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Everything posted by Ginger_Warrior

  1. Except it isn't. 65% of over-50s are sexually active, yet according to stereotypes, it "just doesn't / shouldn't happen".
  2. That's really only due to people's stereotypical attitudes towards the idea of anyone past 45 having a sexual relationship. It has no relevance to whether the original activity is 'right' or not.
  3. When their dev team is based in Europe, news spreads by social media, and the event sells out anyway?
  4. Oh Jesus, grow up... you're acting like this and then you want her to apologise to you?
  5. That is one mighty large brush you're using right there to tar all LDRs. Is not seeing each other regularly a problem? Yes. Is it necessarily a deal-breaker? No. But you do have to be frank and honest with each other whether it's more worthwhile trying to make a LDR work, than simply going your separate ways and finding new people. If you've already said before that you need to have physical intimacy as well as emotional intimacy, then you don't need to be Dr. Phil to work out that means school will, in all likelihood, put a wrecking ball straight through the pair of you.
  6. Why did you place 'girlfriend' in inverted commas before? The way you talk about her and yourself, and the way you seem to feel about it, it seems like the relationship is a lot more official and solid then you originally portrayed it as being. Not that that changes my advice necessarily, I was just interested in how strong you feel this relationship is, or rather how upset you would be if you did go to school and it ended not long after.
  7. I don't want to play an anti-joke but you don't need a [rooster] that big between Italy and France. :P If either of you are the type that needs physical affection, you've got problems with no obvious solutions. Maybe buy a teddy bear and tell her to pretend it's you (could lead to something interesting on her part ;)) If you aren't that physical, then you've got texting, Skype, Facebook (etc). But remember: Two people in a relationship are just that, two separate people living separate lives who've decided to share certain mutual aspects of their life with each other. Don't let her being away from you stop you from going out and enjoying your life to the fullest, and vice versa. Frankly, if you've to stories to tell from Italy, and she's got stuff from France, then it might be perfectly normal to feel jealous because you're missing out, but remember that that feeling is silly because actually you've both added value to the relationship by adding value to yourselves, not subtracted.
  8. Ginger_Warrior


    Oh no, going out feels so guilty. You know if you're spending £15 on a night, you've basically half your food left for the rest of the week. tl;dr - I need to get a job again.
  9. Ginger_Warrior


    Once you've taken away my rent, bills and direct debits, I literally have "only" £30 a week to live off! :P
  10. It's understandable in the current climate why companies would rather keep money in the bank than invest into their products. There's very little certainty they'd see a decent return on it. Besides, RS3 is generating enough media interest; interestingly, not all of that interest has come out of the MMORPG sub-culture of gaming websites. It has received a moderate amount of mainstream attention too.
  11. They do in Minority Report. :P
  12. People who hate Miley Cyrus / Justin Beiber / Selena Gomez and co. No-one's forcing you to listen to their music, why does they continue to bother you?
  13. OK, you're clearly not in love with her, but do you love her? You may not actually have been lying if you play semantics. The reality, however, is that LDRs can become incredibly strained, especially when it involves one person going to college/university, and that person's suddenly thrown into a big social melting pot where past connections seem to get shoved onto the back burner for the first few months, at least. It's probably not wise to allow her to invest so much emotion into the relationship at this point, for her own sake, when there's no certainty that in three months time the relationship will even exist at all. I'm not even talking about you personally when I say that. The vast majority of college/university LDRs I've seen tend to split up around about the post-Christmas January/February period during first year, and I know other people close to me see the same pattern in their acquaintances.
  14. Ginger_Warrior


    https://en.wikipedia..._classification It's a grade below. As far as I know, it's an archaic naming system that somehow survived to the present day. From top to bottom, with the abbreviation in brackets; First Class Honours (1st) Upper Second Class Honours (2:1) Lower Second Class Honours (2:2) Third Class Honours (3rd) Ordinary Degree (Pass) 2:1 and 2:2 are pronounced two-one and two-two respectively. The latter is sometimes called a "Desmond". Basically I got a pretty middling grade, but I'm happy with it because that whole course was seriously hard. Also, I totally should have checked whether Ginger had answered your question first. Tbh you should ban yourself for spamming the same post, tbh. :P
  15. No, that's a good and valid point. Their whole attitude and vision at E3 was based around DRM. We had the digital games library, we had being able to share games over social networking etc.. This is clearly a pragmatic decision because they knew gamer attitude against DRM was so high, and that would have impacted on XbOne sales. Do any of us believe their vision has actually changed? Not a chance.
  16. It hasn't changed my plans for the next gen, and I wasn't going to buy an Xbox One in the first place. There's other issues running against it; it's also £90 more expensive that its closest rival, and the games look like they'll be astronomically priced. Given you're forced to take the Kinect along with it, I'm not sure if I'm getting a decent value for money there. The fact DRM (or lack thereof) is even an issue to be discussed remains an embarrassment for MS while neither Sony or Nintendo were interested in even entertaining the idea.
  17. Ginger_Warrior


    It's the final 'grade' you take from your degree. So a first is 70%+, a 2:1 is 60%+ and a 2:2 is 50%+. A third is 40%+ and anything below that is failing.
  18. I'm loving the "Xbox 180" and the nuclear submarine jokes coming out after that news. :) Seriously though, what happened to all that "This is the future... it's a cloud... let us take you there" bollocks?
  19. Ginger_Warrior


    2:2 is a perfectly decent degree that you can take into a future career. Congratulations! :)
  20. I go back to my last post about your love life, Noxx. Going out with mates and getting drunk, having a laugh is one thing. Using drugs and alcohol as a way of avoiding stress is another matter. It's not an avenue you want to go down because ultimately, it doesn't resolve whatever issues are causing the stress, it just hides them for a while. But those issues are still there when all things said and done. If she wants to get on top of it, she needs to talk about it and open up. Getting baked isn't the answer.
  21. Part of the anger being directed at Xbox One is frustration and anxiety about the lack of information, particularly in regards to DRM, rather than anything they've specifically announced, a situation not helped when the company itself 1) appears irritable to answer quite simple, if protracted or convoluted, questions about a system it created itself; and 2) seems not to have thought those answers out in any case: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RtSGFryKwo I didn't think the interviewer was that good (constantly interrupted, went back on questions) but Major Nelson was bordering on rude and obnoxious with some of his responses. It's far easier, as a gamer, to put yourself in AJ's shoes, wanting to attack Microsoft, than it is to put yourself in Nelson's shoes, wanting to dismiss this as a novice YouTube journalist attempting to take gratuitous pot shots to boost his subscription count, and that's the major PR problem Microsoft have right now. Outside of a few exclusive titles announced for the Xbox One, they've allowed themselves to be portrayed, in interviews such as this for example, as "anti-gamer" by attacking what many gamers see as a fundamental right.
  22. Ginger_Warrior


    That's good advice, I'll try it next time. Thank-you. Today I played Crash Bandicoot for the first time in over a decade. I've still got 'it'. :)
  23. Considering the average runescape player is now 18+ are you sure? Source needed and, why does it even matter so long as minors are playing the game? Not too long ago I was prancing around in a zamorak outfit and saw a saradominist with a few of his friends at the GE. Jokingly I preach my book and before I know it I get a whole slew of curses thrown at me and that I shouldn't take this game so serious, he keeps ranting and ranting untill his brother returns which immediately takes action and starts apologizing to me and tells me he's a minor. Moral of the story: kids are even worse and hiding and censoring doesn't change a thing. It's the attitude of the player, not a game filter. I have fond memories of the wilderness fak u ghey nub u bser so easy to get around filters. I don't see how that's at all relevant. The counter argument to just about every thread on "policing" the Internet is that parents should be taking more responsibility for supervising what their children do or see on the Internet. Please, don't get me wrong; I fully agree with that argument. However, by removing the censor, you remove one of the precious few tools they could use to fulfill that role. Which way do you want your toast buttered: do you want more hopelessly flawed attempts at Internet policing, or more measures which operate on a personal level like in-game chat filters?
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