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Everything posted by Nomrombom

  1. Nomrombom


    Range guild definitely needs an update. In fact, ALL guilds could use an update. Weapons and armor and new quests are simply FAR outstripping the uses of most guilds, especially the range guild, and possibly the mage guild. And plenty of skills don't even HAVE a guild... I'd call for a big guild redo and make them more useful than they are right now.
  2. Keldagrim, as the quest and skill requirements are fairly tough. Still gonna be camped though.
  3. Does barrow's armor degrade like usual in FoG? I assume it does, but just wondering...
  4. Can we stop quoting once it gets to eight different quotes? :mrgreen: I'd venture to say that once you've done the "necessity" (note the quotation marks) quests, such as DT, Monkey Madness, RFD, AAFR, etc. the fun massive world omg lololol bbqsauce this game is so deep and adventure filled feeling depletes somewhat. And even then, RS is still fun and addictive anyway, so who cares? <3:
  5. Just checking...The ACTUAL point of the profile lag time is so you can't just hop worlds in five seconds and mine rune ores and stuff like that?
  6. Are you JOKING?! That's just unfair. :( Gratz on being the luckiest person in Runescape though :^_^:
  7. Gratz for the 99, especially mining, so 100/10 for that. But over 1M xp in ONE DAY? How long did you play? However long it was, that's just not healthy. Get outside sometime.
  8. Well if we're all going to be the grammar police here, then he should have spelled "cataloguing" as "cataloging" and there should be a period before the "it's."
  9. This is one of the more boneheaded topics I've seen, but anyway... You couldn't just....melee the dragons and not spend any money on cannonballs and stuff? Sell the bones? 500k, if you haven't already gotten it, isn't particularly difficult to acquire...
  10. Once got a PERMA BAN for saying google by bypassing the filters. PERMA. BAN. :wall: Appealed, and THANK THE MERCIFUL LORD some real person was there and reduced it to three day ban. Which is still stupid, but not anywhere near as bad as a perm ban. :roll: Have been muted about 5 times so far for various stuff. Usually bypassing censors to say stuff like gay and whatever. People need to get over it. In fact, I would encourage Jagex to implement a system that makes it so that if people you report get their appeals accepted because they did next to nothing, you can't report offensive language. Your own damn fault for being a stingy jackass. Lucky me, all that expired. I would GLADLY...no, ECSTATICALLY have given up dungeoneering forever if Jagex would make a real report and appeal system instead of an automated [cabbage] system.
  11. SOME PEOPLE have things to do other than play the computer all the time. Though you're clearly not in that category. Just because you like something doesn't mean you can and will do it all the time. Who doesn't like a vacation? But who has the money to go on a vacation every month? I didn't mean it that way, was just puzzled, and meant him no insult, so you can stop treating me like [cabbage] now. Thanks.
  12. You like mining, but you've been at level 66 for something like a week now? :?:
  13. Use free xp. Like ToG. That requires all my other stats to be higher - cons, which I hate to death, and dungeoneering, a [cabbage] skill, and farming which just takes forever. I find it ridiculous that you're insulting skills you've never even trained. Do you think looking at other's experiences or stuff like that is good enough for you to draw an accurate conclusion of whether the skill is boring for you? Seriously, give them a try with an open mind, and you might find they're very different from what you thought they were. I'm not saying your opinion is invalid; everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but without even trying the skills you say they suck? I just find that absurd. Ignore this if you've tried the skills and trained them to a quite high level in other accounts. I've trained them high enough to know that I hate them. Don't get me wrong, dungeoneering is fun as all get out, but it's a [cabbage] skill nonetheless.
  14. Use free xp. Like ToG. That requires all my other stats to be higher - cons, which I hate to death, and dungeoneering, a [cabbage] skill, and farming which just takes forever.
  15. Sometimes I do, but some are very very annoying.... Very much agreed, but it's their choice. You're not making them be idiots.
  16. Or alternatively, you could leave them alone as they haven't done anything to you.
  17. 52 for terrorbirds, everything lower isn't particularly useful is relation to the cost to get the levels.
  18. It can also take forever and be useless until higher levels and be a money sink :thumbup:
  19. You were direct denial of service attacked? All I have to say is LMFAO if that's actually what you meant.
  20. How the hell are you supposed to "gradually" release a new skill, for example? 22 May 2010: NEW SKILL!!! The thumbnail is now present in your skill list! 29 May 2010: You can now do the quest for access, but no content is available yet. 4 June 2010: You can now train to level 5! You now have access to (insert basic action/item)! 11 June 2010: You can now train to level 15! You now have access to ... ... So on and so forth. Seriously? How idiotic is that? Lmao That's not what I meant. Skills should just be one fell swoop and into the games, but when they make other changes that aren't just one giant single item, I'd prefer them gradually. Not that that's practical though :mellow:
  21. True, but as a DIY: This is how you do construction: Have a house near a bank, then just have your servant constantly exchange logs for planks. Wait....using the servant for planks doesn't cost money?!
  22. I'd actually prefer something like monthly smaller updates like adding a new monster or a nice new little dungeon, than huge changes every 4-6-8 months. I like things to change gradually if they are going to have to change.
  23. He's the guy near the counter. The tokens you earn, you know? You can trade them to Reggie for berserker shields, gauntlets, RC/fishing/herblore gloves, or combat robes. You can also uncharge anything by talking to him and asking him to do so. Uncharged drag gaunts go for something like 230k on the GE :smile: Edit: The drag gaunts are 300 tokens, and I suggest you check out the tip it guide to FoG.
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