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Lady Sovereign, the true definition of a chav?


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That's not true. Common law self defence states that you may make a pre-emptive strike, that you may defend your property and that you can defend yourself if you think an attack is imminent, which, in a burglary situation, is likely.








you are an Americano, yes??








what he meant is you will get charged if you do stuff like whack the pathetic burglar with a golf club after the burglar have failed to rob your house, even the burglar have a gun. If you get hurt, well someone will feel sympathetic for you and being blame for not setting the burglar alarm.








this is how "safe" UK is. you try to protect yourself from thugs, you could end up having your dignity and yourself stripped in the prison. The police can't do a thing to protect you. they aren't even on the street unless something big comes up.

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you are an Americano, yes??
















I am English and have studied English law.








What you said about hitting him with a golf club if he had a gun is BS. If you happened to legally own a gun and your house was being burgled by someone with a gun, shooting him would fall within the grounds of reasonable force, let alone hitting him with a golf club.

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There is no police leaflet that makes the claims that you have made.








There is no police leaflet that claims you are not allowed to use reasonable force in self defence, because that would be contrary to the law. There is no police leaflet that claims attacking a burglar with a golf club is unreasonable force when he is armed with a gun.








Stop pretending you know about things. The difference is that I spent 2 years studying English law, and one of the larger areas we covered was self defence. You, on the other hand, are making things up as you go along.

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There is no police leaflet that makes the claims that you have made.








There is no police leaflet that claims you are not allowed to use reasonable force in self defence, because that would be contrary to the law. There is no police leaflet that claims attacking a burglar with a golf club is unreasonable force when he is armed with a gun.








Stop pretending you know about things. The difference is that I spent 2 years studying English law, and one of the larger areas we covered was self defence. You, on the other hand, are making things up as you go along.








Parabola... as a student of law, you must be aware that Scottish law somewhat different from English law? Note my location. I can assure you that reasonable force is permitted, but by reasonable, they actually mean restraining. Were I to premptly attack a burglar in my own home and cause him injury, I would most certainly be charged with assault.








In terms of English law.. there was a nice Cumbrian gentleman recently who was jailed for shooting two burglars. In his case he was outnumbered and his assailants appeared to be armed. He was given 5 years for defending himself.








The law says one thing, but means quite the other. Regardless of what you claim to know, you CANNOT deny that criminals are granted more rights than their victims here in the UK in general.

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If, by that Cumbrian gentleman, you're referring to the old man who lived on a farm and who shot a burglar, he shot him in the back as he was fleeing.








you CANNOT deny that criminals are granted more rights than their victims here in the UK in general.








Yes, I can. They may be granted more rights than they deserve, but it is ludicrous to say they get more rights than their victims. The media just loves to shout about the injustices that occur and the public then conveniently ignore the thousands of cases in which justice is exacted as everyone expects.








I don't profess to know about Scottish law, I hadn't noticed your location.

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BTW, don't think i'm having a go or anything mate...








Ok... here's a true example.








In a town close to where I live a young man (who cannot be named), was prosecuted for violating a teenaged girl (who I know, not directly, but through one other person). BTW, the girl WAS named as the law doesn't protect the names of the victims, just the accused! So she has to suffer the humilation of everyone knowing her and what she's been through.








In the meantime, the violator was on the streets for 8 months while his case was processed (he had confessed btw) (and in that time it has come to light that he commited other crimes).








He was eventually jailed for the offense for a pathetic 18 months, but apparently only has to serve 1 year as he spent some of the 8 months in custody! After good behaviour he was released after 10 months (think it may have been less actually). Anyway, he did 10 months for this hideous crime.








The 10 months spent in jail were frankly, a luxury. The jail cells are comparible to that of a low income family. Complete with the latest games console, mobile phone, dvds etc...








Anyway, upon release, he was given a lots of support in finding a new job, GIVEN a home and a lot of benefits.








To add insult to injury, he was able to appeal the decision to jail him taking up yet more of my tax paying money.








So, 10 months, a free house, job, various luxuries, complete anonymity, benefits etc... all for committing a horrible crime.




Hmm, justice indeed?








I'm to understand that this case is quite typical.








BTW, something I read just a few days ago on a government website. Since Labour have taken power, 120+ murderers who were convicted on and after the year 2000 on a "life sentence" have since been released under the stricture, "sentence served".








Seriously... where the justice?








Sorry, getting way off topic lol. No more I promise regardless of the response

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May as well move this to the Off-Topic forums.








Parabola is by the way, absolutely correct with regards to the law in the UK.








there was a nice Cumbrian gentleman recently who was jailed for shooting two burglars








Oh yes, that lovely gentleman who set up all sort of traps for those burglars.








this is how "safe" UK is. you try to protect yourself from thugs, you could end up having your dignity and yourself stripped in the prison. The police can't do a thing to protect you. they aren't even on the street unless something big comes up.








No, no, no and no. Any judge with at least an ounce of common sense (and trust me, they do) would throw that kind of case out straight away.








Sexual deviants of all types are not revealed to the public. This means you could be living next door to one and never know.








Lots of cases where sexual deviants are named then a mob goes round to their house and assaults, harasses or even murders them. Justice? Not really, particularly when they get the wrong person. Which is the danger, and happens a lot.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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well done for choosing law in college?? :?












i know what I've read. Unless you are going to tell me that those leaflets mislead people.












Right...the media, yes they do try to digs up dirt, but most of those case are likely to be simple things, car crashes, divorce..








if there are injustice like that happens, the system are just flawed. Face it, england's justice system aren't good. And our loving government is planning something good at the moment. :shock: want some green tax?

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England does indeed have a crap justice system, I figured that one out when my friend (term used losely, dont talk to him anymore) tried (and failed) to brick someone's window and they tried to take all 4 of us to the station when we all said it was him and the guy whose house it was said it was him too. ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâì_ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâì

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And then there was the time when happy smilie Mercifull got [bleep]ted in the face for no reason :(



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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What exactly is a chav? I never knew the real meaning of it.
























I just died laughing.












Still...Lady whatever is pretty idiotic...I hate her :boohoo: :thumbsup:


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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every self respecting British person has a bad story to tell about chavs or more than one. I've gotten into fights with chavs 3 or 4 times and every single time it was them who hit first, they just aren't used to people actually fighting back. I hope the chav phenomenon is short lived but i don't know. I'm also planning to leave the country when i can and i think alot of people my age are too. The place is going down the crapper and theres nothing we can do about it.

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wth... stupid filter. I mean punched.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Personly i hate chavs there personalty is worse enough, but crime they commit a bunch of chavs nicked my bmx and also people get along with chavs in school but they hate goths, people that dont like chavs most of them dont like them becuase of there personalties, but people dont like goths because of the way they dress.How is that fair :?:








~Dark~ :twisted:

Runescape - Currently In-active and a cancelled membership due to a broken computer and a cabbage laptop!



(Previously 'Darkknightider', wow that was a bad name :p)

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What do you call a chav in a uniform :?:








Mcdonalds Worker.








~Dark~ :twisted:

Runescape - Currently In-active and a cancelled membership due to a broken computer and a cabbage laptop!



(Previously 'Darkknightider', wow that was a bad name :p)

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There is no police leaflet that makes the claims that you have made.








There is no police leaflet that claims you are not allowed to use reasonable force in self defence, because that would be contrary to the law. There is no police leaflet that claims attacking a burglar with a golf club is unreasonable force when he is armed with a gun.








Stop pretending you know about things. The difference is that I spent 2 years studying English law, and one of the larger areas we covered was self defence. You, on the other hand, are making things up as you go along.








Parabola... as a student of law, you must be aware that Scottish law somewhat different from English law? Note my location. I can assure you that reasonable force is permitted, but by reasonable, they actually mean restraining. Were I to premptly attack a burglar in my own home and cause him injury, I would most certainly be charged with assault.











restrain him as hard as you can without causeing serious damage, the law can't do anything as there is no such thing as minimum force, basically he can be hurt but no broken bones.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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