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Jagex staff impersonation?


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I was PPing for the last lvl and my irl friend called me and told me that a guy called "ss java ss24" said that there was something wrong with his java ip and if he dont answer some questions he would get banned.. he said that the 2 questions he asked was:








1. how long have u played on that account?




2. what is the name on your account?








but i told him that jagex only use their own messager and he reported him and wanted me to hold his santa and most of his stuff when he were changing pass... So why does someone want to know how long you have played on a account and whats the name on it when they already added you?


What are you smoking...? Can I buy some?
Hah Tip.It probaly knows more about Runescape then Jagex. :lol:


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one tie a guy told me i was reported for offensive language and i need to tell him my recovery answers and email to clear up my name, he was in the same world as me and i was near the west varok bank, so i know he was hiding somehwere, i played along for a while and finally found him hiding under the bank, i said still want my pass? and he logged :lol: :P



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I just had that happen to me about 5 min ago, except the guy was worker 990 and he asked for my password, and i told him it was h4x0rsrn00bs (hackers are noob, if you can't read it), he came back and told me it was invalid.




After that, I just told him, "You have already been reported for Jagex Impersonation. Have a nice day :D "





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i had something like this happen to me. Some guy, named Javamod something, pm'ed me and said if i dont give him my recovery questions and password i would be banned. I kept going along with it, and when he said can i have the pass, i just flamed his chat and logged.








Oh, i also reported him first, jut incase you are wondering.


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Dagganoth:: Axes(3) Berserker(3) Mud Staff(2) Seers(1)

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99's:: Fletching, Cooking, Attack, Firemaking, Defence,Hitpoints, Magic

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People, read!








There are three ways to recognise Jagex Staff:
















Jagex Staff characters always have gold crowns next to their names








Jagex Staff will never ask for a password.








Jagex Staff will never contact you about your account in game.












We have no 'undercover' staff, we have no need for your password to check your account, and we only communicate with players about account issues via their message center.








Feel free to report those who do not follow that rule.

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The question shouldn't not be why is this going on, but why does Jagex allow people to create characters with "Java" in the name, knowing most likely people will scam with them.




they cant detect everything #-o




and even if they do have a crown dont tell them personal information :shame:




jagex will always contact u through ur Runescape E-Mail

i have to agree its really just for nubs who don't use protection

now thats funny

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The question shouldn't not be why is this going on, but why does Jagex allow people to create characters with "Java" in the name, knowing most likely people will scam with them.








I don't believe that JaGEx allows the creation of names with "Jagex", "Java", or "Mod" in the name anymore. At least not at the beginning of the name. Try it out and see if any names of that such are avalaible.








But yea.. that's just a sad attempt at a scam. Seeing as you've reported him, just move on and don't sweat it.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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I don't really get that either, wouldn't he already know the name from adding the guy?


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To answer your question of why your friend was asked for his RS name:




This is a somewhat complicated way to steal your RS account. The dangerous thing is, that it is very successful, and very safe for the hacker. He is able to steal your account and keeps it as Jagex does not find out that the account has been stolen.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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If only we could have a rule-breakers gun, THAT would keep servers low in numbers... :-w :-w








Anyway, a rule here on Tip.It is No naming names.

Moving to new account, subtle_rune. Please PM me there. Now you know that you can trust him!



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