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Just saying - Comparison between RS and other MMORPG


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Hey, I'm back after three months hiatus and I've got a story to tell.








The story begins with a server crash in the world of RuneScape, about three months ago.




The server I was playing on went down while I was PK'ing, leading to the loss of several




mildly valuable items due to Dragons. Now I am not, and never have been, a serious




PK'er, so when I venture into the wild I bring only what I can afford (and expect) to lose.




In this case I was testing out my ranging skills with the help of a Ranging Potion and the 15% prayer.




I was very pleased with the results, having PKed another PKer, leaving me with a full set




of Rune Armor and a D Longsword. In search of new targets, I ran across the dragon pit




located in Lv 13-17 wild, just as the server crashed. A person without a Dragonfire shield can




last only so long against vicious, fire breathing dragons, so when I logged back on (after the




servers had been fixed) I found myself in Lumbridge. Now like I said, the things I'd brought with




me were things I could afford to lose, but if you're like me, losing -anything-, -ever-




really puts you in a bad mood, to the point where you don't want to play for the rest of the day.




So I closed down RuneScape and looked around the internet for some other MMORPGs.




The name I found was 'Ragnarok Online'. This was a game I'd come across before, before




I'd even started playing RuneScape, but the long download time for the game client




meant I couldn't play it, since as the time I was on dial-up internet.








Well, when I found 'Ragnarok Online' the second time I had the fastest internet




money could buy, so the download took less than half an hour. After creating an account




and locating a few databases and fansites for the game to get me started,




I started playing.




Now, since this is a RuneScape forum I wont give you all the details of RO, but you are able




to make more than one character. It's not like in RuneScape where one character can do




everything and anything. In RO, only Mage characters can use Magic. Only Archers can




shoot arrows. Only Knights can use swords. It's very class specific. I started with an Archer,




since Ranging was always my favorite thing in RuneScape, even if I was never very good




at it. I started on the tutorial and met another person almost immediately. This person was an




experienced player just making a new character, and he helped me learn the basics




of the game. Soooo ...








Difference #1:








In RuneScape, players can't talk to each other in the tutorial, so new players




can get no helpful advice from experienced players, and likewise new players




can't meet other new players in a closed environment with only other newbs, so when




they try to make friends in the real world there are tons of other more experienced




players making fun of them for no apparent reason.








In Ragnarok, players can communicate in the tutorial, meaning a newbie can get help




from veteran players, and newbs can make friends with each other and train together.








Advantage: Ragnarok












When I finished the tutorial and reached the mainland, I noticed there were no people




shouting at each other trying to buy and sell goods.












Difference #2








In RuneScape, the only way to buy or sell anything is to take your money and your items




into a crowded area, shout for hours what you want to buy/sell, and hope somebody can help you out.








RO has a buying/selling system that can only be used by Merchant class characters,




where players can put items in a shop with a brief description of the shop and set item prices.




This puts a little window over your head where you're standing, and other players can enter




your shop and view your wares just by clicking. This system is so secure to the point of being




practically scam-proof, which means virtually no item scamming goes on in the world of RO.








Advantage: Ragnarok












I was sitting in town for a few minutes when another person, around the same level




as me judging by the appearance, walked up and asked if I 'Want to party?'.




No, this person was not offering me drugs as I first thought ...












Difference #3








RuneScape's idea of a party system is a cape which changes the dots on your minimap




different colors.








Ragnarok Online has a very detailed, yet also very simple party system which allows characters




to join a group of people with the option to share XP as long as all party members are within




10 levels of each other. There is an integrated party chat system, which allows party members




to communicate with each other no matter where they are. You can address the party




all at once, or open a private chat room with another member.








Advantage: Ragnarok












I was in the party for a short while, going through a dungeon of undead monsters




with a group of 4-5 other people, when a monster labeled 'Succubus' ran up at a high




speed and promptly killed the entire party.












Difference #4








In RuneScape, monsters stay where they belong ... if you want to fight something, you




go to the monsters habitat and fight it. They don't come to you. If you want to fight a boss,




you go to the boss' lair and fight it. It's always going to be there, and if someone




else is fighting it you can switch to a different world.








In Ragnarok, there is an item called a 'Dead Branch', which summons a random monster




(anything from a lv1 monster with 45 HP to a Lv99 monster with 1,000's of HP)




next to the person who uses it. These items can be used anywhere you wish,




except inside a town. Extremely rich players can buy hundreds of them and summon




a veritable swarm of monsters anywhere they want, killing anyone they want, except




the very strong and experienced. Popular training spots are often filled with




extremely powerful monsters, which can put a stop to your training for hours, and




since there are only three servers, and each character can only play on the server




in which it was created, there is nothing you can do about it. Likewise, boss




monsters have very long respawn times, anywhere between 30 minutes to 24 hours for some,




so if you want to fight a boss you have to camp out on the map where it appears and wait.








Advantage: RuneScape












As soon as I was killed, I got a sinking feeling in my stomach, but then I realized that hey ..




I hadn't dropped all my items! And I hadn't respawned somewhere else! A Priest character




came along and brought our whole party back to life, after one of his friends had




dispatched the monster which had killed us in the first place.












Difference #5








In RuneScape, if you die you lose all but three of your items. This means you can




save up money for months to buy an item, and lose it as soon as you try to use it due




to a stupid mistake or whatever.








In Ragnarok, if you die all you lose is some XP. Nothing else to say about that. Since you




wont be losing your items, you are willing to take more risks, which leads to more exploration




and whatnot.








Advantage: Ragnarok
















Anyway, those five differences tell you enough about the game.








In RuneScape, players benefit off the death of their fellow players, which leads




to things like luring, backstabbing, and general scamming. Item scamming is




not only profitablle, it's positively easy, and any noob can learn to scam effectively.




Without a party/clan system, 90% of all would-be clans fall apart in days, so most people




just play alone with the odd friend or two.








In Ragnarok, since scamming is all but impossible, and there is nothing to be gained




by leading other players to their death, all the would-be scammers leave the game early on,




after realizing they wont be able to get rich quick, without any work. This leads to a community




of kind, helpful players who are more than willing to give a newbie to the game a helping hand.




The people are so nice it's ridiculous. I used to think the community was a minor part of the game,




but after a few months playing RO I realize it makes -all- the difference.




















That's exactly why I came back to RuneScape. Since Ragnarok is based on Players against




The Game, instead of Players against Other Players, it lacks the cut-throat viciousness




and cold hearted ruthlesness that drew me to RuneScape in the first place. If I




want to have a good time with my friends, playing a game and taking out monsters and




all that jazz, I'd play Ragnarok. If I want cold blooded, backstabbing, heartless players




doing whatever it takes to hurt everyone around them, I'd play RuneScape.








Anyway see you later.

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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Meh. I've seen other mmorpgs, and they're fun. Most more fun then runescape. But they're also more expensive. I prefer good ole runescape for my mindless timewasting. Most good games are just getting too expensive. But other than that i agree. My current favorite f2p game is Eternal Lands which is amazingly fun and has a nice community.








The only problem is there isn't as much to do. You yourself said you're restricting to very specific weapons/skills. That would kill me, not being able to suddenly go from to mining/smithing. Sorry, but for variety and cheapness, I'll stick with RS.

P2P forever!... Or at least 'til <insert excuse here> happens


98% of people have signatures with made up statistics in them. If you're one of the 2% that doesn't, copy this and add it to your signature.

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But like I said, you can make multiple characters (in fact, the update on Tuesday




brings maximum # of characters up to 7), and there are 18 different classes to choose from.




And! When you reach Lv99 you have the option to 'Transcend', where you start over




at Lv1, but as you develop you get more powerful skills than normal characters.




(As in, if you are a Wizard and you reach Lv99, you can Transcend into a High Wizard,




giving you wider skill options and higher stats.)








I'll admit though ... the price isn't very high, but it's higher than RS. That was one of the




differences between the two that I chose not to list, since price doesn't really affect












Also, I'd like to change comparison #5 to a draw between RS and RO. True, it's nice to




not lose items when you die, but fighting bosses in RO doesn't really get my heart




pumping because there's really nothing to lose. When I go up against the KQ, my adrenaline




is flowing, I break out in a cold sweat, and my heart is going 100 beats a minute, because there's




some rick involved. So yeah, that's a tie on comparison #5.

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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Sounds interesting...too bad that so far it is anime style, wich I don't like.




But is only 7 U$s and in my country (Argentina) there are shops to buy




playing time, unlike Runescape while I need to pay via Western Union (each




dollar is worth 3,1 $ here, so I end paying more than 3 times the normal, add




the W.Union fee....oh hell). I might try it when my membership on RS runs




out, on April.








Edit: Aaahh :-# !!! a 785 MB download!! :shock:

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Difference #6:








In RunEscape, players have over a hundred things to do with over 15 skills that don't involve combat and dozens of quests leaving gameplay very open to the player.








In Ragnarok, there isn't much anything else to do than fight and grind long hours (even days) just to get to a reasonably high level. It took me a month of nonstop play at double experience rate in one week to reach level 68 for my secondary job change.








Advantage: RunEscape.








PS. What RS doesn't have over RO is another thing: Monks. ^^

"300 programmers make their futile but glorious last stand against 1000000 angry players in The battle of Misthalin. They fight for honor, glory and new content sacrificing themselves so that their game may live on. This is Madness! This Is JAGEEEX!"
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The general principles you numbered there for RO is identical to FlyFF (Fly For Fun). RO & FlyFF are just a long line of generic MMORPG where you basically do the same boring stuff.








RS largest advantage is it's open-ended style gameplay.

The first principle is you must not fool yourself - and you are the easiest person to fool --- Richard P. Feynman

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I think the reason RO was so appealing when I first started playing was that it was -new-.








You say RuneScape has alot of variety, but after three years it gets a little old.

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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Meh its sorta the same with me...








I started my brother on maplestory (sidescrolling p.o.s. mmorpg) when i stopped playing runescape (i've been clean over a month now :D - was way too addicted) i started helping my bro out some by reading some guides getting some neat armor for him...








basically i enjoy the changes from rs... The community is the biggest change with people actually being quite helpful in many areas... Of all the mmorpg's i have tried runescape has the worst community... its pretty terrible...











I think the reason RO was so appealing when I first started playing was that it was -new-.








You say RuneScape has alot of variety, but after three years it gets a little old.








Same thing here... I have played runescape since a month after rs2 was released... it just got so boreing... I never had the patience to lvl past 81 in a single skill... I spent all my time money making and such... it was much more exiciteing then training waiting for some stupid drop i could get in an hour merching or barrowing...




New sigzor^^

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sounds no difference from maplestory...mostly the same thing everywhere <.<








EDIT: OMG my baddd!! those people are seriously serious game players, extremely good community and just :shock: their fan art page! <3: all anime/manga fans


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Well i like the way it works about pking here, can you even pk in that game and what do you earn?








Loosing items is one part of rs that makes it fun to play. Without that i doubt that pking would be fun.

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Difference #4








In RuneScape, monsters stay where they belong ... if you want to fight something, you




go to the monsters habitat and fight it. They don't come to you. If you want to fight a boss,




you go to the boss' lair and fight it. It's always going to be there, and if someone




else is fighting it you can switch to a different world.








In Ragnarok, there is an item called a 'Dead Branch', which summons a random monster




(anything from a lv1 monster with 45 HP to a Lv99 monster with 1,000's of HP)




next to the person who uses it. These items can be used anywhere you wish,




except inside a town. Extremely rich players can buy hundreds of them and summon




a veritable swarm of monsters anywhere they want, killing anyone they want, except




the very strong and experienced. Popular training spots are often filled with




extremely powerful monsters, which can put a stop to your training for hours, and




since there are only three servers, and each character can only play on the server




in which it was created, there is nothing you can do about it. Likewise, boss




monsters have very long respawn times, anywhere between 30 minutes to 24 hours for some,




so if you want to fight a boss you have to camp out on the map where it appears and wait.







as in guildwars game when you go to wild and fite monsters for xp the game auto. makes you a copy of the wild and your the only one who will be in the wild unless you take a party some people with you then you and your party only in the whole world..

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