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Everything posted by Unknown_Warrior

  1. Swap the ACP for sacred clay platebody. Weighs 2kg less + quite a bit more defence This outfit is based on being mage defensive. If using Protect from magic then yeah, you're better off with SC Platebody.
  2. Responses bolded, in summary use Ourania tele or just do deaths via abyss. Do you even know what you're talking about? Do you really? Deaths are indeed more profitable, but the best XP I've seen people make through the abyss is 30K xp/hr. ZMI, at its best, earns 65K xp per hour (or slightly more) at 99 (~40-45k xp/hr at your level, if you focus). That's not a little difference, it's a guargantual difference. As for outfit, I'd recommend this (which is what I always use): Obviously switch the cape for an Ardougne Cape 3/4 (this image was from a guide I made on another forum prior to Ardougne achievement diary's update). The ring can be freely swapped for Explorer's ring as you please. Still, I'd seriously recommend switching to Lunar's regardless of you wanting to farm. The inability to use Lunar's will significantly hamper your times. Plus, it's not all bad since you get some nifty spells that might help you along just in case. Enhanced Excalibur as you pointed out is indeed awesome. I use one special every 1.5 hour, you'll lose little HP if you just keep praying (and there's no viable reason not to as you will pass an altar every trip) but should just be banked. From what I recall from my farming trips, normal teleports are rarely necessary (relying more on item teleports). So for the few spells you do need, it would be wise to invest in teleportation tabs and use Spellbook swap for the odd Trollheim teleport. Hope it helps, Unknown Warrior/Unknwnwrrior/The Warrior
  3. ...What? Also, out of curiosity, what's anti-strength? It's the belief that limiting oneself and complaining about it is fun. It's the belief that the game can be enjoyed and fun without the necessity to train in a skill that many erronesouly label as vital. Especially regarding bosses. That being said, the sole reason I'm getting it to 80 is because it's a nice round number and I needed 78 anyway for Void Stares Back. And I don't recall complaining about it.
  4. The whole world is against me. I'm severely disadvantaged in the long run when Jagex just keeps shoving content down my throat which I do not have access to. And I can still be anti-strength. I just need to make sure all my other skills are higher than 80. Not too hard at this point considering only fishing, hunter, prayer, thieving and dungeoneering are <80.
  5. I'm looking for more interesting methods rather than AFK at whatever zombie is the current trend.
  6. I'm looking for more interesting methods rather than AFK at whatever zombie is the current trend.
  7. I'm looking for fast ways to get to 80 Strength/Attack. And I mean as fast as humanly possible. I have access to extremes, Piety, BGS, most summons (up to and including Unicorn Stallion). Guides from AoW are also appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  8. I read your guide thoroughly and I found out I'm suited for neither role. :thumbup: Pity really, I was quite interested in teaming. And I have a very, very low stupidity tolerance.
  9. He. I only bring about 10 dragon bones home per trip to Mithrils. Besides, I got most of my Mithril dragon kill drops from the safespot, which was removed with Runetek5. I killed approximately 100 Miths a trip back then. And I'm losing about 120K worth each KQ kill. Eat 30 Rocktails + one prayer potion - Get 75 nature runes/Uncut sapphire/3,000 GP. It really sucks.
  10. After a lengthy (6 months) absence, I decide it's time to update this blog. Just to let you all know that I haven't given up on this goal yet. Sadly, my enemies seemingly have. For compensation of not updating this thread in ages, an update of what I've been killing and how many I've killed: 403 Mithril dragons --> 10 Chewed bones (one unburned) 126 Tormented demons 40 Kalphite Queens Other foes: 447 Iron dragons (platelegs on the 221st drop) 84 Steel dragons 15 King black dragons Luck has seemingly stopped smiling on me, but I will persevere.
  11. Tele to Castle Wars, tele to Duel Arena, enter Fire altar, craft. Tele to CW. Rince and repeat. Basically, each trip is 2 uses of a Ring of Duelling.
  12. So Dungeoneering came out shortly before my break. Since then, lv 120 and 200M XP have been reached and I've been told numerous times how fun it can be from various friends. It's just.... I don't feel it. Now, my Dungeoneering experiences have so far limited to either me soloing or playing with a single friend. Yet I'd like to move on. I'd like to rush and do large dungeons. I'd like to advance to at least lvl 70. So I'd like to know some stuff: • What role am I best suited for considering my stats? I'm currently using a Gravecreeper longbow, Stegoleather body and 125 Promethium arrows p++. Ring on +2 Desperado. • What should I focus on when rushing floors? • What is the key function of a 'keyer'? • What are my best binds? • What else is important to know? • How would I best find a suitable group to Dungeoneer with who aren't complete morons? Thanks in advance.
  13. So, what would be the fastest method from 77-80 Hunter? I normally would find out myself but I've been away for half a year. Also note fastest, I personally do note care if method x generates money at the cost of being slower. Thanks in advance, Tip.it .
  14. This is already the case. I, for one, was constantly looking for teams but the ones advertising on the RSOF aren't interested in me. You can't get anywhere if you're not constantly doing levels 30+ and are over 130 combat. I can say I've Dungeoneered solo probably 75% of the time. I'm interested in what the other classes' options will be. Especially Ranged and Skiller's.
  15. I'm thinking of using my triple charm from familiarisation here. The guide, however, lists a method that depends on both efficiency and longevity. Can anyone recommend me an outfit that maximises DPS for a small period of space (40 minutes). I have access to: Extreme potions (no super prayer/overloads though), SOL, Ahrim's set, Mystic's set, Unicorn Stallion, imbued rings (of any kind) and all the assortment of high leveled jewels. Thanks in advance!
  16. Adult pet: [spoiler=Tooth creature] It can apparently grow unhealthy, no idea how. BTW, pet's food is milk, both normal and chocolate. I tried feeding my pet 9x chocolate milk but it remained healthy.
  17. 3.333...% per hunger. That's about 7x faster than normal pets? Anyway, my pet is almost at 100%. I'll keep you posted in what it turns into.
  18. * Kebbit tooth: Obtained by catching a Sabre-toothed kebbit. Requires 51 Hunter. * Suqah tooth: Obtained by killing a Suqah. Requires ability to do Lunar Diplomacy. * Old tooth: Obtained by digging with a trowel in the Digsite (areas with the buried skeleton). * Monkey dentures: Can be bough in Ape Atoll after completion of Monkey Madness. * Human child's tooth: Obtained by checking the bunkbed at Gertrude's home. From the wikia page I made.
  19. Gertrude's house. Search under the pillow. Fail, I went to her house before and tried to use the Tooth extractor on her kids. It should give the same effect, damnit! Anyway: [spoiler=New pet] Grows 3.333...% for every 5% hunger.
  20. As I'm nearing (sorta) the lvl 50 ability to bind 2 pieces of equipment, I'm wondering, as I currently have 1 Grave creeper longbow + 125 Promethium arrows p++ bound, should I bind: 1) A Tyrranoleather body, to further boost my Range abilities? 2) A second weapon to allow for easy switching between styles (ie: Katagon spear p++ or a High-tier magic staff)?
  21. Hardly a mistake considering if it turned out you didn't like the maul, a promethium spear is easy to get if you find a good smith. (how is the maul though, in comparison to the spear?) Its hard to find a 90 smith, and even if I do sometimes they don't want to make me one out of pure jerkiness, or sometimes they get pissed off at me for doing the infinite money trick for hours on end trying to scrap together the 416k needed. I got my prom spear because a very nice level 138 fellow with all 99s (except dungeoneering, of course) made me it along with a gorgonite platebody. Prom spear had like 127 stab I think. Primal maul has about 157 crush. I know most bosses are weak to stab, but I think having a massive crush bonus will make up for it. Maul is only 1 speed slower than a spear too. But yes if I had a primal spear I would defintely choose it over the maul. If you have a choice of weapons, you should ALWAYS choose the spear. Money trick you say? </intrigue>
  22. The avatar's voice was the worst of all, to be frank. Then in order: Guide lady > Sir Vant > Goblin > Roddeck > Squire
  23. Oh geesh, I just had a thought (and my ominous ones often come true). Remember how they were planning to update Smithing? Yeah...
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