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Special Potion


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The Idea




My idea is to add the ability to make Special Potions in herblore, this potion would well Make your Special bar go up, only by 1/4 of the bar per dose. There would also be a Super Special Potion that would Make the Special bar go up by 1/2 per does.












Ever player kill and use up the special bar with a ddp(++), and then switch to a Dragon scimmy and have no power left to hit a ko with it? This would help you, you could take a dose of this when your special bar is low and use it again. This would also play a roll in killing 'bosses' take 1 less food and one of these to get an extra hit on the 'boss'.












1. Captainkidd












What do you think, I spent a while thinking about it and desided it would be a cool idea.

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this has been suggested many times in much better ways than this, and anyway, used up power with the dds and need to k.o with a d scimmy.....have you ever pked? d scimmy spec sucks and you most certainly wouldn't use it to ko someone, you would d scimmy them and then dds them....




if this was introduced pking would suck, you would get koed in about 3 second, no point in even trying whoever could pot fastest and hit highest would win...no challenge at all


Sig by me....

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's not a bad idea, as long as it requires a very high herblore level and that it restores only like 10% per dose.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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