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Teleporting out of wilderness


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I'm struggling to find any clarity on this question on tip.it - but which teleports work at what levels of wilderness? And do any of them confound teleblock - I mean, does teleblocl only block spells, or also the lyre/ectophial/grand tree seed/jewellry etc?








EDIT: Well, thanks for the replies - though there's precious little clarity there...




Malhavok, tip.it claims the grand tree seed pod (gnome deliver reward) works up to level 30 wilderness, and I'm sure I've read of other items doing the same.

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You can use any telly up to lvl 20 wild, inc spells and items.




21+ no telly will work, including spells and items.








If you are tele-blocked at any wild level NO telly will work, except the Zammy mage that sends you to the abbys.


Geaux Tigers ! Congrats on a great year !

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Doesn't block ECTOPHIAL! It gets around it somehow.... s'what my friend brings all the time to the wild. Hasn't died since he started bringing it.








Ectophail DOES NOT WORK THROUGH TELEBLOCK. I've personally been teleblocked multiple times and tried to tele with my ectophail while RCing, but you can't. I'm going by first-hand experience, not what I was told.

Combat FTL


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You can only use glory below lv 30 wildy. If you are rcer and you got tb and entangled drink sara brew and pray for your escape.

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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You can only use glory below lv 30 wildy. If you are rcer and you got tb and entangled drink sara brew and pray for your escape.








Sure, I always have a dose of Sara brew stashed somewhere.... *NOT*



Other data was removed when acoount got hacked...

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You can only use glory below lv 30 wildy. If you are rcer and you got tb and entangled drink sara brew and pray for your escape.








Sure, I always have a dose of Sara brew stashed somewhere.... *NOT*








Lol :-k








And i think you have found your answers? If you have more problems just post em :thumbsup:

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
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What I remember seeing, of the Ecto / Teleblock thing (maybe it works with other teles too), is that you can be hit by a teleblock while the teleport is beginning, with the result that the teleport completes, but you are teleblocked on arrival.








As for the levels, most work up to level 20 (even the lumbridge home port, though it needs some serious quiet to do it), while the Glory (and possibly the ROL) work up to 30. Problem with the glory is actually similar to the LHP, it can be interrupted, the home port during the long casting, the glory during the place menu.

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