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Everything posted by jackjonson

  1. just lag, try a different server or lower detail settings
  2. it's the 6 or 7th most spoken language in the world... Then shouldn't they be working on the 3rd-5th most spoken languages first? no
  3. that is exactly the point, globally, brazil is on the rise with a more defined middle class, this means more expendable capital and more free time for millions of people. jagex sees this and is trying to jump on an expanding market. Ya true, more spanish servers or a spanish version would be increadible and i would be shocked. We, the spanish community, are growing very fast, there are player in Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and obviously Spain. Its not that i want to put other spanish speaker down, im proud of my language and my country, EspaƱol is FTW! which is exactly why they do not need a spanish server, expanding this way is not meant to keep the existing community happy, it is to bring in a new wave of players
  4. viewforum.php?f=11 people will probably much more welcoming in this forum ~edit~ beat me by seconds
  5. edited quote~mcneilp ok, detailed intelligent post time inflation in the US and UK is aimed to be roughly 2%, but lets focus on the UK seeing as jagex is based there. the 2nd quarter results and 3rd quarter predictions have recently been released. and despite the 2% target inflation rate, England has been closer to 4% and expected to hit 5%. now, jagex released the members version late feb in 2002. that's almost 7 years worth of inflation jagex have taken a hit on from membership costs. the fact that this is the first increase we have seen is nothing short of spectacular, and the loyalty price is also, as far as i'm concerned, unheard of in the gaming industry. kudos to jagex
  6. portugese makes perfect sense from a business standpoint. brazil is taking off economically and the consumer base is growing rapidly. i dont know about the rest of you, but if you have a large french/spanish/etc...consumer base, why would you cater more to them when you could enter an emerging market more effectively? now, i'm not saying jagex doesnt care about existing players, i think their continued updates and little fixes show that they do, but from a purely business standpoint, it makes much more sense to open up to the portugal, and more importantly, brazilian market than to fix something that isnt broken with the various other nations.
  7. There is an actual gold LIMIT. It's a little over 2.1B. Very rich people often have to store their gold in items to get around this. And that's the point where I think "why bother concerning yourself with what the most stable medium is?" but that doesnt seem to be the point of the thread. my impression was that he was taking a break and didnt want to lose wealth. storing in a constant medium does no more good than keeping it as gold. if the goal is to store more than 2.1b with having quick access to the money, then any number of rune items sold generally at alch value will suffice.
  8. honestly i think the update was a great service to the players past and present. as someone above me said (sorry forgot name) the wild update is worth extending membership, this update gives people time to resubscribe at the lower cost.
  9. while i completely support playing the market and normally letting others make their mistakes when it will effect me, i'm not planning to merchant off this so...neitz helms will not [bleep]e in price, if they get up to around 55k, people will just buy in bulk from the npc and sell on the ge.
  10. the rare market crashing will not cause a huge percentage of money to be gone, infact it will do the exact opposite, like you said in your first sentence. a huge percentage of relative wealth would be gone, effecting those holding rares and benefiting those without. *maybe i'm just arguing semantics, if so i'm sorry. but most of the people who i've seen fail econ classes do so on the basis of vocabulary. words that are interchangeable in most situations cease to be in economics*
  11. yeah with his stats he would be hard pressed to use 8 doses let alone 8 pots you'll be fine at barrows just keep an eye on your prayer as it drains at the normal rate + jumps when the faces show up(high detail/hidef only) other than that i would just draw out the tunnels on a piece of paper to get the pattern down (3x3 square, ladders always in the corners, 1 door to ladder room, 1 door to center room) and then just wing it, have a 1 click tele on you for the first few times, after that you'll learn quick enough to do it with nearly 0 risk as long as you keep prayer on and a few emergency sharks.
  12. gotta agree, cockroaches are decent xp and drops in f2p. if combat isnt your thing then i'm not sure what would be faster, coal, gold or yews
  13. do what you find fun, if you enjoy combat, train on what you find the fastest xp until you can train on cockroaches which offer great xp and drops, while fp2 i got over 100k per trip (fairly high combat) as a member i simply train slayer and the money comes naturally with that.
  14. honestly, i understand how some people on really old desktops or old cheap laptops lag on hd, but i've said it on here before, i'm on a $500 toshiba laptop and i only lag when i go to the GE on populated servers. and my computer is FAR from good and handles hd fairly well. even with all the options turned on (except anti aliasing, i dont have a dedicated graphics card) i dont lag much if at all
  15. your a moron. lol, its impossible to get the same task twice in a row, and you didnt get them in a row, there was a burthope task between them, thats not in a row last time i checked its definitely not
  16. you're basic idea is flawed. same example of 2b as used before, you buy 100k rune full helms (2b/20k) 2 years later you come back into the game, the helms didnt change price because of their alching value. so you now sell your full helms for 20k each and end with 2b. to effectively store it, you do not need something that holds its value, you need something that holds its value in comparison to the whole economy.
  17. yes, little kiddies who will not be able to talk normally. it wont be the increase we saw with miniclip (yes lots of you 'miniclippers' are great players but lets face it, there was an unwanted increase) it will almost be like disorganized bots who occasionally use quickchat... not my idea of the end of the world
  18. only thing to watch out for is if the payment gets canceled you end up with negative membership and banned until it's paid up
  19. the whole concept is flawed, the person is not selling a 20m item, they are selling a 20m item and 180m worth of various other items. you can buy the 3rd age armor if you also buy XXXm worth of junk (mass quantities of useless items). bottom line, yes the 3rd age is sold, but not alone, and not on the GE.
  20. when i was writing this i didnt mean movies like 'meet the spartans' i was thinking more along the lines of less gimmicky films. given the debate going on in the other thread i thought there would be more discussion from both sides on this, oh well.
  21. Instead of being a Novel on sale about Runescape things... They could make "Runescape Stories" on forum, Where players write Stories, novels, tales etc... This would be more appealing: Because Players with good skills in writting writes stories, and players who like stories BECOME MEMBER TO READ THEM +PLAY GAME. so you suggest that they encourage already paying members to write, for lack of a better word, fan-fiction on the forums. as monkey pointed out this already exists, and if they had tried to make a members only portion of the website to read this fan-fiction, hoping to attract new members, the outcry of 'jagex is greedy and only wants money' would be worse than it is for the book. i think the fact remains, since andrew stepped down, we're going to continue to see new (to runescape) if not innovative ideas to make money. this 'ploy' however, cannot be anything but good for the company, writing it almost certainly did not take time away from in-game developments and it provides a service to those interested in reading a runescape based book, while making more money for the company.
  22. i dont find anything wrong with them releasing a book, obviously there is interest in it (shown in this thread) and if people want to buy it and enjoy it once they have it, and jagex makes some more money, which they will enjoy, then i see it as a win-win situation. economic transactions do not have to be 1 sided, both parties can benefit! personally, i have enough to read and this one does not interest me too much. maybe a while down the line when i'm strapped on good books i'll think back to runescape and throw in an order, who knows.
  23. this thread is spawning from an offtopic discussion in a recent general discussion thread. one side of the argument is that movies are more entertaining/more important to society than books, the other being the opposite. it's my belief that both offer great importance and learning outside of our own experiences. i think that neither can be deemed better than the other in the fact that books are the movies of the 1800's and earlier. and that to break into the great minds of the past we must read their work just as we can watch the movies of today to gain insight into the great minds of now. personally i enjoy reading a good book more than i like watching a good movie, but that might just be the length of time that can be spent digesting a really good novel (i really do suggest war and peace to anyone despite its length, tolstoy is incredible) i guess i just wanted some other opinions on the topic, including which one you think is more important, or both, and why and which one you prefer sorry if this belongs in music, movies, and television. is so please move since it included books and didnt seem to fit in the sticky guidelines there i decided on the more general board.
  24. it's comparing a $50+$15/month disk read game to a free+optional $5/month browser based game. yes they are completely different things
  25. why is it that whenever i read threads like this i get the feeling that jagex is the only company any of you have ever dealt with? customer service is regularly handled in the cheapest way possible. i personally would be more upset if jagex hired a thousand more employees to handle these reports. if i send in a report for password scamming, i would be more than happy with an automated program that looks for key words regularly used in scams. however having an automated system puts more responsibility on the community, if someone is reported for a joke, and the system or over-worked employee scans the report for keywords and decides to mute/ban. well then i dont see how it is entirely jagex's fault, and while they should make more of an effort to correct the problem, the true fault lies with the players. the sheer number of both legitimate and false reports puts a huge strain on the customer service department. to fix the problem, we as players need to control the reports, only sending one in when we are truly offended or there is a serious rule breaker. we also need to accept that fact that no, its not perfect, but i can honestly say in my 7 years playing this game that i have been overall impressed by any contact i have had with jagex.
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