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Everything posted by kido14

  1. Do the Pros overheat? Which ones exactly had/have the problem?
  2. Disney Channel doesn't exactly help with this either. Kids grow up watching girls like Hillary Duff and like pretty much every girl on that channel does, they pick up a singing career. Those viewers who are still below the age of 12 start listening to their music and becoming big fans. What kind of message do you think it sends to the little girls watching them when they get boob jobs and dress like [bleep]s?
  3. [email protected] -- I'm rarely on but maybe I'll be bored someday and I'll check it out. If it's at all like the last chat I'm leaving asap.
  4. Thanks man. I also have problems falling asleep right away. I really do appreciate the effort you put into these every year though. Have a Merry Christmas guys.
  5. GARDENING IS FOR WOMEN Only kidding 8-) , but seriously, this thread already reminds me of a bunch of 40 year old mothers sitting around talking about cooking recipes :XD:
  6. Lol, how? Name 2 [/hide] Does maplestory have a friends list? Or WoW? Or Final Fantasy? I haven't played any of 'em, so I don't know. And I know Maplestory is totally different, but still.... WoW does, dunno about the others.. Lol, how? Name 2 Does maplestory have a friends list? Or WoW? Or Final Fantasy? I haven't played any of 'em, so I don't know. And I know Maplestory is totally different, but still.... [/hide]Last choas, turf battles. Two games with no friends list and all about combat. Wait, those exist? C'mon, you can't just give me some random out-there mmorpg's. Fair enough I guess, but I don't think that justifies what he was trying to say whatsoever Ugh, this is going to take awhile. [/hide] :shame: Let me put things like this: "What's the point of getting a sword, a shield, some armour and click on things just to see how it dies? Maybe occationally eat a lobster and drink some coloured water in a vial. What's the point in that? Get a life noob!" I bet that your face is like this now: :evil: Next time you say something is stupid,think about the other thousands of people who think the same about what you like. That's monster combat. Player combat is far more complicated, and certainly more enjoyable, especially when you kill someone who calls you a noob the whole match. I bet your face is like this now: :oops: . Whoops, you just made yourself look like an idiot! Thank you Artificial for already pointing that out for me. When pking or staking, there is a degree of emotion that is involved, with the risk of losing equipment you worked hard for (in most cases) and the possibility of decent gains. I never said that. I said if you have FUN while skilling then you need to get out more. Something as mindlessly boring like that shouldn't be giving pleasure unless you're deprived of entertainment outside of the game. Some people can't help that which is fine. No, I never said that. I think you need to brush up on your reading. A lot of them do think that pkers and stakers are cheap and arrogant idiots. I never said I disliked skilling (anyone notice a trend here?), I said if you have fun skilling then you probably need to get out more. I did say that I don't understand how people can like it, and I was hoping someone could possibly enlighten me. Yeah I reall show my "lack of mature" there. Read what I said again. This is all if you have FUN skilling. My whole post was in response to the guy saying skilling was FUN (if memory serves me correctly, too lazy to check). I could get them myself, and you don't need to no-life to get those items. AGAIN, I never said skilling was a "noob" thing. I rarely call anything "noob" if at all, because it's such a stupid word. Anyways that last sentence was just too stupid to respond to. $10 says you won't bother responding to my post, and if you do it won't be relevant or in response to my whole post
  7. can't really find anything funny about calling suicide hotline... Suicide Hotline, [word beginning with s] hotline, in a three way call. Get it now? I think u don't get what i'm saying: it's just not funny to prank call a suicide hotline... those people got serious jobs, very difficult ones. [/hide] I'm really hoping you people aren't idiotic losers enough to be sending false calls to the police. Like this kid?
  8. Its out of those 3 no others. Ty anyway You didn't really specify that. Why didn't you just make the title "Medal of Honor or Call of Duty?" In fact, why did you bother to make a topic for this at all?
  9. Agreed, although grabbing your neck was pretty stupid lol. I don't think I've seen Abyssal make one intelligent post ever, and about 90% of his posts are stupid spam responses like this one. Can you get banned for being a moron?
  10. I gotta try that one. A couple days ago I went to the bank and got $5 in pennies than later that day I went to the mall with a bucket full of the pennies and I ran through the mall and tripped and the pennies scattered everywhere and I cursed my heart out and everyone started freaking out and even some people started taking some pennies. I also love to go to Abercrombie or any store that has music playing loudly and dance around till I get asked to leave. I used to get a little water gun and I would shoot people with water in their crotch area. There was this hat store and they had signs all over the place that said dont touch the hats or dont take pictures with the hats, so I would run in the store and wear a hat, take a picture with it, put the hat back and run. At this record store they were selling 7ft cardboard cut-outs of Scarface for only $5 each so me and a couple buddies put in cash and bought 20 of the cut-outs, then we set them up in random places at the mall and proceded to make out with them, charge for pictures, dance with them in Abercrombie, etc. I would buy stinkbombs then just drop them in different stores and watch peoples reactions when they would smell them. I superglue quarters to the ground and watch people try to pick them up. So yea I do alot of stupid stuff at the mall. [/hide]Immature little [puncture]s like you are why us teens get a bad rep. Oh, calm down Mr. Wilson. Let loose a little. You're saying you've never ever done anything funny in a public area? A little hard to believe. See, someone agrees with me. What some of you guys are doing aren't funny at all, and you can still do funny things without acting like an idiot and pissing everyone off but yourselves. [/hide] Yea, like the penny thing, the stinkbombs, and the water guns aren't that funny, more rude than anything else, but you can still have good fun- like dancing in the stores or exercising : Bring back the 70's!! :XD: Pretty much exactly what I was trying to say
  11. I can think of someone who needs an ego check... -.- I don't think you understand what an ego is
  12. Are you a complete jerk? :roll: If asking a simple question makes me one, then I believe I am
  13. I gotta try that one. A couple days ago I went to the bank and got $5 in pennies than later that day I went to the mall with a bucket full of the pennies and I ran through the mall and tripped and the pennies scattered everywhere and I cursed my heart out and everyone started freaking out and even some people started taking some pennies. I also love to go to Abercrombie or any store that has music playing loudly and dance around till I get asked to leave. I used to get a little water gun and I would shoot people with water in their crotch area. There was this hat store and they had signs all over the place that said dont touch the hats or dont take pictures with the hats, so I would run in the store and wear a hat, take a picture with it, put the hat back and run. At this record store they were selling 7ft cardboard cut-outs of Scarface for only $5 each so me and a couple buddies put in cash and bought 20 of the cut-outs, then we set them up in random places at the mall and proceded to make out with them, charge for pictures, dance with them in Abercrombie, etc. I would buy stinkbombs then just drop them in different stores and watch peoples reactions when they would smell them. I superglue quarters to the ground and watch people try to pick them up. So yea I do alot of stupid stuff at the mall. [/hide]Immature little [puncture]s like you are why us teens get a bad rep. Oh, calm down Mr. Wilson. Let loose a little. You're saying you've never ever done anything funny in a public area? A little hard to believe. See, someone agrees with me. What some of you guys are doing aren't funny at all, and you can still do funny things without acting like an idiot and pissing everyone off but yourselves.
  14. Yea, a ton of people still play
  15. Are you from the deep south?
  16. According to you, neither have I. Fun is an undefinable opinion that you can't say its better or worse. The community is mostly referred to Tip.It; which is odd you're staying here with a buch of p10x-loving 12 year olds. That first sentence didn't even make sense, although I think I was able to get what you were saying. You're right about the fun thing. I just can't comprehend how clicking in the same pattern thousands of times is enjoyable. I mean I did use to play myself and skill a little, but it was all so I could achieve a certain skill that would ultimately do some PvP by funding my pking or giving me money to stake/merchant. Now that these are gone, what is the point of skilling? If it's to get money, what do you need money for other than to work on other skills? If it's to get outfits... why? I don't want the lame "I do it for the sense of achievement" response either, because that's crap. I guess the only thing left that might be fun would be monster killing. In response to your last sentence: so are you saying that you are in fact a "p10x-loving" 12 year old? There are a ton of lame people on Tip It, but there are also some cool people. Plus if there weren't idiots, it wouldn't be as fun since I wouldn't have anyone to embarrass/flame, even if it is immature. I guess I just like putting people's ego's in check sometimes (not saying this is the case here)
  17. Actually it's a pretty cool game. Really elaborate, and once you get decent at it, it's pretty fun. Games get very competitive and they have clans just for that one game. I'm not a big fan of the main part of the game like in the campaign, for some reason I could never get into it. I would recommend buying it though, it's a one time cost and offers an endless supply of custom games people make that are surprisingly fun and addicting.
  18. Haven't read one intelligent response yet as to why you should keep playing. If it's for "fun" by skilling, you guys need to get out more. I mean if you have fun clicking on a tinderbox then some logs to make a fire over and over again times ten thousand, it's kind of sad. For the community? Oh you mean all of the whiney 12 year olds or possibly 14 year olds who think they're funny for saying "pl0x" in every other sentence that make up most of this "community?" If you're playing with some friends you know in person or have known for awhile online that's fine, but if you are to say the community of Runescape is worth playing for, you pretty much automatically label yourself as a moron, or a member to one of those groups I mentioned
  19. I gotta try that one. A couple days ago I went to the bank and got $5 in pennies than later that day I went to the mall with a bucket full of the pennies and I ran through the mall and tripped and the pennies scattered everywhere and I cursed my heart out and everyone started freaking out and even some people started taking some pennies. I also love to go to Abercrombie or any store that has music playing loudly and dance around till I get asked to leave. I used to get a little water gun and I would shoot people with water in their crotch area. There was this hat store and they had signs all over the place that said dont touch the hats or dont take pictures with the hats, so I would run in the store and wear a hat, take a picture with it, put the hat back and run. At this record store they were selling 7ft cardboard cut-outs of Scarface for only $5 each so me and a couple buddies put in cash and bought 20 of the cut-outs, then we set them up in random places at the mall and proceded to make out with them, charge for pictures, dance with them in Abercrombie, etc. I would buy stinkbombs then just drop them in different stores and watch peoples reactions when they would smell them. I superglue quarters to the ground and watch people try to pick them up. So yea I do alot of stupid stuff at the mall.[/hide] So what you're trying to say is you're a 13 year old [puncture] right?
  20. What about the ones who aren't shallow idiots?
  21. I hope you go to the basketball games.. Michael Beasley is a freakin BEAST. He's fun to watch. Btw App. State Mountaineers 3-peat national champs =P
  22. Oh gotcha, didn't know that.. Sucks for mages and kind of rangers since they have to spend money on supplies yet get nothing for kills.. Can you bring whatever equipment in you want?
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