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Everything posted by Kashi

  1. Someone probably already pointed this out, but here goes. People who read alot don't have to do anything to make themselves appear more intelligent, because it's the intelligent people who are more inclined to read books in the first place. If you think people who are heavy readers are smarter than you, it's because they probably are. They're not smarter because they read, they read because they're smarter. Mother nature gives you brains, or brawn, but rarely does she give you both. The weak, sickly nerdy kids stay inside and read, become scientists, cure cancer, whereas the people who inherited the other half go play sports and become football stars. Books are, however cliche it may sound, like a gateway to another world. The rules don't apply there; anything can happen. It's not uncommon for me to become very depressed after I finish a good book, or especially a series, because for me it's like all the characters in the book have died. If the author doesn't write any more adventures for the characters to have, it feels to me as if they're dead. Books were my friends when I was a child and nobody else would be. I could type for hours about the virtues of books and reading, but given the topic of this thread I doubt you'd bother to read it.
  2. Kashi

    Extra Gravity

    In Boy Meets World what's his face was lying and telling everyone he had a band, so he was looking around trying to find a name and he sees three signs: Blood Drive Sex Ed 'Exit' sign Kid1: So what's your band's name? Cory: Uhh .. The Exits!
  3. Kashi

    Extra Gravity

    That seems like it'd be a good name for a band. Also, if that one's already taken I would name my band 'Some Kind of Industrial Stapler'. You?
  4. Kashi

    Vote colbert!

    I believe if Stephen Colbert (Steven? Stephen I think) ran for President he'd actually probably make it. And that would be the beginning of the end for the American people. They'd vote for him 'cause they'd think it was funny, then realize too late that they'd elected a television joke-news anchor as their Commander in Chief.
  5. My school didn't believe in reading, but I read alot of these books for fun. A few other things I'd put on your list: Alice in Wonderland -- Pretty fantastic book, if you ask me. also Through The Looking Glass -- I've read these two about a dozen times. Dante's Inferno -- Although I haven't read the rest of the Divine Comedy. Robinson Crusoe -- Or was this already on there? It wasn't so great anyway ... Animal Farm -- Short,but good. The Time Machine -- And also basically H.G. Wells's entire works. Although I didn't read the thread, only the opening post, someone probably already mentioned these.
  6. Need to use the Windows recovery console to repair my registry, but it asks me for an administrator password. It wont accept my admin password, but the few websites I consulted say the only way to get around it is to lower the security level keys in the registry? But ... it's all a circle ... Or, is there a way to edit the registry settings for one installation of windows from another installation of windows? Or to reset that administrator password or whatever. Basically all my problems stem from not having this password.
  7. siggified :mrgreen: You beat me to it, I was gonna' do that. :? No, yeah, but to make fireworks you'd need some highly dangerous materials which you probably wouldn't be able to get access to anyway. Unless you live near the chemistry room of a major university?
  8. Probably someone already said this, but of course the only reason cannabis was made illegal in the first place was the industrial use. Back in the 1800's and early to mid 1900's cotton was simply the largest industry in the southern US, so when hemp came around and it was discovered that you could make cloth out of it that is twice as comfortable, half the price and 10x more durable, all the cotton people were afraid it'd put them out of business. So they got together with Congress and bribed alot of people to make sure the bill for illegalization passed. Thus the cotton industry was saved and one of the most useful and versatile plants in the world was made illegal. [hide]This according to my pot-smoking second cousin. However it seems pretty plausible.[/hide]
  9. Simple answer: You will find it impossible to stop yourself once you already commited the murder, because you never stopped yourself in the first place. Watch 'The Time Machine' (though the part I'm referring to isn't in the book). The one chief Morlock tells The Hero that he can't go back in his Time Machine! to stop his girlfriend from dying, because, if not for her death, he would've never built the Time Machine! in the first place. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry doesn't go back in time and save himself from the Dementors, he is saved by himself the first time around, then the going back fits neatly together with it. There are NO PARADOXES in time travel.
  10. You guys are [wagon]. Like thinking that you can control your own destiny is any crazier than reincarnation or the crucifixion story. You just don't want to believe in anything ... EDIT: I suppose this theory is along the lines of telekinesis, thinking that you can move the world around you with sheer will, or in this case sheer belief. EDIT: For the Christians out there, the Bible says a man with a grain of faith can move mountains. If you take that literally, then my post isn't so insane huh. It's the exact same thing.
  11. My theory is disproven, since I thought Bubsa would have something nice to say. :(
  12. That's a good summary of what I was trying to say, yeah. Couldn't have put it better myself. The thought just suddenly occured to me, I guess great minds think alike.
  13. I have ... No friends. For that reason this thread is the saddest thing I've ever read.
  14. Oh no, then it must be so. :( But I am convinced this topic will get some interesting responses. Therefore it is only a matter of time.
  15. Man though, but I wish I had a haunted movie theater to work in. All I have is a gas station? And it's not even haunted.
  16. I believe that the attitude of the person most directly involved in an incident determines the outcome. If you bet $5 million on black on a Vegas roulette wheel, but you are reluctant to do it and are more than half convinced that you're going to lose, you will lose. As in, the majority expectation of any situation is always fulfilled. You couldn't tell yourself you were going to walk outside and find $100 dollars on the ground, then actually do it, because more than %50 of you would believe it wouldn't really happen. Therefore if you are very easily moved by hypnotic suggestion, you could try to convince yourself that you were going to have a good day, and I think you really would. That's just my new theory. Try to convince someone that water cures cancer.
  17. What word is made up? Chromopsychosis. Checked google.com, checked yahoo.com, checked answers.com, nothing but his post on this forum saying this word. Well, I did admit about 10 posts back that it was made up soooo ... Chromopsychosis. As in, color-based psychosis. Combinations of colors have been known to have unusualy effects on people's psyche, but I don't know of any cases that ended in death, and although I'm sure there's a word for mind-altering effects caused by color, I don't think it has 'psychosis' in it. That'd be a bit strong. Still I had you guys going for a few posts there. :)
  18. Most of my dreams are nightmares. Fortunately I have a very rational subconscious I guess? So when impossible things start happening in a dream, I always realize, "Oh. I'm dreaming." Then I can calmly enjoy the rest of it. Makes for pretty boring dreams though.
  19. I was kinda' hoping someone would call me out on that chromopsychosis remark. Since it's totally made up? :-k
  20. It's got me interested enough that I really want to try it, but not interested enough to pay $20.00 for it. Looks like there's a failure in their advertising department somewhere. :( Also, if you think you can't affect the basic state of your brain with just sensory input, you're kinda' wrong. Actually, it's a known fact that prolonged exposure to certain combinations of colored light can have deleterious effects on mental stability. It's called chromopsychosis, and can reach fatal levels by inducing hypertrophy of the tonsils, blocking air intake and resulting in asphyxiation.
  21. Kashi

    ban me

    DAMN that's alot of spam threads in a short amount of time.
  22. White people may be smarter than black people, but asian people are smarter than white people. Also there's Germany.
  23. I love this Watson guy just from reading this article.
  24. It's an unavoidable global phenomenon. Humans may speed it up but it would occur anyway because of Earth's dense atmosphere. \
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