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Everything posted by Alg

  1. Alg


    I'd think the big question then is what you do with all of them. Disaster planning only seems to go so far.
  2. Ooh, does this mean I can start ranting about color theory again? It's "activity", after all!
  3. Once again... Wasn't that one of the biggest things that people didn't want in the original draft for the skill? And one of the things that they eventually backed down on because of how awful an idea it was?
  4. Alg


    Merchandise and the like goes a long way too, doesn't it? College football can be pretty big at times
  5. Alg


    Even when they get older, it sure must be nice to constantly have people tell them whether or not their relationship is valid based on their incredibly narrow worldviews. They might not have known about it otherwise!
  6. Alg


    Literally everything is shades of gray. That's honestly the best part. The book Fifty Shades is not, however
  7. Alg


    That... what was it, $50? season pass is really worrying, considering how stripped down the game looks compared to Battlefront 2 (and the parts they cut out just happened to be the parts I liked). I suppose we can at least hope that it's not just a Battlefield-type competitive shooter IN SPACE. I mean, it's a given that it'll be one, but that can't be all it is, right? Your loss :twss:
  8. Better or not, you've still got about 10 years worth of mods to go through for Oblivion. I'm assuming that for most players, any differences in how good the mod support is will be negligible
  9. Alg


    What about those of us who write just as poorly with either hand?
  10. Alg


    But you just said he likely wouldn't get caught Now ask yourself if that is the case for everyone, or whether a [bleep]ing law should rely on looks
  11. Alg


    Well. This got kind of disgusting pretty quickly.
  12. Alg


    Of course, it's easier to make fun of someone than actually debate intelligently. I love the internet.What's there to argue, anymore? Using a public restroom doesn't really involve that sort of situation, unless Canadian public restrooms are vastly different than the ones down here...? There's someone in the stall next to you who's also peeing. You can't see them unless you really work at it. Again though, why does the bathroom thing matter at all? It's like, the logic is "if transpeople use the bathroom, it'll make certain people uncomfortable (because apparently the thought of someone peeing in the stall next to yours is that overpowering?) therefore they don't deserve the same basic legal protections as everyone else". This isn't debating intelligently, this is at best a fairly silly strawman that relies on a harmful stereotype that has very little basis in reality. I mean, even for the nudity thing: a cursory glance of western art in a 500 year period is going to give you a fair number of different body types, even in the context of purely erotic art. You're going to get extremely slim and willowy women (Botticell), overweight women (by our standards) with large hips and average-to-small breasts (Titian), highly unrealistic figures with questionable anatomy (Ingres), and then just curves everywhere (Renoir). And that's just one 'region', for one subject, in one genre, for a fraction of the period where we've had art at all.
  13. Alg


    It's an alright suggestion, I just don't really like how the bathroom thing always has to dominate the discussion, even when things like housing/job discrimination are just a tiny bit more important. also because public restrooms are literally the worst and the less time anyone has to spend in them the better, I mean have you SEEN those things 0/10 would not molest anyone in them
  14. Alg


    In spite of that, it's still fairly disheartening to bring up something about how basic civil rights got voted out thanks to irrelevant fearmongering about bathrooms, and get... irrelevant fearmingering about bathrooms. Playing devil's advocate is all well and good (it's very dear to my heart, but that's beside the point), but if I can borrow from some cheesy thing I read recently, there's a difference between being opinionated and being informed. It's less about ignoring dissenting viewpoints and more about how those dissenting viewpoints are often completely unsubstantiated, and writing that off as people not wanting to hear it is at least a little bit hypocritical. It's a valid learning opportunity, just like everything else. :v
  15. Alg


    I mean, you really don't have to look very hard to find out that there's no one set standard for modesty across all cultures. It's a very safe conclusion to make, and anyone who's looked into life drawing at all can tell you that it's also extremely easy to break :v
  16. Try the demo first, if you look into it. You need to go in blind. I'll admit that it's not for everyone though :v
  17. Alg


    Yes, because those situations are totally comparable in any way, and as such it completely justifies stripping away previously existing nondiscrimination protections. Yes.
  18. Alg


    God [bleep]ing damn it Houston
  19. Wouldn't really mind the comp cape being the best at everything if other specialized capes could even come close to being as good in the things they're specialized for, but it's one of a handful of capes in their vast cape-y progression scheme that isn't largely cosmetic, and it's an enormous upgrade over the few that are useful in every possible way. I mean, like, not even the other high-end ranged capes have the alerter effect, and the quest cape has zero utility value even though it's a product of unlocking just about every other utility item in the game. I can't imagine that there would be much controversy over letting the ranged/combatant/tokhaar capes pick up your arrows, or giving the quest cape some teleports, or what-have-you.
  20. It's enjoyable (I'm an immensely casual player, Supercell was my first non-promotional exotic), but it also feels like you can see some small hints at what they wanted Destiny to be, and that game would have been so much more compelling :v Also I don't have PSPlus yet so that cuts out a lot of stuff.
  21. Literally one coin away from being able to afford it.
  22. Alg


    I didn't make too much of an effort to go find a stream tonight so no...how was it? ...Well, it was shorter than the other two, I think...?
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