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Everything posted by tintin113

  1. 231 days and 364m xp over the last 8 years or so, ~1.9hours a day... Given how much I've enjoyed this game I don't think that's too bad actually :)
  2. While instanced GWD would be fantastic, I imagine it would be very difficult to instance it with its current layout, especially including the 40kc thing. Obviously they could change the layout but I like and always have liked the fact that it's a hole in the ground full to the brim with monsters including some of the biggest bosses in the game. Instancing the bosses would just take something away from that somehow... In other news I'm seriously happy about this month's BTS, it's been a long time since I've really enjoyed reading a BTS post! This is the sort of thing that honestly makes me think that Solomon's Store and, minus the xp, SoF is worth it due to the extra funding it creates for our game. We'll need a few more months like this for that idea to be really validated though.
  3. Aand just realised the teaser images were released for this yesterday here: http://forum.tip.it/topic/273054-update-teasers/page__st__60
  4. I find bad fanfiction generally amusing, but that made me sad. You can't have not laughed at Chapter 4! If this guy isn't the best troll ever then the worst human being in existence is hilarious xD
  5. How fast were your dungeons usually? And did you have to wait for SUOMI to finish his wcing/fming at the end of the floor or did he usually finish first?
  6. Most often, when arguing against a God, people find themselves arguing against religion rather than God. The 'theory of God' is not the proposal that there is some chap sitting in a cloud for which there is supporting evidence to be found. God is far too fluid an idea to be directly proven or disproven in such a way. What is far too easy to do, is to argue against a religion having any genuine claim to 'know' (in the scientific sense,) what God is, and this is a point upon which most debates about God get hung up on, missing the point that God is an idea. For the same reason as that, I'm not going to talk about social controls or cults or indoctrination, because these are all driven by religion-gone-wrong rather than 'God'. To back up people that are religious (rather than agnostic or plain theist): Ignoring parental/social bias etc, for a free-thinking person, choosing a religion implies that you have already decided for yourself that there is a God, and that you are searching for a medium through which to engage with your belief. If your beliefs were finite then you wouldn't need anything else to help you with them. Within even one church, you are never going to find two people who share absolutely identical beliefs - choosing a religion does not necessarily make you a blind follower of it. As long as you still engage with the ideas presented to you, and consider them alongside your own beliefs, you are remaining free-thinking, while still engaging with and thus being a part of the religion. A good religion, ignoring social considerations, is one that helps you engage with your own beliefs - a religion has no right to try to actively change your beliefs, but challenging ideas is fundamental to human development. My view is that God is a concept, much like the concepts of 'good' or 'evil'. Neither are inherent properties of the universe, but both exist and have a real impact upon the world because they are ideas held within the minds of people. If you believe in a God, whatever you believe 'God' to be, then God exists. If you don't believe in a God, then, for you, it does not. But whether you believe in it or not, as long as other people believe in whatever their concept of God might be, the 'concept of God', and thus 'God', remains.
  7. One of my earliest money-making memories in RS, probably under a week after joining, discovered how to make 30gp per run from putting bananas in crates and talking to the guy! That bankloot! Wizard's Circle below Varrock, scary place but high reward, people would pay a tonne for those nature runes! Killing cows in lumbridge, running to al karid bank and selling cow hides for 100gp each! Making literally hundreds of thousands of air runes, then selling them all at Varrock Bank for 17-18gp each to get my first Easter lol...
  8. Grinding 200ms is fun? Buying a 200m that causes people to lose all respect for you is not fun, so relative to that, yes, grinding 200ms is 'fun'.
  9. For the people saying 'it might be possible to duo Nex... maybe?' here's a 4 minute 12 second Nex Duo from Smokey and Dardan ;) I like how they managed to get their Adrenaline to 100% out of combat before the kill by using a combo of Anticipation/Preparation/Resonance. Also I don't know if Steel Titans working at Nex is deliberate or not, but there was a JMod watching them and he didn't say that was a glitch so that could be very useful in future!
  10. Sorry for the nub question, but where are people getting these rares from in the Beta?
  11. Well... this is hilarious: Kree is just as easy as before, in that you'll run out of prayer before you run out of food. With Steel Titan/Ovl/Range Curse, I got the KC in in 9mins 30. Could have done it faster if I'd prioritised my thresholds better and was generally just more familiar with ranged (although I've used it quite a bit now,) but I can't imagine it getting more than a couple of minutes faster. (EDIT: Yes I added preparation to the bar after this kill.) EDIT EDIT: Also, more relevantly, it's easy to switch from shield to double ccbow and back. There's a 2-3 second ban on using specs after switching, but nothing major, and definitely nothing that's going to stop me using Unload lmao. (Hits 4x5000 on Kree, which with SS is crazy dps + insta full health.) Also you can now kill Kree fairly easily without prayer (I ate just one Manta Ray.)
  12. :>>>> Didn't expect them to have a game update for it though. They have to add new servers to the game lobby I guess, and they need to put in their weekly bug-fixes anyway :)
  13. Wow, he must be getting quite some xp/h! If he played 80h that week he'd have been getting 155k/h... I realise there's some 6h boundaries either side on Runetracker but that's still a huge xp rate!
  14. Honestly I'm always surprised by people who seem to know the exact date, or even month, that they started playing Runescape. I can't be the only one who started playing for a bit of fun, not realising how long I'd end up playing this game. On that note, which of the top 10 accounts at the moment is the oldest?
  15. Also thieving, may or may not be the same speed but it is a very fast skill Isn't it like 400K/hour? 300k, maybe 310k if you duo? I'm sure Gemeos will post the exact rates soon enough, but it's not much different from hunter which is just under 300k. I'm also not sure how much xp Suomi will have to do without sceptre of the gods. He said earlier on in this thread that he was planning to do Monkey Knife Fighters I think...
  16. I believe I read that he's going to be doing Runespan after he finishes attack and crafting. Essentially Jake has to get 480m xp faster than SUOMI gets 720m xp, and Jake has some really fast skills open whereas SUOMI's fastest is Hunter. Not that that's slow, but if he's going to be doing Runespan next that isn't exactly rapid, and he not only has to keep level with but get essentially ~50% xp more per month than Jake does until he's 1b ahead. EDIT: Ooh yea gratz on 200m crafting, SUOMI :D
  17. Thanks for the update again! :) I'm wondering if SUOMI will ever be 1,000,000,000xp ahead of Jake, Jake does have over 480m-worth of 'fast' xp to go (cons/smith/craft/herb) but does he have the money for it at the moment or will he have to stick to slower skills while SUOMI increases his lead?
  18. It's purely cosmetic, it has no stats :)
  19. Been killing a few Mature Grotworms (level: 167) All grotworms are aggro regardless of level and attack from a distance with mage. I haven't yet been hit by melee and have only been praying mage so I assume their attacks are 100% magical. EDIT: Just got hit 160 melee so they do attack with melee, very inaccurate if you have bandos + dfs though apparently! EDIT EDIT: I'd really recommend bringing alch runes, there are a lot of rune drops that fill your invent up fast! Also melee gear + mage pray seems to be the best bet at the moment. Drops so far: (I'll keep editting til I get bored :P) EDIT: Too crowded to be worth-while now, I see this as being a very nice consistent-profit slayer task in future though :) 100% Big Bones Drops: 3x Saradomin Brew (2) 5x 2000 Coins 4x Super Restore (2) 2x Rune Dagger 4x 7000 Coins 4x 5000 Coins 1x Royal Cape 3x Rune Helm 1x Rune Longsword 7x Rune Chainbody 1x 50 Noted Flax 3x Runite Ore 2x Rune Mace 2x 3 Noted Adamantite Ore 1x Cadantine Seed 1x 50 Blood Runes Charms: 4x 1 Gold Charm 1x 1 Crimson Charm 1x 1 Blue Charm (Tip.it can use this data if they wish :)) New cape looks like this: (Sold for 100k lol)
  20. My guess is that, as there is so much free xp floating around in the form of SoF, Jagex's promotional events and other things, it's now inefficient to go straight to 200m in a skill, as there's a high chance of getting free xp in it some day that would be wasted if you were maxed. Maybe people want to get 200m in some skills so they have a high rank in it, but for things like Fletching and Cooking it's really no big deal.
  21. Gratz on 200m Fishing, Drum! :D He told me that he was saving the Woodcutting for doing Firemaking via Jadinkos, but this was before Bonfires so idk if that's changed his mind at all.
  22. I think people are under-estimating just how big a thing the 'Fork Handles' sketch is in England, very few English people that I know would have seen the title to this topic and thought of anything else. I think it's great that Jagex continue to put in little Easter Eggs like this and there is NO meaning to it whatsoever past a cultural reference. I mean they even name quests 'Hunt for Red Raktuber' (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099810/), they obviously have always enjoyed doing this and I personally enjoy these little things they do. I don't know how people can get so 'tinfoil-hat, moon landing conspiracy'ish over something as small and light-hearted as this!
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