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Lady Sovereign, the true definition of a chav?


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What exactly is a chav? I never knew the real meaning of it.
















Hmm, I'm guessing, from the picture, that chav means that a person is better than everyone else, and looks down on society? That's what first came to my mind when I saw that.

122 Combat : 99 Hits : 99 Attack : 99 Strength

97/99 Defence : 99 Fletching : 99 Woodcutting

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Hmm, I'm guessing, from the picture, that chav means that a person is better than everyone else, and looks down on society? That's what first came to my mind when I saw that.








Quite the opposite really.








Ohh, I get it.








Now that I understand it, she is a good example for chav.

122 Combat : 99 Hits : 99 Attack : 99 Strength

97/99 Defence : 99 Fletching : 99 Woodcutting

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Hmm, I'm guessing, from the picture, that chav means that a person is better than everyone else, and looks down on society? That's what first came to my mind when I saw that.








Quite the opposite really.








Shouldn't it be someone who THINKS they are better than everyone else?

Supermonk, proving you wrong since 1992.

Supermonk rocks, I want to have his children.

Music is like candy. You always get rid of the rapper.

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Hmm, I'm guessing, from the picture, that chav means that a person is better than everyone else, and looks down on society? That's what first came to my mind when I saw that.








Quite the opposite really.








Shouldn't it be someone who THINKS they are better than everyone else?








That's what I meant. Not someone who IS better than everyone else, but someone that thinks they are.

122 Combat : 99 Hits : 99 Attack : 99 Strength

97/99 Defence : 99 Fletching : 99 Woodcutting

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And this has got what to do with Music & Movies? Yes, she makes music, but that's not really what this topic is about, is it?


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Chavs, Hoodies, Neds, Townies, Charvers, Steeks, Bazzas, Ratboys, Skangers, Scutters, Janners, Stigs, Scallies, Hood Rats etc...








A human subspecies, (sub human scum really), whose only purpose is to breed, commit crime and generally drag our proud country's name down with them.








How to Spot a Chav?








Jewellery is the easiest thing to spot, as Chavs are the only species that wear it all on the outside of their clothing. Normally it's cheap 9c gold and is typically accompanied by a large tag declaring their name. This is incase they forget or need to know the name of the skank they've just bred with.








Chavs are issued with a baseball cap at birth (typically of the burberry variety).








Since Chavs don't own shoes, they are usually issued with prison white trainers (sneakers)








The highest honour that a Chav can ever achieve is a new medal called an ASBO. This is a tracking device installed by our penal system in an effort to prevent said Chav from committing further crimes. Unfortunately, Chavs view this as some kind of reward and like to boast about it to their scummy friends








Hope this helps lol

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I think I must be one of the few people who's had a problem/problems with 'chavs'.








Do you people hate them for the sake of it, or have you actually had negative experiences with them?

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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Some Chavs are quite pathetic but people do sterotype a lot. Once i was walking home with a friend of mine and he had lent his brothers coat, (berghaus) and some random people started shouting at him just because he had the coat on. People forget that a chav is not someone who wear certain clothes but how they act.

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I think I must be one of the few people who's had a problem/problems with 'chavs'.








Do you people hate them for the sake of it, or have you actually had negative experiences with them?








Yeah, I've genuinely had problems with Chavs.








Quite recently, I nipped down to a local shop for some sweets on my way to the cinema. My fiancee came out of the car with me and as we got to the store, I was challanged by four of them.








The cowardly scum knew I couldn't exactly just ignore them since I was with my fiancee (for loss of face), and figured I'd just take whatever they were dishing out.








The comments they made were well, stuff I couldn't repeat. They then blocked my way and spat at my fiancee.








Knowing I was outnumbered I was prepared to try and just back down, before they started pushing me around.




One of them grabbed at my fiancees breast forcing me to react.








The ensuing fight was surprisingly balanced.




I took a bit of damage but dealt a fair amount myself before it was split up by people coming out of the store. The police were called and statements were taken.








The next part you won't believe... two days later the police informed me that one of the scum was bring charges against me!!! (I broke his cheek bone during the fight it seemed).








Thankfully, on a second round of interviews, one of the customers in the store said that it was the chavs that started the fight (although I threw the first punch)








I don't know what I'm more furious about...




These scum attacking me and my partner unprovoked, or the fact that I'm being accused of breaking the law for standing up to them.








It's reached a point where my partner and I are now seriously considering leaving the country. We can't abide living in a place where this kind of thing is tolerated and where scum is protected by the law.








Sorry for the long story, but I'm sure that's just one of millions of untold stories of a similar experience. Thanks for reading lol

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Some Chavs are quite pathetic but people do sterotype a lot. Once i was walking home with a friend of mine and he had lent his brothers coat, (berghaus) and some random people started shouting at him just because he had the coat on. People forget that a chav is not someone who wear certain clothes but how they act.








people also forget that Berghaus are a company who make outdoor equipment and clothing and not chav clothes, as with Rockport (or Rockport up until a few years ago anyway;) shame that chavs adopted these as their own ;)

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I think I must be one of the few people who's had a problem/problems with 'chavs'.








Do you people hate them for the sake of it, or have you actually had negative experiences with them?








Yeah, I've genuinely had problems with Chavs.








Quite recently, I nipped down to a local shop for some sweets on my way to the cinema. My fiancee came out of the car with me and as we got to the store, I was challanged by four of them.








The cowardly scum knew I couldn't exactly just ignore them since I was with my fiancee (for loss of face), and figured I'd just take whatever they were dishing out.








The comments they made were well, stuff I couldn't repeat. They then blocked my way and spat at my fiancee.








Knowing I was outnumbered I was prepared to try and just back down, before they started pushing me around.




One of them grabbed at my fiancees breast forcing me to react.








The ensuing fight was surprisingly balanced.




I took a bit of damage but dealt a fair amount myself before it was split up by people coming out of the store. The police were called and statements were taken.








The next part you won't believe... two days later the police informed me that one of the scum was bring charges against me!!! (I broke his cheek bone during the fight it seemed).








Thankfully, on a second round of interviews, one of the customers in the store said that it was the chavs that started the fight (although I threw the first punch)








I don't know what I'm more furious about...




These scum attacking me and my partner unprovoked, or the fact that I'm being accused of breaking the law for standing up to them.








It's reached a point where my partner and I are now seriously considering leaving the country. We can't abide living in a place where this kind of thing is tolerated and where scum is protected by the law.








Sorry for the long story, but I'm sure that's just one of millions of untold stories of a similar experience. Thanks for reading lol








and that.., is exactly why chav hunting should be legalised and made into an official sport.








heres how it would work..








1. get a bunch of chavs




2. stick them in some woods somewhere




3. give some good, honest, decent, respectful, hardworking people








4. whoever comes back with the most burberry / crappy plastic jewellry wins

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Harrington that sucks man, most chavs are all talk...




My mate's about 15 and on the way back from the train station, 2 of them (one about 1.5ft smaller than him and the other towering over him) started the usual yo yo got a phone blud crap. My mate just laughed at them because we know what most of them are like; the short one decided to say "give me yo phone or ill get you banged." Thinking a minute, my mate said "get me battered? by who?" and the kid replied "er. me." He laughed and said "go on then." And the kid just stood there, obviously crapping his pants at the prospect of having the living crap kicked out of him and being talked back to. As my mate walked off and got 10 yards down the road, they ran up behind him, punched him in the back of the head and RAN OFF STRAIGHT AWAY.




Another one, we decided to catch the bus about 5 stops up the road, I forget what for now, think it was for chinese. Either way we got on the bus, bottom deck, and some kid on the back was shouting random crap at his mate. Being about 14 he didn't say anything to us because he knew what'd happen. His mate, on the bus with him, kept telling him to shut his mouth because he was going to get them battered. They got off the bus before us, not saying a word, and as soon as he got off the bus, THEN he started mouthing off. It really winds me up thinking i'd love to have kicked the crap out of him.




It's pathetic :s

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I think I must be one of the few people who's had a problem/problems with 'chavs'.








Do you people hate them for the sake of it, or have you actually had negative experiences with them?








I think that most people who in a town or city will have had problems with chavs in at least a small way. Getting egged or less directly, having to step over someones vomit in the street are all products of chav mentality. Admitedly, very few people do experience severe harassment by chavs but I think we are all entitled to dislike them for the small things.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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Actually Kidulthood isn't about chavs, it's about 21st century teenagers in West London.








Lady Sovereign is a chav I'd say from her looks, but we aren't to be basing people from steriotypes now are we?



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harrington :(








i really don't like how the UK police works though...how the hell the chav can press charges against you??? it is just self defence.








so technically if there aren't a witness, you could be charged??

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harrington :(








i really don't like how the UK police works though...how the hell the chav can press charges against you??? it is just self defence.








so technically if there aren't a witness, you could be charged??








Yeah, that's what I was threatened with. Apparently I used "Undue force", because I broke it's cheek bone. It doesn't matter that I was outnumbered, inflicting that kind of wound was serious assault apparently. If it wasn't for the witness, it would have at the very least went to court.








American citizens are better protected by their laws.








Other messed up laws in the UK; you're not allowed to attack a burglar in your own home. You are allowed to use restraining techniques, but must not harm them.








Sexual deviants of all types are not revealed to the public. This means you could be living next door to one and never know.








Honestly, here in the UK... it crime really does pay, quite handsomely I might add.

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American citizens are better protected by their laws.








Criminally speaking, perhaps. But you would have been sued, and they would have won. You cannot sneeze for being sued.








Other messed up laws in the UK; you're not allowed to attack a burglar in your own home. You are allowed to use restraining techniques, but must not harm them.








That's not true. Common law self defence states that you may make a pre-emptive strike, that you may defend your property and that you can defend yourself if you think an attack is imminent, which, in a burglary situation, is likely.

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