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Metoo's Guide To GodWars Dungeon with videos!!!!


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Welcome To My Guide On GodWars






To Get There


Trollheim Teleport. 2 law rune 2 fire runes. (Quest Needed is Edgars Ruse for the Teleport.)




If you do not have access to the Trollheim Teleport there, you will have to walk from Buruthorpe. To go this way Climbing Boots are required. There is a bank in the Warriers Guild.)




Bring one rope with you the first time you go.








-This is were you will arrive (red dot).


The path is the quickest way down the mountain(blue line).


Range Prayer on when in the green area because of the ranger trolls (Green line on path on map).


Melee Prayer on the brown line because of the Wolves (Brown Line on path on map).




-You must speak to the NPC at the entrance to the cave before entering.




-Once inside you will be attacked right away by multiple type of attacks(Mage/Melee/Range).




Here is a map of the dungeon with some guidelines.






The best way to protect against this is to have at lest 2-3 type of armor, amulet, or a cape of the 4 type of gods that are down there.




If you are wearing anything that represents a god, there monster will be non aggressive to you.




Here is an example.








The Amulet is Amulet of Armadyl.


The dragon hide legs are Zamorak D'hide.


The Prayer Book is the Holy Book (Saradomin).




Wearing these items, the only monsters that will attack you are the Bandos Monsters. (The Set up you see is my set up to kill Armadyl's Servant)




The armors listed below also have a effect on you when killing the bosses. When you recharge your prayer at one of there alters, it will give you +1 extra to your total prayer for every 1 item you have on that supports that particular god.




-D'hide armor: Saradomin or Zamorak.


-Prayer Robes of either Zamorak or Saradomin.


-Unholy book(Zamorak) holy book(Saradomin).


-Bandos's armor or Armady'sl armor (both are rare and not highly available).


-Ancient Mace can protect you agents Bandos's Monsters.


-God Capes(Either Zamorak or Saradomin).


-Unholy or holy symbols (Zamorak and Saradomin respectively).




-Using combos of the armors listed to protect from one or more types of monsters does work!!




A few things before you decide to take on the bosses of this dungeon.




Q:Which one do I want to fight?


A:It depends on your team or if you want to solo.






A:not ne more only one soloable is kree with high cmb lvl and high range lvl.




Q:Can I handle these monster?


A:If you are least level 105 with decent stats and have a good team of 2-4 people then yes. If you are less than 105, you still can with a larger team.




Q:Is there any other requirements to get to the bosses other than the ones explained earlier?


A:Yes you will need to kill 40 of the boss monsters servants.














Now this is one of the most boring to get the 40 kill counts needed to enter the boss room.




Since you can only range here to kill the monsters, it is a little harder than the other kill counts.












What I wear:




-Archer Helm: for range bonus and its cheap in case you die.




-Amulet of Armadyl: keeps the monster from being aggressive to you.




-Karils top: for range bonus and Mage Defence.




-Zammy D'hide legs: there are a few Zamorak monsters running around were you get the kc so this keeps them off of you.




-Dragon Boot: umm... there cheaper then rangers if you die


-Rune cross bow: to kill the boss with only!




-Accumulator: to pick up my bolts for me.




-Crystal Bow shown in inventory picture: to get kill count with so you don't waste your good bolts and food because the ruby bolts hit you for 10% of your hit points.




-Ruby bolts: equip and drop Mithril Grapple after your in the kill count room.




-Ring of wealth: increase luck (LOL).




-Holy Book: when you first enter the dungeon there are Sara monsters there so this keeps you from taking immediate damage; it also gives prayer bonus.






[hide=The Kill Count]


Now when getting the 40 kill count here, you want to kill the Aviansie the lower level ones are easer to kill so they go faster. They drop 4 noted Adamant Bars at a time witch can land up paying for the trip if you pick them up. They attack with Range so you will need to Range Prayer to get 40 kill count, that is why you bring so many Prayer Pots. By the time you get 40 kill count you should have 3-3.5 Prayer Pots left, depending on your prayer level.




Once you get to Armadyl's Eyrie (pic 2) there is a box marked on the map by a red dot. You can get free Mithril Grapples from it so if you need to you can drop the one you brought and get a another one before leaving for extra inventory space.






[hide=Battle Steps]


Ok for the fight is is pretty simple. once you get 40 kill count, gather your team after they have 40 kill count next to the door to Kree'arra lair.




Steps before battle:




-Drink Sara Brew


-Drink Super Restore


-Drink Range Pot


-Then put on protect from RANGE prayer on along with Eagle Eye.




The Fight:




-Once in the room spread out to the 4 corners of the room.


-The boss will kinda teleport you around a little so be careful and make sure you reposition yourself as needed.


-The boss can use Range and Mage Attack's. Range can hit in the 70's and its Mage max is 21 so keep range prayer on at all times!


-eat when needed and watch your prayer don't let it run out.


-pray for a Armadyl Hilt<---last step :P








Here is a video for you to enjoy :D :D










K'ril Tsutsaroth










Here is probably one of the easiest kill count's to get. Level 7 imps: there are 4 spawns in this room marked on the map above. Killing these uses no prayer or food so all the supplies you come with are used to kill the boss.






Here is what I wear and what I bring.








-Helm of Neitznot: for prayer and strength bonuses.


-Amulet of Glory: its cheaper then fury.


-Karils Top: for Mage defence


-Zammy D'hide legs: for protection over Zammy monsters.


-Dragon Boots: strength bonus.


-Abby whip: Melee works best here.


-Holy Book: to protect agents the Sara monsters when you first enter the dungeon.


-Ring of wealth: increase chance at better drops.








-Super Attack & Strength potions


-Sara brew & Super Restore


-3 Prayer Pots & Super Antipoison


-Dragon Hally: for spec


-Teleport Runes to get there




-House tab (any 1 click teleport should do)






[hide=Steps for Battle]




Steps Before Battle:


After you and your group/team have gotten 40 kill count meet at the door to the boss room.




Drink One Sip of ea.


-Drink Sara Brew.


-Drink Super Restore.


-Drink Super Attack & Super Strength potions.


-Drink Super Antipoison.




-PUT MELEE prayer on before entering.




The Fight:




-Use piety prayer if you have it, if not then use Strength and Attack prayers.




-Run to the North West corner of the room next to the alter.




-Use Dragon Hally spec.




-Watch for the YARRR attack it will lower your prayer points a lot!




-Again pray for Zamorak Hilt <---- last step =p


















General Graardor












It is said that Bandos is the hardest to get the 40 kill count because only thing that protects you is Ancient Mace or the rare Bandos Armor (which not many have). But in fact you do not need this, because there is a place marked on map were there are 3 Hobgoblin spawns, which are non aggressive. So you will use no food or prayer getting the kill count.






Currently no picture of this because I sold my Bandos supplies before I made this guide but here is what I used.




-Helm of Neitznot


-Amulet of Glory


-Guthans Plate


-Guthans Skirt


-Dragon Boots


-Ring of wealth


-Abby Whip


-Unholy book










-Super Attack & Strength Potions


-Sara Brew & Super Restores


-3 Prayer Pots


-Dragon Hally: for spec


-Teleport to get there




-House tab(any 1 click teleport should do)






[hide=Battle Steps]




Steps before Battle:




-After you and your group/team have gotten 40 kill count you should all gather at the brown circle marked on map above. Once there and you and your group/team is ready, then do the following.


-Drink Sara Brew.


-Drink Super Restore.


-Drink Super attack & Super strength.




The Battle:




-Put Mage Prayer on, because you have Armor and not D'hide so that when you enter the hammer door you will take less damage.




-Run North until you reach the entrance to General Graardor lair then quick switch to Melee prayer and piety. He Can hit 60 with Melee!!!




-Once everyone is on General Graardor, then your can turn range prayer on, ONLY if your not the one being Meleed! once the General is attacking someone with Melee he will not switch to attack someone else therefore if your not being attacked by his Melee then turn range prayer on to minimize damage taken.




-Once again pray for Hilt Drop <--- last step :XD:
















Commander Zilyana










The process of getting kill count with a team works better if you all pick a different world then get your kill count in then switch back to what ever world you plan on killing the boss in.




You only have to rope each one of the rocks once!


Agility potion dose not work you must have a base level of 70 agility or more to kill this boss.












What I have on.


-Torags Helm


-Glory Amulet


-Sara D'hide top


-Torags Legs




-Obsidian shield


-Ring of Wealth


-Dragon Boots


-Zammy god cape






[hide=The Kill Count]




Getting the kill count is long but not as long as Armadyl's kill count. The blue dots on the map represent the way I get my kill count to 40. I kill the Mages that require 83 slayer to kill because they can drop dragon boots and for another reason. There is a werewolf down here witch when near the Mages the Mages focus all there attention towards the werewolf therefore you can kill them with out using Mage prayer.








[hide=The Battle Steps]




Ok for the fight is is pretty simple. once you get 40 kill count, gather your team after they have 40 kill count next to the door to Commander Zilyana Lair.




Steps before battle:




One sip of ea.


-Drink Sara Brew


-Drink Super Restore


-Drink Super Attack and Super Strength Potions




The Fight:




-Put on Mage Protect Prayer and Piety.


-It dose not matter were you stand in the room.


-This boss and the other guys around you can hit 20's constantly so watch your health!


-Well Again pray for a hilt<---- last step










This is a short one only one kill.










Thanks To These People!!!




Sheynara-for helping me with my spelling :XD:




Thanks to these guys for helping and supporting me with my videos and killing the monsters!










-Foxx J




and to all my other friends Thank you!!!







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great guide man


here's some tips


- use spell check :wall:


- first timers need to talk to the half dead guy before being allowed entrance with rope


-diamond tips for armadyl's final blow/second half of hp (deserves a mention)


- icefiends work for zammy kill count (20 hp)


-zammy servant special when hit will lower your prayer by half i believe


-the altars only restore prayer points every 10 minutes (roughly)




ps: all my drops came without ring of wealth :ohnoes:




have fun, and gl everyone

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Very nice guide!




Ever got a hilt?

Click for My Blog



670th to 99 Smithing July 21st, 07 |743rd to 99 Mining November 29th, 07 | 649th to 99 Runecrafting May 18th, 08 | 29,050th to 99 Defence October 20th, 08 | 20,700th to 99 Magic November 8, 08 | 47,938th to 99 Attack December 19, 08 | 37,829th to 99 Hitpoints December 24, 08 | 68,604th to 99 Strength February 4, 09 | 27,983rd to 99 Range February 9, 09 | 9,725th to 99 Prayer June 8, 09 | 6,620th to 99 Slayer December, 12 09 | 4,075th to 99 Summoning December, 28 09 | 3,551th to 99 Herblore February 24, 10 | 3,192th to 99 Dungeoneering November 11, 10 | 146,600th to 99 Cooking December 29th, 10 | 11,333rd to 99 Construction June 7th, 11 | 16,648th to 99 Farming August 1st, 11 | 19,993th to 99 Crafting August 2nd, 11 | 89,739th to 99 Woodcutting Janurary 1st, 12 | 55,424th to 99 Fishing May 9th, 12| 60,648th to 99 Firemaking May 12th, 12 | 16666th to 99 Agility May 17th, 2012 | 24476th to 99 Hunter June 1st, 2012 | 57,881st to 99 Fletching June 1st, 2012 | All 99s June 1st, 2012 | 3183th to 120 Dungeoneering July 24th, 2012 | 2341st to 2496 Total level July 24th, 2012 | Completionist Cape July 24th, 2012

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Great guide.




Where (what quest?) do you get the Amadyl amulet from?


Proud co-leader of the Mayhem Makers, Runescape's best pure pking clan

Combat 97 - Str 99 - Att 93 - Hits 97 - Pray 52 - Ranged 95 - Magic 99

I Mahatma I - Thanks Misterxman for the great sig

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Nice guide man! :)


Everyone keeps asking me to come, I'll have to go sometime :P


Goodluck with everything!




aow guide pl0x?

128+ Combat \\ 1900+ Total Level \\ 85M+ EXP

5,999th To 99 Woodcutting Achieved June 27, 2007

66,931st To 99 Strength Achieved January 23rd, 2009

Draconic Visage: 1+ \\ DK Drops: 169+ \\ GWD Drops: 74+

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-Put on Page Protect Prayer and Piety.


-It dose not matter were you stand in the room.


-This boss and the other guys around you can hit 20's constantly so watch your health!


-Well Again pray for a hilt<---- last step










This is a short one only one kill.










Thanks To These People!!!




Sheynara-for helping me with my spelling :XD:




Thanks to these guys for helping and supporting me with my videos and killing the monsters!










-Foxx J




and to all my other friends Thank you!!!












funny page protect




edit looks like i didnt somthing wrong on the quoteing ....


rarely ever check forums.

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