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[Hart|Blog] [93/99 Ranged! 51 Ruby hit, D Boots #28!]

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I got another autoer kill, but yet again I got pked. It was my fault this time, I got teleblocked by a level 111 but E174 took over. I ran south into a 113, I shoulda logged but I wasn't thinking. -.-





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Thanks Hart for inviting me along to KBD earlier!! That was fun! \'




Pity you got pked later! <.<




Piccies of the kbd trip are in my blog Hart if you wanna see them! <3:


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Protect items hasn't been working for me at all lately :(


So I lost all instead of keeping the gold mystic top.


Oh well the kill we got earlier had tele runes, should've taken them, would've saved me. Maybe.




[Ex-Tha Familia3]

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I'm still trying to figure out how to get banners and pics and stuff.




Your a good lurer though and I wish someone gave me 2 red masks.Alli got is a santa




btw i wanna go dking soon so im hoping u can suicide for me :anxious:

Shadow's 1337 Blog


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I'm still trying to figure out how to get banners and pics and stuff.




Your a good lurer though and I wish someone gave me 2 red masks.Alli got is a santa




btw i wanna go dking soon so im hoping u can suicide for me :anxious:




I was really worried when I saw lurer, I thought you were flaming me for breaking the rules. Then I saw your name and was much more relieved.




Of course I'll suicide for you, this time I'm gunna bring a DDS and try and kill Supreme, is that ok?




EDIT: :roll:





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