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The complete "Should F2P get updates?" Debate! 5,000 views!


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If Jagex updated f2p, as a f2p player would you get members?




If no: Then why should Jagex update f2p? They aren't getting closer to making you a member.




If yes: Why didn't you just get members anyway? You get members updates, plus that f2p update they did to make you join members.

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what are u smokin?


Cabbage :P




umm i dont think they would use 32 bits - sounds abit excessive to me. 32 bits can store a number up to 4294967295 - and i doubt anyone has that much of somethin in there bank


No, but I'm assuming that there's about 4294967295 different items. Sounds a lot, but if you think about it it seems possible. Also, they would need a normal integer - 16 bits - to record how many you have, but they might also use another long integer to play it safe, or the server might crash when you collect howevermany gold.




I can't find a fault in your calculations, though, but only 1 gig for storing the banks of 5 million players seems a bit weird.




I love the way people make assumptions about the backend of runescape as if they have any clue what lies beneath.




Since Jagex has never opened the source code and database to us any calculations made are utter bull.




i think f2p does need the occasional update. it would shut up most of the f2p whiners which obviously anger the p2p :thumbsup: just give us some bank space and we'll be quiet. 8-)




Jagex already did that in fact they doubled F2P bank space and oh look your still whining didnt shut you up the first time wont shut you up this time.






The bottom line is Jagex provides a free service since F2P don't pay anything can someone please explain why they should get updates?




To ask for MORE is Just ungrateful.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Jagex already did that in fact they doubled F2P bank space and oh look your still whining didnt shut you up the first time wont shut you up this time.




Double f2p bank space? When did they do that?!?!?!? :shock: :-k :? :roll:




The bottom line is Jagex provides a free service since F2P don't pay anything can someone please explain why they should get updates?




To ask for MORE is Just ungrateful.


Jagex does it for their own gain. Without f2p the game wouldn't be nearly as popular and there wouldn't be as many members players. Not to mention f2p makes profit, too. So, care to explain why they shouldn't get updates?




If Jagex updated f2p, as a f2p player would you get members?




I already been a member, but my answer would be "yes". What point are you trying to make with this question?

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Jagex already did that in fact they doubled F2P bank space and oh look your still whining didnt shut you up the first time wont shut you up this time.




Double f2p bank space? When did they do that?!?!?!? :shock: :-k :? :roll:




The bottom line is Jagex provides a free service since F2P don't pay anything can someone please explain why they should get updates?




To ask for MORE is Just ungrateful.


Jagex does it for their own gain. Without f2p the game wouldn't be nearly as popular and there wouldn't be as many members players. Not to mention f2p makes profit, too. So, care to explain why they shouldn't get updates?




1. They didn't double bank space, just added a few spaces. :lol:




2. I did read an interview with Andrew stating that Jagex basically breaks even on F2P in server costs versus advertisements. :-k




I like to look at this argument from both sides, because they both have valid points; however, I tend to lean towards no updates for F2P (despite me currently being F2P :P).




How many of you members can honestly say you've been members for EVERY LAST DAY of your playing time, right when you set foot on Tutorial Island? I'd wager less than 5%, easily. The rest of you probably got fed up with F2P's limitations, and tried out membership. You liked it and decided to regularly pay.




So, if Jagex updated F2P, and made them happier, then they might lose some money because, most likely, more F2Pers would become more and more satisfied with F2P and never bother subscribing.




But what about those that can't afford it? Well, Jagex is only really interested in those that can and will pay for the game. They're in it for the money. They're not here to think "Well, since some F2Pers have no way of paying, we'll just give them lots of updates." That'd be bad business for Jagex. They have to focus on the bigger picture: the fact that many F2Pers have ways of subscribing. And as long as Jagex can draw in more members regularly, then why should they update F2P?




Sure, it wouldn't hurt for a bit more bank space, maybe a small update for F2P. The problems I see about that, though, is that many people would still be unhappy that they didn't get more. It seems a great many people, generally F2P I think, are ungrateful for what they do get, instead of being grateful they got something at all.



Sig credit goes to ThruItAll. :D



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1. They didn't double bank space, just added a few spaces. :lol:





Your wrong and judging by that :lol: you think your smart for having corrected someone. You should probably look into things before trying to correct someone.


Ill admit you probably were not around at the time its was a while ago.






The rest of you probably got fed up with F2P's limitations, and tried out membership. You liked it and decided to regularly pay.


I tried it for 3 months then whent back to F2P the world (P2P) seems to have doubled in size since then.






So, if Jagex updated F2P, and made them happier, then they might lose some money because, most likely, more F2Pers would become more and more satisfied with F2P and never bother subscribing.




Or as ive seen countless times before they only get greedy and it dosent take long until they are after more.






But what about those that can't afford it? Well, Jagex is only really interested in those that can and will pay for the game. They're in it for the money. They're not here to think "Well, since some F2Pers have no way of paying, we'll just give them lots of updates." That'd be bad business for Jagex.
Your Correct


Service providers wont give Jagex a discount if they cant afford their bill.




Sure, it wouldn't hurt for a bit more bank space, maybe a small update for F2P. The problems I see about that, though, is that many people would still be unhappy that they didn't get more. It seems a great many people, generally F2P I think, are ungrateful for what they do get, instead of being grateful they got something at all.


My thoughts exactly and there lies the problem f2p will never be satisfied as f2p I was always just happy with the game I was being given for free.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Sure, it wouldn't hurt for a bit more bank space, maybe a small update for F2P. The problems I see about that, though, is that many people would still be unhappy that they didn't get more. It seems a great many people, generally F2P I think, are ungrateful for what they do get, instead of being grateful they got something at all.
Generally F2P? There are always members complaining about how their last update was pathetic, whether it be because it was too easy or the requirements were too high. Most free players realize we won't get many updates so try to enjoy what we DO get.
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1. They didn't double bank space, just added a few spaces. :lol:


Your wrong and judging by that :lol: you think your smart for having corrected someone. You should probably look into things before trying to correct someone.


Ill admit you probably were not around at the time its was a while ago.

You're probably right. I remember when Jagex added 12 new spaces, but that certainly wasn't a doubling. I've been playing since Christmas '05, I believe. I probably did miss a major F2P bank update. Sorry, I sounded pretty arrogant. I just thought they were exaggerating the size difference. #-o It was before my time, then.




Sure, it wouldn't hurt for a bit more bank space, maybe a small update for F2P. The problems I see about that, though, is that many people would still be unhappy that they didn't get more. It seems a great many people, generally F2P I think, are ungrateful for what they do get, instead of being grateful they got something at all.
Generally F2P? There are always members complaining about how their last update was pathetic, whether it be because it was too easy or the requirements were too high. Most free players realize we won't get many updates so try to enjoy what we DO get.
Personally, I always saw a great deal of complaint when I was totally F2P about how they never got updates. Now though, I've been P2P for a couple months, and I'm beginning to see those members that aren't happy with whatever Jagex does. Makes me wonder why they haven't left the game...



Sig credit goes to ThruItAll. :D



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F2p should get some updates once in a while, probobly like 3 times a year. I don't think they should get too many updates. SO ENJOY THE UPDATES YOU DO GET. F2p is the FULL GAME, but p2p is what we call "expansion pack". F2p is not a demo because demo only have a certain small area. Why do we have the feature of the wilderness? Demo probobly won't have that feature. Trails are timed demo.

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1. They didn't double bank space, just added a few spaces. :lol:


Your wrong and judging by that :lol: you think your smart for having corrected someone. You should probably look into things before trying to correct someone.


Ill admit you probably were not around at the time its was a while ago.

You're probably right. I remember when Jagex added 12 new spaces, but that certainly wasn't a doubling. I've been playing since Christmas '05, I believe. I probably did miss a major F2P bank update. Sorry, I sounded pretty arrogant. I just thought they were exaggerating the size difference. #-o It was before my time, then.




I found a news article from 03 a few days ago about bank space being increased. I didn't realise it was That long ago.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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F2p should, in my opinion, get an occasional update (every 6-7 mnths), BUT, only one that members already have. For example, and update may be something like yew bows or fletching up to maple bows.




I'd rather have that than party room or clan chat. Also, the person who mentioned the canoe system had a good idea. I'd still rather have bank space/holder of random event items, however.




The last time we got bank update was 03!!, i havent even been playing that long.(04/05)


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F2p should get some updates once in a while, probobly like 3 times a year. I don't think they should get too many updates. SO ENJOY THE UPDATES YOU DO GET. F2p is the FULL GAME, but p2p is what we call "expansion pack". F2p is not a demo because demo only have a certain small area. Why do we have the feature of the wilderness? Demo probobly won't have that feature. Trails are timed demo.




You'll probably find that f2p is actually the demo and p2p is the FULL game.




when you play a demo on the xbox/ps2, are you allowed to play the full game? No, which is exactly what f2p is, you get a ''taste'' of the game and then you pay more (e.g you go to the shop and buy the game you play as a demo) and you've got p2p, the full version.




I became f2p today, and I have to say it's a right pain, considering I've been p2p for a year, my bank is almost full on members, luckily I can go back to members tomorrow, but for those who can't it's bye bye to those nice items and back to the basics.




As for members complaining about updates, well it's gonna happen, you can't please everyone.




Then again the question arises that they are paying for it, so should they have the right to complain more?




It's like war, members complaining about updates, f2p complaining about no updates.




Maybe f2p should get updates every once in a while, but it's all about money, if Jagex keep adding new things to f2p how are they going to push f2pers to members and earn money?





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I really don' t know why F2P shouldn' t get a litlle more bankspace. I mean, WHAT WE GET YOU GET! Now tell me why is it such a crime for us to have some more bankspace. You get it too, it' s a win-win situation.

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Then again the question arises that they are paying for it, so should they have the right to complain more?
As I said, maybe in another thread, everybody has the right to complain, however, nobody has the right to demand.




Maybe f2p should get updates every once in a while, but it's all about money, if Jagex keep adding new things to f2p how are they going to push f2pers to members and earn money?
Simple. Add many times more updates to P2P than to F2P as they have been doing. Occasional F2P updates don't ruin the likelihood of a person getting members by enough to make a difference. If the P2P-only updates you are adding don't do the job, maybe it is time to re-think the updates for P2P.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I think that occasional free world updates would be most appriciated. And just a question for all you members: Of all the additional features you have (quests, skills, monsters, dungeons, minigames, etc.), what percentage of them do you think you use on a regular basis?



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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't believe that F2P get any choice in the matter of if they get updates or not. Not as if they can complain on the forums or anything -.-




But honestly. P2P freaked out when the Party Room was moved to Falador. "F2P don't deserve updates," most cried out in unison.


I don't recall F2Pers ever saying "Hey Jagex! Give us the Party Room!" If anything, F2P gets updates whether or not they want to.




Does anyone really 'deserve' an update? If we turn in our homework and mow the lawn do we deserve the next update?


You're paying to USE the game. You're not paying to decide which updates are given or not.


If your favorite rollercoaster is painted a different color, just because you bought the season pass to the park doesn't entitle you to determining if they should change it or not.

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Debates like this just show you how selfish and arrogant people are. F2P does not deserve updates. P2P does not deserve updates. NO ONE DESERVES TO PLAY RUNESCAPE. Read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Do you see play runescape in there? No? So quite saying "JagEx needs to give me updates". That goes for p2p and f2p.




Now, should F2P get updates? Yes, about once every 3 months or so. Like say, holiday updates. Amazing how that works. Would it be nice to get some new bank space? Yeah, but don't expect to see any soon. If JagEx wants to throw you a bone, I have no problem with it. I do however have a problem with your constant begging. Its annoying.

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P2P do deserve to, because they pay. F2P do too, because of the ads. And don't tell me "They use them ads to make money to keep F2P good-ish" because come on, they don't do crap on F2P.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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[...F2P do (deserve to play runescape) too, because of the ads.


I seriously doubt that the adds make enough money to justify that many updates. They probably justify occasional graphical updates (ZOMG F2P gets that?!?!?!?!) and holiday updates (ZOMG F2P gets that too!?!?!?!). So F2P does get updates, just not enough to make you happy. If thats the case, get members. If you still don't like how many updates you get, go find another mmo.





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