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Hmm. Skateboarding..topic? (birthday is today.)


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Well last topic I asked to close cause well..I was bored and just said my birthday was in a couple days..








I KNOW some/most don't care, don't post if you don't care rofl. But yeah, deciding on which shoes I want lol..








I want to get some Nike P-Rods buttt I've never skated Nike's before..Anyone here skate them? Are they good? I've heard they are, so I was going to try them.








Also for fun..what's your best trick? :P








Well..Uh I can ollie an 8 set, and just got tre-flips down (a couple weeks ago) so I'm not sure which one you guys count as better, ollieing an 8 or a tre-flip. But those are my best 2. Of course I can like backside flip, nollie 360 shuv it, 360 shuv it (fakey or regular, w/e lol) oh and I skate goofy. I can double kickflip (only sometimes, I have a hard time getting the last half rotation down..help needed! :P)








That's pretty much it. Oh, I turned 15 an hour and 30 minutes ago. Wahoo lol :roll: .









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somthing about my stance is wrong i think (i put my right foot straight and at the top of the board and my other foot at the back facing left, then when im moving i




change it to both looking left. but i cant ollie doing it that way i have to move my feet the the other way to nollie stance :x but i still cant jump that way i have to be going the other way... so basicly ill have to learn a new stance but im used to this and i cant do it other ways



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

My new site. [bETA]

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......... :( my board just broke in half



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

My new site. [bETA]

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......... :( my board just broke in half








Ughhh... Don't tell me about broken boards. I break mine so quickly and easily it's ridiculous. If I have a board for over a month, it has lasted me a long, long time. One time I literally broke two boards in a week. I bought them from a sale for 20 dollars each. One I broke in two days after nollieing a seven 7. It broke all the way off too, as in the tail flew off the board. The other one took three days to break, and I broke it trying to switch kicky a six stair. It was really funny though, because i was getting so close every time and then I broke the nose and I was like 'oh well, I'll just push it into place and hope it holds until I can land this'. Next shot the tail breaks as well. Naturally, once this happened, me and my mates finished it off by breaking it into as many pieces as possible. My personal record is like 20 or so. When I did that, there was a piece of the board that was just the little square of the trucks... :-w








As for best tricks, I'm a reg skater but I skate tons of switch and nollie (I reckon I can actually skate better on flat switch than reg, but not down stairs or anything else) so on flat my best/favourite trick would have to be nollie inward heel (if you get these down they give you the best feeling every time you land it, because they flow so good) or switch tres, because they've won me so many games of skate against my mates. Down something, I would have to say nollie tre down 5 that took me like a solid hour to land, but I did it kinda ugly though, I almost lost balance and turned to the left and it looked kinda bad, but hey, a nollie tre down five is a nollie tre down five so I shouldn't complain about it.








Ahh, memories, I have been skating since I was 10 and I'm 15 now and many of my good memories have been skating with friends back in the day when we were all learning. Now we still have an awesome time, pushing ourselves and each other to do bigger crazier stuff.








By the way, a little tip for skaters, get ankle braces and knee braces if your ankles and/or knees are prone to injury. I've busted ankles so many times and even rolled an ankle while wearing an ankle brace (lucky I was wearing it because if I hadn't my ankle might have fractured)








If anyone lives in Melbourne, Australia the sets I'm talking about are the clifton hill skatepark 6 and the MLC 5, although I'm not sure what the 7 is called it is in a church in Kew.








Also a question for skaters. What clothes do you wear to skate - tight, punk rocker-ish clothes a la Dustin Dollin or baggy 'homie' gear like Brandon Biebel? Personally, I go with the baggy stuff, because it's so much more comfortable.








P.S Happy birthday, I would get nike P-Rods if I were you, just because It's P-Rod, Have you seen Him Lately? If you haven't seen Forecast, I strongly recommend you see his part, His ender is a switch Inward heel down the 11 that Jeremy Rodgers Switch Tres in the DVS vid. Crazy stuff.


Free to Player fo' life!

99/99 skateboarding :p

why dont you use this awesome thing i like to call common sense. Its done wonders for me, ive never been hacked, scammed or anything like that.
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I tried skating once, didn't work out too good. A lot of my friends skate so I know a lot about it, and I watch a lot of it when it comes on tv, like on the X-Games.








Rodney Mullen ftw!

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Happy Birthday ;)








I used to skate when I was younger. I wasn't very good (best trick was a double kickflip, and the second one was because I didn't put my feet back on the board quick enough :P). I always wore Vans and I don't think Nike made skate shoes when I skated (~5 years was the last time I skated).








Oh and I skated goofy too ::' I got a snowboard for Christmas (a pretty cheap one) and I have to take it back because I can't switch the feet things to goofy instead of regular :(

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I love skating!








We are about the same in our best tricks, except my tres aren't quite down just yet. I haven't gotten up the courage to throw myself down this 10 set in town, its scary :ohnoes:








Just some advice, DO NOT get Nike Zoom Tres....they blow...hardcore. I'm wearing Es shoes right now, cant think of which ones though lol. I have an almost deck, it rocks, i highly recommend them.








well, i think i'm going to go skate now. \'

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Happy Birthday ;)








I used to skate when I was younger. I wasn't very good (best trick was a double kickflip, and the second one was because I didn't put my feet back on the board quick enough :P). I always wore Vans and I don't think Nike made skate shoes when I skated (~5 years was the last time I skated).








Oh and I skated goofy too ::' I got a snowboard for Christmas (a pretty cheap one) and I have to take it back because I can't switch the feet things to goofy instead of regular :(

Just unscrew the bindings
The world would be a whole lot better if little green men in UFO's came down to earth to abduct rednecks.
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Just unscrew the bindings








When I first got it I thought that's all I've have to do. But since it's a cheap board I would have to drill new holes since they put on the binding in at an angle so it can't be changed from regular to goofy. So if I switched the bindings around it would still be in regular stance.

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I used to skate, goofy style.








I could catch my heelflips a foot off the ground, do varial kickflips, big spins, boardslides, 50-50s, and noseslides.

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......... :( my board just broke in half








Ughhh... Don't tell me about broken boards. I break mine so quickly and easily it's ridiculous. If I have a board for over a month, it has lasted me a long, long time. One time I literally broke two boards in a week. I bought them from a sale for 20 dollars each. One I broke in two days after nollieing a seven 7. It broke all the way off too, as in the tail flew off the board. The other one took three days to break, and I broke it trying to switch kicky a six stair. It was really funny though, because i was getting so close every time and then I broke the nose and I was like 'oh well, I'll just push it into place and hope it holds until I can land this'. Next shot the tail breaks as well. Naturally, once this happened, me and my mates finished it off by breaking it into as many pieces as possible. My personal record is like 20 or so. When I did that, there was a piece of the board that was just the little square of the trucks... :-w








As for best tricks, I'm a reg skater but I skate tons of switch and nollie (I reckon I can actually skate better on flat switch than reg, but not down stairs or anything else) so on flat my best/favourite trick would have to be nollie inward heel (if you get these down they give you the best feeling every time you land it, because they flow so good) or switch tres, because they've won me so many games of skate against my mates. Down something, I would have to say nollie tre down 5 that took me like a solid hour to land, but I did it kinda ugly though, I almost lost balance and turned to the left and it looked kinda bad, but hey, a nollie tre down five is a nollie tre down five so I shouldn't complain about it.








Ahh, memories, I have been skating since I was 10 and I'm 15 now and many of my good memories have been skating with friends back in the day when we were all learning. Now we still have an awesome time, pushing ourselves and each other to do bigger crazier stuff.








By the way, a little tip for skaters, get ankle braces and knee braces if your ankles and/or knees are prone to injury. I've busted ankles so many times and even rolled an ankle while wearing an ankle brace (lucky I was wearing it because if I hadn't my ankle might have fractured)








If anyone lives in Melbourne, Australia the sets I'm talking about are the clifton hill skatepark 6 and the MLC 5, although I'm not sure what the 7 is called it is in a church in Kew.








Also a question for skaters. What clothes do you wear to skate - tight, punk rocker-ish clothes a la Dustin Dollin or baggy 'homie' gear like Brandon Biebel? Personally, I go with the baggy stuff, because it's so much more comfortable.








P.S Happy birthday, I would get nike P-Rods if I were you, just because It's P-Rod, Have you seen Him Lately? If you haven't seen Forecast, I strongly recommend you see his part, His ender is a switch Inward heel down the 11 that Jeremy Rodgers Switch Tres in the DVS vid. Crazy stuff.








Ooh yeah I love P-Rod. He's an amazing skater.








As for clothes, I wear tight punk rocker-ish (as you call it :P) pants. They are so much lighter, and they are really combfortable. It's easier to do tricks with them.








@ insane - Lol yeah I can heelflip also..Not that high though. I can't big spin, I have trouble with those..But varial kicks, boardslides, 5050's and stuff I can do that though.








Thanks for the replys guys, and yeah I'm never getting the nike zoom tre's whoever said it (sorry forgot who). They look ugly as hell for one thing (not that I care about looks I go for comfort & durability) but they just look bad. I can't do much stuff switch yet..I can nollie though, nollie shuv it, nollie 360 shuv it..half cab. Can't full cab though.








Can anyone give me tips on how like..when you're doing a 180, how do you land with a pivot? Like when you are going to land, you pivot the rest of the way though. It looks sick lol, and how do you land with a revert to? I can't figure it out.. :x

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Happy birthday to you!








I wear Converse. I have the same black pair that I've had for over three years now.
















Had a graffiti artist friend of mine draw some kitties on them! :D








Converse are super comfortable... and light. Everyone I know who skates, skates in them or in Vans.

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Can anyone give me tips on how like..when you're doing a 180, how do you land with a pivot? Like when you are going to land, you pivot the rest of the way though. It looks sick lol, and how do you land with a revert to? I can't figure it out.. :x








Just pivot on the nose without ollieing a couple times. When that feels comfortable then do a little ollie and land on the nose and pivot it like you would on the ground. This technique is especially useful for back 180s and full cabs, both of which I can't actually do without pivots. Just be careful because pivoting can lead to bad habits for stairs because you can't pivot down most sets of stairs. As for reverts do the same thing, but make sure you are skating on a smooth surface otherwise you won't be able to do it very easily.








We are about the same in our best tricks, except my tres aren't quite down just yet. I haven't gotten up the courage to throw myself down this 10 set in town, its scary :ohnoes:








I had the same problem. Just jump down the set without your board first to get the feel of the set. Then when you feel comfortable just go as fast as possible and ollie. First shot you don't need to commit, you can just shove the board away, that just gives you the feeling that 'yes, I'm not going to die doing this.' After that you should feel pretty comfortable. Also use the fear and adrenalin to your advantage.








Also for anybody who wants to see it I just put my nollie tre on youtube. Here is the link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tshweLNVoQ0


Free to Player fo' life!

99/99 skateboarding :p

why dont you use this awesome thing i like to call common sense. Its done wonders for me, ive never been hacked, scammed or anything like that.
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Thanks for the tip pret! Well my mom just ordered the complete I wanted, and I got money for a pair of shoes. Sis and brother got me a hoodie, but I'm going to exchange it tomorrow for a different one (I like it but it's a little to heavy, I wanted something lighter a bit).








Yeah. I can backside 180 without the pivot, it's harder though. Ollieing sets I totally agree. First time, just kick your board away. Land on your feet and pretty much fall, but roll when you do, it hurts less. And if you land on your feet straight from ollieing a 10 that'd hurt :P.








@knives-Heh I have a pair of converse..I was skating my geoff rowley 3's (vans) a while ago but I started skatin my es. I don't skate converse, definately not enough coushin.








@gin&tonic-Yeah project 8 is a sick game. I don't have 360 but I have a xbox, definately fun.








--edit. Your youtube vid doesn't work. Says unavailable.








My friend actually said nollie tre's are easier, I have no doubt they are. Once I get my nollie flip down (I can somewhat flip it now :P) but I have nollie 360 shuv it's down so good now, so once I get nollie kickflips down..I'll be set.

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My friend actually said nollie tre's are easier, I have no doubt they are. Once I get my nollie flip down (I can somewhat flip it now :P) but I have nollie 360 shuv it's down so good now, so once I get nollie kickflips down..I'll be set.








Nollie tres are definately easier than normal tres, especially for me because of my ankles, it hurts sometimes when I do normal tre. For some reason (probably the ankle) I can switch tre better than normal tre... the logic doesn't work at all, but hey if you up to it, I recommend giving any trick a shot - you never know what you can do until you try. Hey since you got nollie 360 shuvs down, just place your back foot a little closer to your front and angle it pointing to the tail, very much like that of a normal tre but in reverse. Then pop it just like a nollie 360 shuv. I guarantee you will at least get the flip of a nollie tre.








This is a great topic you started. Now I finally have somewhere to talk to everyone here about skating.


Free to Player fo' life!

99/99 skateboarding :p

why dont you use this awesome thing i like to call common sense. Its done wonders for me, ive never been hacked, scammed or anything like that.
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My friend actually said nollie tre's are easier, I have no doubt they are. Once I get my nollie flip down (I can somewhat flip it now :P) but I have nollie 360 shuv it's down so good now, so once I get nollie kickflips down..I'll be set.








Nollie tres are definately easier than normal tres, especially for me because of my ankles, it hurts sometimes when I do normal tre. For some reason (probably the ankle) I can switch tre better than normal tre... the logic doesn't work at all, but hey if you up to it, I recommend giving any trick a shot - you never know what you can do until you try. Hey since you got nollie 360 shuvs down, just place your back foot a little closer to your front and angle it pointing to the tail, very much like that of a normal tre but in reverse. Then pop it just like a nollie 360 shuv. I guarantee you will at least get the flip of a nollie tre.








This is a great topic you started. Now I finally have somewhere to talk to everyone here about skating.








Haha awesome, definately have to try that out tomorrow. Same, I never realized that no one had started one so figured I did since it was my birthday and I love skating.








Wow I'll be so stoked if I can nollie tre lmao. :P

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C'mon there must be more skaters than this. Don't let this topic die...


Free to Player fo' life!

99/99 skateboarding :p

why dont you use this awesome thing i like to call common sense. Its done wonders for me, ive never been hacked, scammed or anything like that.
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I can skateboard. Not saying that im good or anything tho but i can. Me and my mates hit up the skatepark sumtimes when we are board just for a laugh we usually just kill ourselfs but its fun. I can do simple movies like ollie about a metre high, kickflip and heel flip shove its and stuff. I dont really do it to get good just to have a bit of fun every now and then so yeh.

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