.








if someone doesn't look good they are unpopular, and doesn't get a girlfriend (which I have a BIG worry about).








Theres no changing that, and thats what I'm worried about... :cry:








I beg to differ with that statement. Not all of us women judge men solely on their looks. I know a lot of other people have already said this, but just be confident. Just go out there and strut your stuff like you have something to be proud of, whether you really do or don't :P








I never realized you were female. :oops: Though I should've known by the symbol, but I must have overlooked it.








BTW just don't be over confident.








Hehe well I am :)








Like Viktor said, don't be over confident, it will make you come off as arrogant and obnoxious. Find a nice medium between confident and humble :wink: If that makes any sense at all.

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Your ugly! :shock: .








Really though, why does it matter? Everyone does not like the same thing, someone can think another is an amazing looking person and to the next that person looks like trash.








If you think you look fine, and if you like the way you look, than thats that.

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Beauty is only skin deep.








Don't presume your good looks and use them as an excuse to be cocky or arrogant, i've seen it done and it looks pathetic. But at the same time have the confidence that you look good enough for any girl you want. Otherwise you might miss a golden opportunity because you're too self conscious. Trust me, despite what the adverts might have to you believe this society is not all about looks.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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It couldn't be that your friends are just joking around, could it?








If other people, who are not your friends, say you're good-looking, and your friends say you're not...You can kinda' guess that your friends are just being stupid.








Then again, you should know if you are or not. Just look at yourself.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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just sing 2 urslef "i am beatiful no matter what you say, words wont bring me down wooaahhhh dont u bring me dont 2day" works 4 me anyho

Quest cape got at 25th july 2007! Did grim tales and mouring end 2 to get same day!

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