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Everything posted by Unknown_Warrior

  1. Things I dislike about this update. 1) Groups. You have to be in a team to do efficiently, others might not want to do it efficiently and the majority of RS' demograph can't tell their [wagon] from their face. 2) Skill interaction. As much as Summoning 1 may have sucked, it at least helped other skills. Moreso after Summoning 2 got released. Many skillers are probably gritting their teeth because of the lack of Mining/Woodcutting/Fishing/Hunter boosts you get from Summoning (Lava titan/Beaver/Granite lobster/Arctic bear). As well as Easier nature runecrafting or runecrafting in general (Spirit graahk/Abyssal lurker) and the assortment of other things (BoB's come to mind). In this skill, the other skills help Dungeoneering, but Dungeoneering doesn't help the other skills. Not very great. 3) Rewards. Rewards from a skill? Sounds completely ridiculous to call 'em such but alas (I expect rewards from minigames, not skills). Moreso than anything though, I can't see at all why this "skill" might be appealing to me; I deem myself a skiller. There are 22 rewards, I counted. A massive ( [/sarcasm] ) 4 of those are NOT directly combat related. These being the Gem bag, Coal bag, Scroll of life and Anti-poison tome. The Anti-poison tome is pushing it, but I deemed it sufficiently not-combat enough (as there are a few skills that may cause poison). Out of all of those 4, only 2 might be deemed interesting (sorry, I do not see much use for a Gem bag nor for a Coal bag). 4) Isolation. The place isn't incorporated in the game at all. Even Agility allowed (since day 1) for multiple locations to train. Even Hunter. Sure, they might force you to start at the same place, but you could advance to others. ------------------------------ I'm looking forward to further ways of training this in the future; minigames (lol) or otherwise. Also, better rewards for people like me would be nice. And a solo option. So hopefully, we'll have Dungeoneering 2 in a few months. As for now? This is probably the LEAST excited I've been for a new skill ever.
  2. It's as non-combat as Slayer, as far as I can tell.
  3. A group skill? It's as I feared... That said, the rewards don't look very interesting to me? Not a combat skill? PUH-LEASE, its main focus is Combat, the rewards are mainly combat. Ergo, I find little reason in training this.
  4. I don't think the Melee method is the way to go for him. No super antis, no awesome Prayer, nothing to warrant the bother really. Get a full Slayer helm. I'd recommend: * Full slayer helmet * Armadyl chestplate > Black d'hide body * Armadyl platelegs > Black d'hide chaps * Ranger boots > Snakeskin boots * Archer's ring > Anything else * Rune c'bow * Ava's accumulator * Antifire shield ~= Dragonfire shield * Amulet of fury > Amulet of glory * 50 ruby bolts (e) and 50 diamond bolts (e) Equip ruby bolts for 50% of its HP, then switch to diamond bolts. In inventory: * 1 Antifire potion (should suffice for a task of 6, bring 2 if you have crap equipment) * 1 Ranging potion (take doses same time as antifire) * ~4-6 Prayer potions (depending on whether or not you use Eagle Eye) * 6 Sharks/Rocktails * Enhanced excalibur * One-click teleport Bring a bunyip and depending on how you enter Kuradal's ring, Lunar/Dramen staff or Games Necklace (or nothing). They're not too tough.
  5. I know. I'll just keep killing KQ for a Chainbody first, seeing I might get a D2H before that.
  6. I looked into this... it's 300K junk/hr.
  7. I know that, it's why I asked if there was some method, obscure or not, to make over 1M gp wordt of junk an hour.
  8. One has to consider the solidarity that goes into this though. For ages (though this is bound to change) holiday events were the ONE thing F2P looked forward to. As that's all they got (bar a rare few updates). Cutting back on quality of holiday events in favour of (most probably) member updates only a handful will enjoy seems like a massive backhand slap to any F2P'er. Yes, I am P2P, I'm not pro-F2P, but they deserve their precious punfilled, grandiose contemporary updates.
  9. So, is there a way of making more than 1M gp/hr in junk?
  10. 1) Chances are guesstimated between 1/5,000 and 1/25,000. I've seen people gettings 99s there without ever getting a Chainbody. 2) No.
  11. Finally Jagex made another of the graphically updated Trolls.
  12. I should update this for a bit. Current tally (for the hunt for Dragon items): 76/80 Hunter. 38 solo KQ kills 350 Mithril Dragons 158 Tormented demons (did get a Ruined Dragon Slice) Items left: Dragon full helm, Dragon chainbody, Dragon 2h sword, Dragon claws, Dragon arrows, Dragon darts Few insignificant stuff (got these before:)
  13. You should be able handle a Graardor solo, KQ and several Tormented Demons. I know because I can.
  14. Yeah, sorry, I misread you. To be honest, I don't think any Familiar will be a great aid at 73. Though I can't tell for sure. I do know Granite Lobster can be quite decent.
  15. Most probably a Fire titan, considering a lot of foes are weak to Magic.
  16. Indeed, let's not forget just how many people actively use magic in combat? 1/50 would be a generous estimate.
  17. Alright, what about proper invent now? I have a very vague idea on the amount of Prayer pots now.
  18. Familiarisation D&D. Okay bedman, but what summon, what inventory, equipment? I'm particulary interested in the quantity of Extreme Magic and Prayer potions I should bring. Obviously at least 5+ Extreme magics if I plan to use Ice Barrage.
  19. Nightshade gathering can also be done whilst farming. Once a day, I do an advanced farm trip. A normal trip of mine constitutes of just browing all the herb patches. But on the advanced one, I visit all fruit trees, bushes, the cactus and my belladonna as well whilst using a Giant ent. Granted, this may not be a lot of Nightshade, but it adds up over time. I consider it an extra.
  20. So I have 40 minutes of time and I never, ever killed any Rock Lobsters before (well, two, during Blood Runs Deep). Now, I'm wondering what to bring, what to use and how many of said thing. So inventory and equipment lay-out, please. I'm looking for SPEED kills, so unless it's exuberantly costly, recommend me ANYTHING that might help. Other noteworthy info: * I have access to Extreme potions. * Also access to all top-class imbued rings (Onyx + all Fremennik rings) Stats:
  21. Wait what? The Berlin wall came to be after Berlin was divided into four parts, later merged to two, after the war in order to bring some order to the then military-stripped, governmentless Germany. One part for the Allied nations (West), one for the Soviets (East), each part would adopt the government type of their new ruler. But, because of the Soviet Union being communistic at the time, there was a lot of civil disgress and panic. It wasn't further helped by the fact that post-war, the relationship between the USA and USSR soured, leading to (to say the very least) a conflict between the two. Many East-Berliners, fearing the new communistic rule, thus decided to flee to West-Berlin, where they not only got a ticket to the west (West-Berlin was a small, capitalistic island in the communistic block, as Berlin lies in East-Germany) but also quite a sum of money as escapees. East-Berlin, noticing the MASSIVE emigration of its people to the West, decided to build a safeguard to halt that. Initially barbed wire, gradually transforming through fortification to what we now know as the Berlin wall. Anno 1962, nearly 20 years after Hitler's reign. It had nothing (directly) to do with stopping further Hitlers or chaos - it was a cage. Cold war in a nutshell. Correcting your correction thAr.
  22. Expensive is how people make it. Must we halt progressive equipment just because of the potential demand? That said, in essence, the Ring of Bandos is +6 Strength. +12 only if you do MA.
  23. Or maybe it was purely coincidental that the two events happened on the 23rd and thus doesn't cement the fact that the update was supposed to happen the 23rd the next month? I'll go with that.
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