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Tip.It Times Presents: Are You "Addicted" to RuneScape?


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im not really addicted to rs...




i sort of like it heaps then suddenly i dont like it... stop playing much for weeks (play sometimes) then suddenly wham!!! new intrest in the game... its called the george attention span cycle... :evil:

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*looks at this week's tip.it times article*




*looks at the interview with n0valyfe*








n0valyfe I feel was addicted. AMAZINGLY so. Anyway on topic... I think it's a fair article to say that only a few people are addicted. Addictions mean you are dependant on something and we could all give up runescape if we wanted, we just enjoy it!








I don't really think N0va was addicted. For one, an addiction involves the development of withdrawal symptons, and is a psychological disorder. Novalyfe quit remarkably easy and returned to his old way of life at the same pace, and as far as we know, didn't develop any sort of illness after leaving RS. So I think this is proof he did *not* develop an addiction.








However, although in his interview he comes across as very humble about wanting to be #1, I think he just felt that this was out of his reach at the time, I think secretely (like we all would if we'd played RS for that long and got into that position) he had a hidden dream, or an obsession, with becoming #1, and thus, an obsession with RS.

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Good article.








I know this small bit is out of context, but just wanted to say:











If Postie Pete is the only person on your friends list, you might indeed have a problem!







That's where I don't really agree. I do have some people on my friend list, but only 2 of them actually still play. Besides I play quite some time with chat off. I play RS not for chatting or something, just for fun. And fun does sometimes include for me excluding contact with other people.




However, I don't have a problem at all. I barely play 2 hours a week.



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it can be applied to hard-core, "no-life" RuneScape players or anyone else in game for that matter.
















Oh, this part made me laugh. "Hard-core?" Some nerd plays on the computer all day and he's "hardcore"? Thrash metal is hardcore, pixels and light and electricity is NOT. Made me chuckle a bit, heh








Hard-core doesn't just apply to rockers :-X . It just pretty much means they go "all out" and "give it everything they got" :wink: .












Hmm, Good article. I enjoyed it. Probably because it related to obsession.








Sometimes i don't get off for 36-40hours at a time... :ohnoes:








But hey all that rune pked might be fair =)








And you really need some help on cutting back, that's just not healthy :? .




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nice read it was a topic dat should be discussed whch is what i liked








i play rs alout but im not obsessed, i dont neglect friends, school, or any of that because im so worried about balancing it out. Instead i jus make sure i dont watch tv play gaming consoles or any other gaming consoles but rs. Does that mean im addictive(question mark here) no i jus choose to play dis over other electronic things.

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Just read the article and so I wanted to badly make a comment on it.








One of the things that make it seem that people are obsessed with runescape is that it takes dreadfully long to do things. Like what they did in the game wasn't much, and then the kids parents yell at him for playing for so long you they get accused of playing too much. People that seem obsessed are being accused of being obsessed even though it isn't much they've been doing.

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My compliments to the author. Wow! I have been wondering the same and I have had people question me about it as well. Personally, I am a professional, an educator (hence the username). During my time off, I do play an abundant amount of RS. I don't mind it. I have very little money to do much with and I have very little real life friends. But I would not go as far as to say I am "obsessed" with RS. Similar to what the article pointed out, I do, as many would state, "Have a life." If my reallife friends call, I go and hang out with them. I go to work. I don't call of sick for updates. I stay pretty active in the social realm, both on and off line.








Yet, when I am online, I have had some people ask me if I am addicted or not. It was difficult to answer. Yes, I am online a lot, but that would not classify me as an addict, nor someone obsessed. I just enjoy gaming.








Again, wonderful article. Look forward to the next one as well!

~A lil mage goes a long way~

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I also think that RS taps into something deeper, after hearing people's replies. It seems to me that most of the people who play RS are relatively introvert people compared to people who spend their Friday nights drinking and clubbing. We tend to therefore, have not a lot of friends (RS or real life), but the friends and values (ie. RS) we do have tend to be very close and precious to us in our lives, while an extrovert wouldn't particularly be as attached to RS as much, because they're generally outgoing and daring people.








Therefore, having a small number of RS friends isn't an indicator of RS obsession either. But I would say that most introverts tend to get obsessed over small things. I'm very much an introvert myself and I'll admit there's only 3 or 4 things in my life I care about, and that I hold onto (some would say) obsessively. I would say most people are obsessed with RS (they wouldn't make goals and dream of future achievements if they weren't), but only a very tiny minority of players have a psychological disorder about RS, and are thus addicted.

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I also think that RS taps into something deeper, after hearing people's replies. It seems to me that most of the people who play RS are relatively introvert people compared to people who spend their Friday nights drinking and clubbing. We tend to therefore, have not a lot of friends (RS or real life), but the friends and values (ie. RS) we do have tend to be very close and precious to us in our lives, while an extrovert wouldn't particularly be as attached to RS as much, because they're generally outgoing and daring people.








Therefore, having a small number of RS friends isn't an indicator of RS obsession either. But I would say that most introverts tend to get obsessed over small things. I'm very much an introvert myself and I'll admit there's only 3 or 4 things in my life I care about, and that I hold onto (some would say) obsessively. I would say most people are obsessed with RS (they wouldn't make goals and dream of future achievements if they weren't), but only a very tiny minority of players have a psychological disorder about RS, and are thus addicted.








Hey he just called me a loser! Did he call me a loser?!








I think you're fairly wrong there... my runescape life and home life is so much different... I dont think you should say *People who play runescape are loners*.. It's an unfair representation to most of the runescape community.

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well....at least im not using RS as drug! 8-)

Quit runescape on Jan 6th of 2008, at level of 115 with around 150M worth of item in bank...however stats still remains


World 59, the world i loved~



Now 95% dedicated to playing Microsoft flight simulator



my youtube channel with many FSX videos i made. please leave a comment if you will

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I also think that RS taps into something deeper, after hearing people's replies. It seems to me that most of the people who play RS are relatively introvert people compared to people who spend their Friday nights drinking and clubbing. We tend to therefore, have not a lot of friends (RS or real life), but the friends and values (ie. RS) we do have tend to be very close and precious to us in our lives, while an extrovert wouldn't particularly be as attached to RS as much, because they're generally outgoing and daring people.








Therefore, having a small number of RS friends isn't an indicator of RS obsession either. But I would say that most introverts tend to get obsessed over small things. I'm very much an introvert myself and I'll admit there's only 3 or 4 things in my life I care about, and that I hold onto (some would say) obsessively. I would say most people are obsessed with RS (they wouldn't make goals and dream of future achievements if they weren't), but only a very tiny minority of players have a psychological disorder about RS, and are thus addicted.








Hey he just called me a loser! Did he call me a loser?!








I think you're fairly wrong there... my runescape life and home life is so much different... I dont think you should say *People who play runescape are loners*.. It's an unfair representation to most of the runescape community.








A loner is a way different than an introvert. There is nothing wrong with being an introvert, there is something wrong with the the most people who think that being extrovert is better then introvert.








Therefore I agree with Ginger Warrior.



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I don't know if this has been posted yet, but that tip it times is against the forum rules:











A healthy life is a balanced life: work or school, sleep, chores, interaction with family and friends, games. If you're not doing some or all of these, then something is out of whack.








Not everyone is a virtue theorist. I find it offensive that tip it promotes a "balanced life" over other ethical/religious choices.








We only get one shot at life.








This is a very religious statement.








1.8 - Highly Controversial Topics








These conversations tend to lead to violent outbursts based on strong personal beliefs. Be careful when discussing such topics as topics that get out of control will be removed and action will be taken depending on the severity. These topics may contain, but are not limited to drugs or the use of illegal drugs, beliefs/opinions on religion, political subject matter (i.e., new governmental laws, candidates, etc.), abortion, sexual orientation and/or highly controversial current events. This applies to all forums, threads, posts, private messages, profiles, avatars and signatures.








Please note: We also do not allow posts or discussions containing religious references of any kind outside of the Off-topic forum, where moderate and sensible discussion relating to religion is allowed. Also, we do not allow any religious text or images in our users' signatures or profiles.

















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It's still being linked from the forums.












In other words, linking to sites that violate tip it forum rules is still a violation of tip it forum rules.








That's why I can't link to hate sites or illegal places.

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kirbybeam, the Tip.It Times has nothing to do with the forums. And while you were being so quote happy, did you think about posting the Times Disclaimer? Here it is, FYI:








The views expressed in these articles by The Editor or any author do not necessarily represent those of Tip.It or our staff.








And to be honest, what you're saying is really REALLY stretching it. You DO realize that you're grasping at straws, don't you? Having a balanced life and saying that "you only get one shot at life" is no more of a religious statement than saying "you can't take it with you". And even in those religions that espouse reincarnation, there isn't one single school of thought that indicates that one comes back as the same person. So even with reincarnation, you DO only get one shot at the life you're presently living. You don't get to be the same person twice.








So please, get off your soapbox and stop trying to make an issue out of something that just isn't.

Remember, the SEARCH button is your friend. Use it!

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I find it funny that I just did a term paper on "addictions in video gaming" just last semester. Wasnt very good scince i got a C on it though. I still learned a lot about addictions in the process



Eventually you will be a mindless Runescape addict like the best of us.
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kirbybeam, the Tip.It Times has nothing to do with the forums. And while you were being so quote happy, did you think about posting the Times Disclaimer? Here it is, FYI:








The views expressed in these articles by The Editor or any author do not necessarily represent those of Tip.It or our staff.








Oh really? That doesn't change it one bit. If I link to a hate site, and I say "The views expressed at that site does not necessarilty represent those of Tip.It or our staff", it's ok?








And to be honest, what you're saying is really REALLY stretching it. You DO realize that you're grasping at straws, don't you? Having a balanced life and saying that "you only get one shot at life" is no more of a religious statement than saying "you can't take it with you". And even in those religions that espouse reincarnation, there isn't one single school of thought that indicates that one comes back as the same person. So even with reincarnation, you DO only get one shot at the life you're presently living. You don't get to be the same person twice.








So please, get off your soapbox and stop trying to make an issue out of something that just isn't.








Get off my soapbox? I'm not the one advocating religious views. Here is a definition of religion:








reÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷liÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷gion /rÃÆââ¬Â°ÃâêÃÆââ¬Â¹Ãâ¹Ã¢â¬Â lÃÆââ¬Â°ÃâêdÃÆàâââ‰â¢ÃÆââ¬Â°Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢n/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ri-lij-uhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation








1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.












Saying that people ought to have a "balanced life" is a moral code. Saying that people only have one life is again religious, because that is a belief regarding the purpose of the universe.








And who cares about reincarnation? Way to totally miss the point.

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that was the worst one yet, for the first time i didnt read the hole thing!








comon, we no u can do beter than that








maby u need to go on a nuther vacation to catherby, have a guest write an artical next week :uhh: #-o


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