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Everything posted by Alg

  1. When you have snow in parts of the Bay Area, you know [cabbage]'s going down.
  2. Can't be the only one who's tired of promotional items.
  3. This. In general, I'm just too cheap to buy guides, and it isn't like I've needed a strategy guide in years. I'll have an internet resource up if I need one, but that barely goes past character/item stats unless I really can't solve the puzzle. That rarely happens, I don't play many puzzle-happy games, and knowing how to get such and such character isn't going to help me actually do that in the game. Though I do use this one Fire Emblem fansite frequently. Radiant Dawn has like 60 characters or something, three of which have fairly convoluted recruitment methods, and they all have their growth rates listed out very neatly.
  4. Have I missed anything important? Having computer troubles... Nothing as severe as the computer being ripped in half, but still :razz:
  5. Very fast posts. Hard to keep up :shock: Apologies anyway, previous post sounded assholish.
  6. Edit: Ignore. Sounded better in my head.
  7. I get the impression that the paranoia about Hex is getting to everyone. If he's a troll this is exactly what he wants. Let's try to avoid that, because regardless of how everyone feels, drama isn't really a good thing.
  8. Could turn the thread into a general discussion as well as contests. I've made a few but have yet to try them with the scoring system.
  9. Now glad that I can't remember my own dreams.
  10. I think that was the example given in the Bulbapedia page that the demotivator is quoting. Ultra balls have a lower catch rate. Got to Ghetsis. Was doing fine until he pulled out Hydreigon. Then got swept.
  11. Victini's catch rate is 3, which I'm pretty sure is the lowest rate that they use, containing most legendaries and Beldum's family. I think the capture chance ends up being 1/40 with dusk balls, or something around those lines.
  12. I'm effectively unable to scape, but I'm still getting my /obt/ fix in. /obt/: It's good for you!
  13. Using a hexhunter bow against a bloodrager is a sound strategic move. I say, you sir, are a fool without the intellect required to complete this adventure into the depths of Daemonheim. Your status as an administrator of the "DungeonSweep" unit is hereby revoked. Turn in your badge and gun at the door.
  14. This is what the monkey you get in the dreamyard is for. Currently using Dewott, Solosis, Sigilyph, Lilligant, Darumaka, and Sandile. Wish the sigilyph had magic guard, thing is a beast and I think it'll only lose out to Reuni late in the game. Lilligant is because I want to try quiver/petal dance with own tempo. Solosis has proven disappointing so far.
  15. They ARE the cyber police.
  16. If it makes you feel better, you guys are much cooler :razz:
  17. It actually would make interesting fiction. Think it's been done though. That one Twilight Zone episode...
  18. Are you Hextriplet? We have suspected for quite some time. She can't be, because I'm He... ...Healthy. Yeah.
  19. Is there still time? I made one but my computer failed, so I need to remake it.
  20. Look in Off Topic. Everyone at least pretends to be smart, and we find out who really isn't when they say something completely stupid. The smart ones avoid that. It's like that old saying, "Better to be silent and look like a fool than to open your mouth and confirm it", or something along those lines.
  21. Are they any good? Was thinking of looking into them.
  22. You are a benefit to the Great Machine. You shall be spared.
  23. Going to have to agree, as much as I loathe the WBC. If we start getting into "freedom of speech, but not for him", we end up with a horrible perversion of how to run a state. I just get the hell annoyed out of me by people in general.
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