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Plane Trip


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I am going on a trip to arizona tomarrow and we take 2 planes, (each about 2.5 hours with a 1 hour delay inbetween for when we're not on the planes) and I absolutely HATE flying. I need good tips to not be afraid while flying and not go berserk if we get delayed.








Thanks :|

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Dont sleep when you're on land and sleep during the plane trip. Thats what I would do, and I also HATE flying. Last time I flew everytime the plane moves for a bit of turbluence (sp) I hold hard on the arm rests... :uhh:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Well, you can read throughout the flight, so do that until you're allowed to turn electronics on.




Play video games or listen to music, it's good at taking your mind off things.








Play cards with the person next to you.


The code in my sig should say 1032 not 0132.

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Dude...I fly all the time.
















1. A good book




2. An ipod




3. Your friends and a deck of cards (best one)




4. A very comfy neck wrap (and a small person in back of you so you can lean back)




5. Gameboy/PSP or other handhelds




6. Homework (If you really need to)




7. Admire the landscape as you pass it by in the plane through the window








Also, I suggest that you look out the window the entire take-off and landing. The only way to get over your fear is to confront it. Looking out the window is a great way to do that...and it's really neat to see the layout of the land.








I hope that helps. :)

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


Expand your mind.

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Dude...I fly all the time.
















1. A good book




2. An ipod




3. Your friends and a deck of cards (best one)




4. A very comfy neck wrap (and a small person in back of you so you can lean back)




5. Gameboy/PSP or other handhelds




6. Homework (If you really need to)




7. Admire the landscape as you pass it by in the plane through the window








Also, I suggest that you look out the window the entire take-off and landing. The only way to get over your fear is to confront it. Looking out the window is a great way to do that...and it's really neat to see the layout of the land.








I hope that helps. :)




I take my laptop and bring DVD's sometimes too :P . Sometimes I download shows, sometimes I just bring a movie (though I only have enough power for one movie >_<). It's great because family/friends around me can watch it with me :o.








Good tip: Even if you don't get internet on a plane, if you open a few Youtube videos (i.e., Fullmetal Alchemist episodes... which got removed recently -.-), let them load, and keep the windows open, you can watch all of them even without internet available at the time :P .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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You can test out if having a cell phone on really messes with the flight, I've wanted to find out since they tried and failed to get the right setup on mythbusters. :-k








If you come out alive tell me how it went. ::'



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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Just try not to think about it, flying a plane is incredibly safe if not safer than driving a car IMO.








Statistics could probably back you up there too.








Well I think common sense could too. I mean, you have all the other cars on the road that could cause a problem but in the sky there isn't much.

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This all helps, I will bring the deck of cards to play with my dad \'




Gota admit, with all the technology out there, a deck of cards is still the best thing on a plane 8-) . Or anywhere, period. Chips help too.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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think about the explosive decompression the moment a hole is torn into the plane, and the fact that you have a next to zero chance of surviving a crash.












and then think about thhe fact that you are about ten times more likely to be eaten by a squirell than be in a plane crash(rough estimate.).

Say what you mean and mean what you say because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter.

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I've only been on a plane once and I was about 5 years old... I really want to ride in one again. It's pretty cool if the plane banks to your side of the feusalage and you are by the window.

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I'm actually serious, comedy isn't what I want at a time like this, you half-witted chipmunk!








okok, easy bro, im just trying to shed a little comedy on the situation.








just tell me why you hate flying, specify. are you afraid of a crash? does the flying make you nausous? do you not like the other people so close? talk to me.












PS: i take offence to being called a half witted chipmunk! cant you tell im a squirell :shame:

Say what you mean and mean what you say because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter.

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Y'could be like Jack on Three's Company and take horse tranquilizer...








Horse Tranquilizer! Genuis!

Say what you mean and mean what you say because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter.

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Request that they play Snakes on a Plane as an inflight movie.
















What kind of laugh is that? :o








Anyway I still think all the fun is having your face pressed against the window.

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