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Everything posted by shivers21

  1. From: http://ambercrummy.blogspot.com/2008/07 ... esity.html I read this and thought, "omgbbq"? yeeahhh, guess what guyssss, I can eat a whole shark in RUNESCAPE, now i'mm gunna do it in real life, because i'm cool like that! then I'm gunna go to god wars dungon and kill kree`ara! Anyway, disscuss the article.
  2. shivers21


    I already commented on it ;)
  3. Well, Let's see, 4 years of membersip at $7.50 that's already $360. so selling it for less then that means I would LOOSE money...
  5. nachalo I dunno.. I'd be pissed off if every single player was walking around with bunny ears, only true 'old time' players have those. [Caution: Jagex Rule Violation]s are more common but still i would hate to see them go. Like really.. what would you rather have, a pumpkin and a partyhat, or a yoyo, bunny ears and a [Caution: Jagex Rule Violation]? regarding the rares maybe a good idea though, but only the tradeable ones.
  6. TBH jagex needs to make a gold shop ingame. that would stop all of this and make them more $.
  7. that's why I prefer IRC/ other chat's to runescape, because you don't go up to someone and go.. "oh.. 32 combat, i'm not associating with you" you listen to them. But even on tip.it I think that we do that a little to people with low postcount.
  8. shivers21


    Hmm, I bought PS legally, but almost everyone else just torrented it, which most of the time for other programs i've used (that I got illigally) don't work at all.
  9. that made me laugh quite a bit. thank you. lmfao same TY! I know LB quite well so when I saw the title i'm like 'whotttttt' anyway... the 'family' looks messed up, personally, that kid does not look old enough to even have the ability to give birth.
  10. Does this post have any discussion value left at all >:o
  11. lol yup ;), thanks VjuliusT
  12. [X] Signature [ ] Avatar [ ] Banner [ ] PSP background [ ] Desktop Background [ ] Large Piece Size:400x90 Render/Stock: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displa ... pos=-34995 enjoy sam :)
  13. I'm totally with Nadril, Don't get worked up just because you got some bad feedback, you don't need to have other peopel tell you your good, as long as you keep working at it you will get good.
  14. loll I havn't posted on TIF in forever :o anyway, here's a few recent tags :)
  15. Tried hunter when it first came out, got to like 30 and stopped :lol:
  16. "I am sorry, but we at Jagex are currently not releasing that information" or something like that.. Bleh. Gg Jagex..
  17. :thumbsup: still a nub :P lol msn me if you want a banner :P good luck with the rc goal, god that skill annoys me :) sorry I missed your 99 fm party :( i'l just standing in a corner in the other two lol.
  18. I agree. Contrast is yummy :lol: You probably don't have do quite this much but I love contrast :P [hide=]Before After [/hide] Your contrast made the glare too intense.
  19. Ok that is something cool :) make it a transparent PNG though, it looks better EDIT: like this [hide=the transparent guitar][/hide]
  20. I don't really like the inside mountain, and the wolf is kind of strangly drawn though, long neck... overall not bad, I quite like it, try drawing only the lineart and them drawing it in a graphics program :D
  21. It's actually not bad, try boosting up the contrast ;) yay for tameron :D, which macro was it? Tameron makes 2 macros.
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