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http://www.religionfacts.com/islam/beli ... erlife.htm


Being a Muslim does not keep one out of Hell, but it is not clear whether Muslims remain in Hell forever. Non-Muslims (kafir), however, will be punished eternally.


http://www.religionfacts.com/christiani ... erlife.htm


We believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead; of the believer to everlasting blessedness and joy with the Lord; of the unbeliever to judgment and everlasting conscious punishment.




Still think the quran doesn't contradict the bible?




Each religion thinks it is the only true faith. Each religion thinks the others will burn in hell.


I'm aware that Islam and Christianity are different religions and have different beliefs. I mean, it's obvious that two different things are not the same, because they're different; by definition to be precise. What I meant by "not contradicting" is from what they DO have in similar, which is around 90% (old testament and a lot from the new). A contradiction usually refers to things that refer to the same topics but provide different conclusions. And if it isn't apparent, that remaining 10% are different topics and are obviously going to conflict.


Christians deny the prophet status of Muhammad, and they think that everyone who disagrees will go to hell. Muslims deny almost everything written about Jesus in the bible, and they think that everyone who disagrees will go to hell.




Are those not enough contradictions for you? The books, the people, and the history show that Christianity and Islam cannot coexist.




And we haven't even gotten to all the other religions that talk about completely different sets of gods/prophets/beliefs from those two. Which one do you want to talk about first? Here's a partial list:




























Latter Day Saints























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And we haven't even gotten to all the other religions that talk about completely different sets of gods/prophets/beliefs from those two. Which one do you want to talk about first?


Buddhism... what a beautiful religion.

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http://www.religionfacts.com/islam/beli ... erlife.htm


Being a Muslim does not keep one out of Hell, but it is not clear whether Muslims remain in Hell forever. Non-Muslims (kafir), however, will be punished eternally.


http://www.religionfacts.com/christiani ... erlife.htm


We believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead; of the believer to everlasting blessedness and joy with the Lord; of the unbeliever to judgment and everlasting conscious punishment.




Still think the quran doesn't contradict the bible?




Each religion thinks it is the only true faith. Each religion thinks the others will burn in hell.


I'm aware that Islam and Christianity are different religions and have different beliefs. I mean, it's obvious that two different things are not the same, because they're different; by definition to be precise. What I meant by "not contradicting" is from what they DO have in similar, which is around 90% (old testament and a lot from the new). A contradiction usually refers to things that refer to the same topics but provide different conclusions. And if it isn't apparent, that remaining 10% are different topics and are obviously going to conflict.


Christians deny the prophet status of Muhammad, and they think that everyone who disagrees will go to hell. Muslims deny almost everything written about Jesus in the bible, and they think that everyone who disagrees will go to hell.




Are those not enough contradictions for you? The books, the people, and the history show that Christianity and Islam cannot coexist.




And we haven't even gotten to all the other religions that talk about completely different sets of gods/prophets/beliefs from those two. Which one do you want to talk about first? Here's a partial list:




























Latter Day Saints


























Actually, the Koran is pretty much all taken from Christian and Jewish myths anyway.




But the fact is all the great monotheisms fail because the "events" being told are "reported" hundreds of years after they took place, I would (and wil if necessary) more detail but to be honest it's just flogging a dead horse.




I wish those of faith would stop trying to put foward any arguments for their religion and merely accept that their beliefs are based on blind faith and nothing else.

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One would argue that those without faith are just as blind and don't have any arguments to "disprove" God or the belief.




Just trying to be the devil's advocate here...




I'll be your exorcist.




God is currently an unfalisfiable idea. Thus, it can not currently be proven nor disproven. There is as much 'blindness' in not accepting Zeus, Thor or the Flying Spaghetti Monster as they are all equally likely to exist. To top that off, there is a burden of proof on the claimant. Thus if I were to claim god exists, I would carry the burden. Likewise, if I were to claim god does not exist, which I do not, I would carry the burden.




It takes no faith to be a skeptic. It's through a sheer lack of faith that I'm at this position as an atheist.

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One would argue that those without faith are just as blind and don't have any arguments to "disprove" God or the belief.




Just trying to be the devil's advocate here...




Because our theories of how the universe was created and how how human beings came to be on this earth work just as well without the figure of "god", introducing said god only raises more questions and does not answer any of our existing ones.

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Excuse me but the bible has been proved many times..... like Moses crossing the red sea. after he crossed it the Egyptians did and at the bottom of the red sea chariot wheels were found. also carbon dating is used for dating fossils but......... its not proved to be right. many of the phenomenons of the bible seem unreal and can't logically be explained but if God created the earth he can make miracles to I mean logically its totally possible. Also in the garden eve ate the apple and sin entered the world. God said you will die if you eat the apple. But Eve and Adam did they didn't die then but they began to decay like the rest of the world. After so many years the earth has been decaying we have gotten worse and worse and aren't getting better. Yeah we live longer than the people of the 16th century but that's because we put a ton of drug crap in our bodies to keep alive.




P.s Guess what I am. A Christian!

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Excuse me but the bible has been proved many times..... like Moses crossing the red sea. after he crossed it the Egyptians did and at the bottom of the red sea chariot wheels were found. also carbon dating is used for dating fossils but......... its not proved to be right.


Many times? Yes, some of the things in the Bible are loosely based on real life. But most of these stories have never been fully proved by the scientific and historical communities.




As for the Red Sea and the Exodus, I suppose you are referring to the controversial discovery of "chariot wheels" by Ron Wyatt. Even if this is true, I don't see how this proves that a man named Moses parted a sea through the power of God. :-k




Wikipedia talks about the subject in detail.[1][2][3]


Ronald Eldon Wyatt (1933 - August 4, 1999) was a controversial self-styled archaeologist (he had no training in the discipline and held no professional position) who claimed to have found many significant biblical sites and artifacts. His claims are dismissed by the scientific and historical communities.


Recent archaeological research has found no evidence that the Sinai desert ever hosted millions of people, nor of a massive population increase in Canaan, estimated to have had a population of between 50,000 and 100,000, at the end of the march.


Despite the wording used in English texts of Exodus, the 'Red Sea' is not actually referred to in the Hebrew text. The Hebrew refers to 'Yam suph', Yam means "sea," and suph is thought to mean "reeds," "rushes" or possibly "seaweed."(with possible etymological links between suph and soup, due to the sloshiness of the aforementioned "Sea of Reeds" and the food preparation. The Sea of Reeds or Reed Sea, which was a significantly smaller, marshy body of swampwater to the north of the Red Sea, is now believed by most to be the actual crossing location, which in doing so realistically suggests a less dramatic and non-supernatural event than is traditionally envisioned, giving the events pertaining to the Exodus a strong boost in historical value. If the Hebrew people were chased through the Sea of Reeds, the Egyptians would have either lost track of them through the swamp or, as the second link below suggests, their chariots or horses could have been bogged down in the mud, as the only secondary route to catch the people would be going north and around the marshlands which would have been an illogical and time-consuming strategy.








many of the phenomenons of the bible seem unreal and can't logically be explained but if God created the earth he can make miracles to I mean logically its totally possible.


It can't be logically explained yet "logically, it's totally possible." :?: Do you see something wrong with your argument?




Yeah we live longer than the people of the 16th century but that's because we put a ton of drug crap in our bodies to keep alive.


Most of the time it's simply due to advances in science. Better understanding of human health leads to differences in the way we treat our bodies. We eat healthier, we keep ourselves clean, and we have better doctors keeping care of us.


And certain drugs definitely do help if you choose to take them. :)




P.s Guess what I am. A Christian!


I guessed that much... ::'

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many of the phenomenons of the bible seem unreal and can't logically be explained but if God created the earth he can make miracles to I mean logically its totally possible.


It can't be logically explained yet "logically, it's totally possible." :?: Do you see something wrong with your argument?


He/she probably meant that there is no scientific explanation to miracles. However, logically it works fine. If there is a God, miracles are possible. If there is nothing beyond science, miracles are impossible.

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Mm, but since we can't prove a specific God (aka one that preforms miracles) miracles remain illogical. It's wrong to assume miracles are logical because of that first assumption. What that person said at the end of their message "I mean logically its totally possible" looked like he/she was concluding to miracles being logical which isn't the case. Even if we proved that a God created the earth (his/her first assumption) miracles being logical still wouldn't be rightly assumed from that.




But anyway, the argument is worthless since it requires proof of the Christian God, so really the premise just relies on the conclusion which is illogical anyway.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Excuse me but the bible has been proved many times..... like Moses crossing the red sea. after he crossed it the Egyptians did and at the bottom of the red sea chariot wheels were found.


I once found a can of peas at the bottom of a lake when I went fishing. That must mean somebody spread the lake water, sat down at the bottom, and ate a can of peas.




I have a do whatever i want and get away with it badge! =D curse miniclip for opening the door of rs to all those little kids!!! save da drama fo yo mamma!



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many of the phenomenons of the bible seem unreal and can't logically be explained but if God created the earth he can make miracles to I mean logically its totally possible.


It can't be logically explained yet "logically, it's totally possible." :?: Do you see something wrong with your argument?


He/she probably meant that there is no scientific explanation to miracles. However, logically it works fine. If there is a God, miracles are possible. If there is nothing beyond science, miracles are impossible.




I'm sorry but this is empty logic at best.




If I told you an invisible purple monkey that could form elements with an atomic number of 1000 (impossible) existed, then forming elements with an atomic number of 1000 is possible, what would you think? The downfall here is assuming the defined being exists and exists as defined. So am I in my example.




It's obviously true that if the christian god exists, miracles would be possible but this is far from having any meaning or argumentative value because the christian god is assumed to exist and assumed to exist as defined when the defined characteristsics are more assumptions.




It's equally as logically obvious that if a monkey which creates elements of atomic number 1000 existed, elements of atomic number 1000 would be logically possible.




carbon dating is used for dating fossils but......... its not proved to be right.




Please read. Decay rates are proved to be constant and with some dating methods, the ratio of parent to daughter isotopes proved to be known. Please don't neglect the other 40 or so dating methods and think you're giving unbiased coverage by harping on about carbon dating.

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If I told you an invisible purple monkey that could form elements with an atomic number of 1000 (impossible) existed


The purple monkey is real.






Let's start a religion.




You're wrong. Pastafarianism is the only true religion. Worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster and only the FSM.




The Pope said so.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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If I told you an invisible purple monkey that could form elements with an atomic number of 1000 (impossible) existed


The purple monkey is real.






Let's start a religion.




You're wrong. Pastafarianism is the only true religion. Worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster and only the FSM.




The Pope said so.


Because the pope is really the dark lord of the sith.





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If I told you an invisible purple monkey that could form elements with an atomic number of 1000 (impossible) existed


The purple monkey is real.






Let's start a religion.




You're wrong. Pastafarianism is the only true religion. Worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster and only the FSM.




The Pope said so.

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  • 10 months later...

It's still a good topic.




I believe much of the Bible is a lot less literal than we take it, and some language is misinterpreted. Not that I could actually interpret it, but...




I also believe that, maybe, light from stars doesn't really take that long to get here. I believe it's fairly widely believed that we humans are imperfect, and have a very low concept level of our universe. Perhaps these extraneous dimensions are the key to interstellar travel?

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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What has always interested me about the bible is the fast that it was written by man, so in that regard it could have been changed by man's perspective.

Masta Chef



Drops-- Dragon: Medium(2),Spear(1),Legs(2),Skirt(1)

Pharaoh's Scepter(1)

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While the author of the bible is unknown I'm sure they would die from amusment if they could see how diehard the fanbase is.




I wish people would worship some of the garbage I write. \'


Since 27 Aug 2002

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While the author of the bible is unknown I'm sure they would die from amusment if they could see how diehard the fanbase is.




I wish people would worship some of the garbage I write. \'


...Fanbase? The Bible was sort of written for the Christian religion.




And there are authors, and we know who they are.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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