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That is a totally bias website, despite its name, its whole purpose is to support theism. I don't even want to begin to disprove it.






This is what I don't get, no offence Pio, I'm just using you as an example. <3:






Why does it matter? I understand that bias websites are bias and usually shade their evidence, but what about when you post sites that 'prove' evolution and 'disprove' creationism? Aren't those bias in the same way?




First off, the context in which he posted the link implied that it should please both sides of the debate, with him saying "[/thread]".




Secondly, the context in which I post sites is to support my argument. Also I'd hardly consider scientific theories bias, whether your a theist or not, you gotta consider the validity of quantum physics and the like.




Oh, well I never clicked on the link. But, what I mean is, that usually when someone posts a site like TalkOrigins and the like, the site itself IS bias against Religion.




Since when does creationism = (all of) religion? All TalkOrigins seeks to do is debunk creationism, not religion, and it does a pretty good job as far as I'm concerned considering it actually backs up its claims with sound science and links to peer reviewed research. I've generally found that creationist material seriously skews the relevant science and misrepresents evolution. That's all creationism really can do to attempt and debunk evolution, considering it is sound science.




But, Creationism = Christianity = Religion.




And that's your opinion; while yes, occasionally there are sites such as "God created the Earth and all the heavens because the Bible is read by billions of people!!!!!" (or millions? not sure) Then, there ARE sites that back up Creationism with real facts, and I've posted those before.

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Since when does creationism = (all of) religion? All TalkOrigins seeks to do is debunk creationism, not religion, and it does a pretty good job as far as I'm concerned considering it actually backs up its claims with sound science and links to peer reviewed research. I've generally found that creationist material seriously skews the relevant science and misrepresents evolution. That's all creationism really can do to attempt and debunk evolution, considering it is sound science.




But, Creationism = Christianity = Religion.




And that's your opinion; while yes, occasionally there are sites such as "God created the Earth and all the heavens because the Bible is read by billions of people!!!!!" (or millions? not sure) Then, there ARE sites that back up Creationism with real facts, and I've posted those before.




Ok, then. Lets say you hate vanilla icecream. Therefore you hate icecream, which is food, and by extension you hate food. Now you can plainly see how ridiculous saying TalkOrigins is against religion is. I hope so anyway.




And of course there are sites which claim to have real science and facts to back up creationism/debunk evolution, but on close inspection I've never seen one hold to scrutiny. Maybe you'd like to share with me one of these so-called facts that back up creationism, preferably to do with biology and not geology so I can have a better idea of what they're trying to argue.

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Since when does creationism = (all of) religion? All TalkOrigins seeks to do is debunk creationism, not religion, and it does a pretty good job as far as I'm concerned considering it actually backs up its claims with sound science and links to peer reviewed research. I've generally found that creationist material seriously skews the relevant science and misrepresents evolution. That's all creationism really can do to attempt and debunk evolution, considering it is sound science.




But, Creationism = Christianity = Religion.




And that's your opinion; while yes, occasionally there are sites such as "God created the Earth and all the heavens because the Bible is read by billions of people!!!!!" (or millions? not sure) Then, there ARE sites that back up Creationism with real facts, and I've posted those before.




Ok, then. Lets say you hate vanilla icecream. Therefore you hate icecream, which is food, and by extension you hate food. Now you can plainly see how ridiculous saying TalkOrigins is against religion is. I hope so anyway.




And of course there are sites which claim to have real science and facts to back up creationism/debunk evolution, but on close inspection I've never seen one hold to scrutiny. Maybe you'd like to share with me one of these so-called facts that back up creationism, preferably to do with biology and not geology so I can have a better idea of what they're trying to argue.




First off, I never meant ALL religion, but just that it had to do with religion in general.




Also, I posted the sites.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

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If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Since when does creationism = (all of) religion?




Hmm, was that parenthesis necessary?




He said that TalkOrigins is biased against religion when they only argue against creationism. Creationism is one aspect of one religion, not all of religion. He didn't specify, so I took him to task on it.




And to saru, perhaps you just worded your original post incorrectly, and I'll forgive you for that, but in no way do I take "the site itself [TalkOrigins] IS bias against Religion" to mean that the site merely "has to do with" religion. Still, it has nothing to do with all religion, only one interpretation of one religion's creation story.




Added, I'm not going to go back through the pages of this thread to make your argument for you. If you want to present a fact like I asked, by all means do so and we'll argue it. If not, fine. I really don't mind either way. I would just expect you, if so adamant that creationism is scientifically supportable, to remember one fact which backs it up.

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A bit random I know, but me and my mate have always had a little conspiracy theory that one of the past Popes found the Bible and the first page said "To such and such a person. From whoever" and he ripped the page out.




It will never be true, but it's nice to conspire against religion :twss:


Li Chef


"The sort of twee person who thinks swearing is any way a sign of lack of education or of a lack of verbal interest is just [bleep]ing lunacy" ~ Stephen Fry


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That is a totally bias website, despite its name, its whole purpose is to support theism. I don't even want to begin to disprove it.


This is what I don't get, no offence Pio, I'm just using you as an example. <3:






Why does it matter? I understand that bias websites are bias and usually shade their evidence, but what about when you post sites that 'prove' evolution and 'disprove' creationism? Aren't those bias in the same way?


First off, the context in which he posted the link implied that it should please both sides of the debate, with him saying "[/thread]".




Secondly, the context in which I post sites is to support my argument. Also I'd hardly consider scientific theories bias, whether your a theist or not, you gotta consider the validity of quantum physics and the like.


Oh, well I never clicked on the link. But, what I mean is, that usually when someone posts a site like TalkOrigins and the like, the site itself IS bias against Religion.


Since when does creationism = (all of) religion? All TalkOrigins seeks to do is debunk creationism, not religion, and it does a pretty good job as far as I'm concerned considering it actually backs up its claims with sound science and links to peer reviewed research. I've generally found that creationist material seriously skews the relevant science and misrepresents evolution. That's all creationism really can do to attempt and debunk evolution, considering it is sound science.[/hide]


But, Creationism = Christianity = Religion.




And that's your opinion; while yes, occasionally there are sites such as "God created the Earth and all the heavens because the Bible is read by billions of people!!!!!" (or millions? not sure) Then, there ARE sites that back up Creationism with real facts, and I've posted those before.


MONSTR QUOTR i only put "[/thread]" because i though someone would get a laugh out of it. If 1 person laughs even a little it was WORTH IT. Also "[/thread] is gone now BTW.




Pureprayer, you're awesome.
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Since when does creationism = (all of) religion?




Hmm, was that parenthesis necessary?




He said that TalkOrigins is biased against religion when they only argue against creationism. Creationism is one aspect of one religion, not all of religion. He didn't specify, so I took him to task on it.




And to saru, perhaps you just worded your original post incorrectly, and I'll forgive you for that, but in no way do I take "the site itself [TalkOrigins] IS bias against Religion" to mean that the site merely "has to do with" religion. Still, it has nothing to do with all religion, only one interpretation of one religion's creation story.




Added, I'm not going to go back through the pages of this thread to make your argument for you. If you want to present a fact like I asked, by all means do so and we'll argue it. If not, fine. I really don't mind either way. I would just expect you, if so adamant that creationism is scientifically supportable, to remember one fact which backs it up.




I'm confused now. Which religions don't have a story of their deity/deities creating the world? I thought that the basis of any religion was that something greater than humans put us here.

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I'm confused now. Which religions don't have a story of their deity/deities creating the world? I thought that the basis of any religion was that something greater than humans put us here.


Well wicca for one, the north american spiritual paths, the australian aborignal spiritual paths, a lot of tribal religeons

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Since when does creationism = (all of) religion?




Hmm, was that parenthesis necessary?




He said that TalkOrigins is biased against religion when they only argue against creationism. Creationism is one aspect of one religion, not all of religion. He didn't specify, so I took him to task on it.




And to saru, perhaps you just worded your original post incorrectly, and I'll forgive you for that, but in no way do I take "the site itself [TalkOrigins] IS bias against Religion" to mean that the site merely "has to do with" religion. Still, it has nothing to do with all religion, only one interpretation of one religion's creation story.




Added, I'm not going to go back through the pages of this thread to make your argument for you. If you want to present a fact like I asked, by all means do so and we'll argue it. If not, fine. I really don't mind either way. I would just expect you, if so adamant that creationism is scientifically supportable, to remember one fact which backs it up.




I'm confused now. Which religions don't have a story of their deity/deities creating the world? I thought that the basis of any religion was that something greater than humans put us here.




Good point, and it does touch a bit on some other forms of creationism, but it focuses overwhelmingly on Christian creationism, i.e. the world was created 6000 years ago and there was a worldwide flood 4000 years ago, etc. My point was a simple one - the site doesn't argue against religion in general. It doesn't argue about Jesus, God, Allah, Buddha, Vishnu, etc, etc, etc. It argues against creationism and creationism =/= religion. Creationism is a part of religion.

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But, Creationism = Christianity = Religion.





There are countless religious and christian people who don't believe in literary creationism. Christianity also doesn't equal religion because only about 25% of the world's population belong to that religious group.




Muslim, buddhist, hindu and non-religious make up 3/4th of the world population, which means christianity = / = religion as a whole. Most of the world is not christian or has anything to do with the friction of believers in that theory, rendering any appeal to popularity meaningless.








They offer no kind of actual proof "evidence" whatsoever. Sites like this are the top results for creationism evidence




http://www.allaboutcreation.org/evidenc ... sm-faq.htm




Alternatively, if we believe in creation, we believe that everything came from nothing by the will of an omnipotent, transcendent Creator that is not limited to time and space and we were created for a purpose. This completely explains how apparent design and complexity could have come into existence.




However, the very best evidence for creationism is the claim by God Himself that He created light, the universe, the Earth and all life.




It's not a claim by "God Himself". It's a text in a scripture that was written by a human being and translated from Hebrew and Greek into other languages.




C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity addresses the possibilities of who Jesus could have been. He concludes that He couldnt have just been a great moral teacher. He had to be the Son of God, a lunatic or the Devil. He certainly wasnt a lunatic or the Devil so He had to be the Son of God. If He is the Son of God and He said God created everything, then this is the very best direct evidence for creationism.




I don't even want to start dissecting that. It makes no logical sense. It is not proof at all. Those conclusions and "evidence" run so contrary to actual, reproducable & documented scientific evidence it's ridiculous.




I'm not biased against religion at all, or even the general concept of creationism. I just find it stupifying how any educated and reasonable person can take the above as "evidence" as opposed to real, objective research about the origins of the planet, which is also taught at the college and university level.

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I'm confused now. Which religions don't have a story of their deity/deities creating the world? I thought that the basis of any religion was that something greater than humans put us here.


Mostly smaller religions, sometimes more modern ones. But mostly tribal religions, like I said. There aren't many of them, though. Religion really just deals with something greater than ourselves, and organizes it as well as local customs and traditions, or makes new ones. Just dealing with something greater than ourselves isn't particularly religious, it's just a human concept, really showing...Everywhere.





catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Eh, people always believe in something greater than themselves. It doesn't have to be like me, and be a big man in the sky. Maybe it's the future, or numbers, or just the universe.




And that's all I have to say about that.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Most of you are forgetting the fact that Christianity and the Bible ( Most of the Old Testament) are vastly different from most other religions. In fact [religion] can not be used to include Christianity with other faiths.




For example the followers of Judaism and Hinduism, identify their faith as less of a religion as Christians would observe, and more of a way of life.

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I believe the Bible is fact and if someone has questions, ask away.




why does god behave in a vastly different manner between the old and new testament.




why does god order the killing of non jews in the book of joshua then have his son preach to turn the other cheek in the new testament.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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not only does the Bible contain great stories and teachings for the Christian faith. ::'




But it also contains was I consider to be the best and most diverse literary writing styles <3:

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