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~Nintendo Ds Vs. Sony PSP~

Guest skater789

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The DS graphics are horrible, PSP graphics will own them any day.








Anyway, PSP has a wide selection of games, and a portable movie player. The DS games are mainly Mario games (why did i give that a capital letter?), which get a bit boring. (Get? Why am I saying get? They ARE ALREADY boring)













"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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(Get? Why am I saying get? They ARE ALREADY boring)








Objectiveness FTW.








I am a hardcore PC-only-ist, yet the games I have spent the most time on over the past month have been emulated versions of Mario 3 and Super Mario World.








If you think graphics are all that make a system then that's fine. You're just wrong, is all.

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How is the DS innovative?








the dual screen and stylus makes it more fun and makes it something different than all other hand held devises








There you go. The PSP has replicas of PS1 games, the DS has new games with a new interface. +1 for the DS from me.








DS has new games? HAHA. I just looked at the Play.com main DS page. It was full of old games and generic movie games. Mario, Star Wars, Need for Speed and The Sims.








The PSP doesn't have games replica of PS1, in the same way that DS doesn't have Gamecube replicas. They're new, but not original. As I say alot around here now; being unique doesn't make it better.








Personally I think buying UMD movies at ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã15 each to watch on a tiny screen is a rip off, when most of the dvds I buy are under ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã10...would rather buy a portable dvd player.








Would you honestly be willing to lug it around with you? Although the screen on a PSP is "tiny", it's very generous for it's overall size. Besides, think about how big portable DVD players are, they aren't exactly going to be a whole world of size different. I mean, why not just drag around a HDTV and whole surround sound with you?












But, if you really want to know, PSP gets my vote.








It's just so much more versatile. Let's say i'm playing a game during a train ride. But, it's about to stop. What do I do? Turn it off and then just wait? Nope, pause the game and turn on some music. But I have a stop at an internet cafe, do I turn the game back on? No way, that will just make me forget about what I ordered. I can switch on the Wi-fi and have a quick browse. And once i've finished, I can close the browser and switch the music back on. Or even if the cafe didn't have a wi-fi hotspot, I can flick on a movie, or perhaps an episode of a show I wanted to watch.




With a battery life of 7 hours, far longer than I plan to be out, I don't see how you can lose.








I don't care about innovative gaming, many people I know who bought a DS lost their stylus. One of whom actually dropped their DS and snapped the screen off.












X vs Y topics are so stupid and repetitive. You get a few posts and it then turns to childish bickering. "OMH NO MINE R BETAR CUS MY GAMES > YOURS LOLPWNT".

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I wish people would stop saying that a.) The DS has crap graphics and b.) The PSP has rubbish games. Neither is true.








With the DS, there are some very very good looking games, things like Metroid and Nintendogs. They are made by Nintendo themselves, who are obviously going to go all out on their own games. However things such as Fifa and Spongebob come along, which are churned out by Ubisoft and EA and the like every year, without any care taken at all, and they do look crap.








Also, the PSP doesnt have terrible games. A lot are remakes of ps1 games, (Wipeout, ridge racer etc.) but this isnt necesarilly a bad thing. Lumines, Wipeout, Star Wars Battlefront, all amazingly fun games.

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Wait...so because it added a pointless 2nd screen and has a lot more crappy graphic games its more innovative? and I dont know a single PS1 title on the PSP








Metal gear solid portable ops




Burnout legends

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DS has new games? HAHA. I just looked at the Play.com main DS page. It was full of old games and generic movie games. Mario, Star Wars, Need for Speed and The Sims.







A PSP owner complaining about the DS' game library? :lol: You should check Gamefaqs' top PSP games to see that over half of them are game conversions. How many of the top DS games are? None.








They're new, but not original. As I say alot around here now; being unique doesn't make it better.




Only that PSP games are neither. From reviews I've read there are 3 purchase worthy games.








It's just so much more versatile...




My DS does everything you wrote your PSP can do and it cost me less.








With a battery life of 7 hours, far longer than I plan to be out




Try 4-5 (which the DS doubles on the 2 lowest brightness settings).








One of whom actually dropped their DS and snapped the screen off.




The DS is not perfectly built, but the PSP is built cheaply and breaks easily. You can get one with buttons that break easily and a screen with as much as 10 dead pixels. O








To quote Maddox:




Sony's strategy towards portable gaming seems to be to take the same [cabbage]ty first generation Playstation games that weren't great to begin with, and make them portable so now we can take an example of Sony's utter-inability-to-stop-sucking with us everywhere we go. Nobody wants to buy movies in your stupid proprietary format, [wagon]!
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A psp with a screen of more than 5 dead pixels can be returned for a new one. There is also a video which flashes different colours to bring dead pixels back to life. Who is stupid enough to drop their psp? Well I have #-o But nothing broke.

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Oh and by the way, psp's can illegaly play ps1, ps2, gameboy, gameboy advance and DS games.
















Soon to be legal for PS1 games. :D Download onto memory stick.








Tis true \:D/ Ahh some of the old ps1 games. I really want the original metal gear solid, 2 cd's If I can remember right?









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There is also a video which flashes different colours to bring dead pixels back to life.








Also frequently referred to as stuck pixels, dead pixels represent pixels within the LCD display that do not function. Dead pixels are not repairable on an individual level








You can't fix dead pixels.








Stuck pixels are different.

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The DS graphics are horrible, PSP graphics will own them any day.








Well the Xbox has better graphics than the N64. Graphics don't make the game. I can't believe so many people are so worried about graphics. Would you play an (educational) game intended for small children because it's graphics were superior to your computer's graphics? I doubt it. Gameplay > Graphics








Who is stupid enough to drop their psp? Well I have #-o But nothing broke.








Not many people purposely drop their electronics. :roll:

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I have a psp, and my brother has a DS, and i think that the psp is much better. Ds's are for gilrs who like aimless, boring, pointless crappy games like nintendogs. :shock:




Someone name me some good games for boys which we'll enjoy on the DS :XD: (Excluding Metroid prime hunters :-# )


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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Someone name me some good games for boys which we'll enjoy on the DS :XD: (Excluding Metroid prime hunters :-# )








Why not focus on what games are fun rather than what games are for what gender (which is a puerile concept anyway)? Do you need to prove your manliness by playing games 'for boys'? That would be pretty insecure.








I have played on New SMB, Electroplankton and Brain Age on a friend's DS - does that make me a girl?

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I have a psp, and my brother has a DS, and i think that the psp is much better. Ds's are for gilrs who like aimless, boring, pointless crappy games like nintendogs. :shock:




Someone name me some good games for boys which we'll enjoy on the DS :XD: (Excluding Metroid prime hunters :-# )








Quite insecure about your sexuality there, aren't you? I know TONS of guys who have DS's. And I think you should refrain from comments about how a system is for one gender or the other. That's like saying the PS2 is for males and girls should go play the Gamecube. Of course, I know girls who have DS's but I know very few people who own or would even think of buying a PSP. And do you really want me to name some games that males will enjoy? None. You will never find a game that everyone enjoys. Guess what? There are no games for the PSP that everyone enjoys either. Next time you post, be sure you aren't being a sexist moron. And don't let Issy see you being one either.

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How is the DS innovative?








the dual screen and stylus makes it more fun and makes it something different than all other hand held devises








There you go. The PSP has replicas of PS1 games, the DS has new games with a new interface. +1 for the DS from me.








Because Nintendogs and Metroid [and the soon to be] Pokemons aren't similiar to their old ones at alllllllllllllllll.


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I have a psp, and my brother has a DS, and i think that the psp is much better. Ds's are for gilrs who like aimless, boring, pointless crappy games like nintendogs. :shock:




Someone name me some good games for boys which we'll enjoy on the DS :XD: (Excluding Metroid prime hunters :-# )




you say there for girls?... you said your brother has one and the new super mario bros is a good one for boys.

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Guest AshKaYu



How is the DS innovative?








the dual screen and stylus makes it more fun and makes it something different than all other hand held devises








There you go. The PSP has replicas of PS1 games, the DS has new games with a new interface. +1 for the DS from me.








Because Nintendogs and Metroid [and the soon to be] Pokemons aren't similiar to their old ones at alllllllllllllllll.








Because Grand Theft Auto, Mega Man remake and [the soon to be] Final Fantasy Tactics aren't similiar to their old ones at alllllllllllllllll.

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I have a psp, and my brother has a DS, and i think that the psp is much better. Ds's are for gilrs who like aimless, boring, pointless crappy games like nintendogs. :shock:




Someone name me some good games for boys which we'll enjoy on the DS :XD: (Excluding Metroid prime hunters :-# )




you say there for girls?... you said your brother has one and the new super mario bros is a good one for boys.








My brother is 10, so that might be the exception :P I played the new super mario bros. and its way too short, and a bit repetetive too. :shock:


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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