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Everything posted by Makoto_the_Phoenix

  1. I thought that Hell had frozen over, when I read the title. Then, after reading the post, I realized that Lucifer had just moved the furnace a little bit over to the left. The response may be utter bullshit, but what else can be done about it? This is the path that they wish to take RuneScape, and there may be some that disagree. You, as players, have the ultimate choice to either hang on, waiting to see Sugar Candy Mountain, or leave and find other companies to support. Honestly though - it reads like propaganda. I really feel bad for everyone that poured their energy into getting this pointless update reversed, but you know - Jagex is headstrong, and doesn't like to undo what it's already did.
  2. So they realized, even with buyable spins and spins as rewards, that their cosmetic items were stupidly rare? Huh.
  3. Jagex says that they are receiving feedback about the SoF and forwarding it to the proper locations, and is silent about said feedback. Jagex releases extra SoF spins for completing a quest. What is this, I don't even...
  4. Thank you all for the birthday wishes!

    1. D. V. Devnull

      D. V. Devnull

      Consider it +1 more... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Welcome to the 25+ Crowd! ^_^

    2. D. V. Devnull

      D. V. Devnull

      BTW, I'm noticing we've got a friend in common... Adding You!

    3. D. V. Devnull

      D. V. Devnull

      Hi there, how's it going? Sorry I missed you last year! HAPPY BIRTHDAY again!!! Have fun! Please join us in the Forum Games if you want even more! ^_^

  5. I can't take an article seriously that has a page of ads in the middle of the article. It's worth the read. It's noteworthy that Mr. Horing personally called to apologize to Trevorghost for the way he was received. Apparently the company had been receiving death threats and were on edge when he showed up. However, this only goes to clear the air, not fix problems. The article also does a bit more digging than the recent Times article does in terms of figuring out who or what IVP is, and what they're capable of.
  6. What mods do we know can actually make hard decisions about the game on the fly? --- I read the Q&A, didn't really get too much out of it. Cool stuff is happening with the engine, that's somewhat relevant to what I [may] do for a living, but outside of that, the only thing to get really excited for would be the next bot nuke. *shrug* If only to watch the bots, like cockroaches, come back to the radioactive crater that was RuneScape.
  7. ...and how is Squeel of Fortune popular, again?
  8. Don't worry, they already thought of that and updated their terms of service with "We reserve the right to charge you for any unauthorized use of your subscription by third parties." . I don't think that's going to hold in court.
  9. I remember this guy. I remember thinking that it would be a cold day in Hell before he gave up posting on the RSOF. I will admit though; I don't approve of spreading information out of private channels. Even if you disagree with it. [Disagreeing in silence is the ideal approach.]
  10. From here on out, it's a waiting game. I'm going to wait the two weeks from Monday to see how many subscribers drop off (a-la HSL), and I'm going to wait for Jagex's official response. The trick here is that the JMods probably have mixed feelings about this matter, or actively oppose the decision, but can't say so in an official capacity, as it would look really bad for the company. Not that they don't look bad from years of "we know what's right, stfu"-like behavior to their fanbase...
  11. We figured we'd post this: http://tip.it/runesc...hp?news&id=2735 It would be horribly ironic (and a little out-of-place) if Jagex called TIF out for unfair use of that image (a-la copyright infringement). Great tip though. Glad I never paid with a credit card, or I'd have a major problem.
  12. A bin? /dev/null to put a finer point on it. (Bits go in, they don't come out...)
  13. Jagex isn't going to go back on their official, company-sanctioned stance on the update until the higher-ups call it off. All he can do is forward your frustration to a relevant department, and you won't get anything new or useful out of him.
  14. "I so wish that I could make you see the harm in what you did, but I'd never hear you scream...dum-da-dum-dum-dumb." - Seal Can't think of anything else to say about this. It's just...dumb.
  15. I don't think that Runespan is the revolutionary Runecraft training method everyone's been hearing about since RuneFest. Other than that, good to see some much needed fixes to Dungeoneering. Should've been done months back, but you take what you can get.
  16. So I can enjoy grinding in a body suit that feels like a sauna? Holy crap, weight loss program!
  17. They don't commit one way or another to microtransactions from that small, small quote in the article. I'd say, don't overreact to this news, but don't stop building the nuclear bunkers.
  18. I'm pretty sure there was a fair number banned(Can't quite remember, but I think MMG named some numbers at Runefest) but it was definitely not a massban as in the sense they were trying to get everyone who was botting. Priority was indeed to make them stop work. If there were any bans, then it was the chronic gold farmers and the egregious botting offenders. Jagex offered amnesty to players that they had concrete evidence instead of no mercy.
  19. ...or you could not play RuneScape, and not violate whatever contract you have with RS by botting instead. Less headaches for everyone, I'd think. To n64jive's argument: You've managed to demonstrate that, instead of botting being the problem, it is merely a symptom of gameplay being unrewarding in the immediate term. If one leads a busy lifestyle in that they can't devote much time to RuneScape, yet they still wish to advance [to a level that they deem satisfactory to compete in high-end content] in RuneScape, then that person has three choices - either not advance, advance at a snail's pace, or advance instantly (or what is perceived as "instant") through the use of RWT/bots. The problem with this is that the first two options are undesirable in many causal gamer's eyes, so there will be people that will take their chances, and simply purchase the resources/levels/items/whatever. This is bad for RuneScape in the long term, not just because of the effect that RWT/botting has on legitimate players, but because potential players won't want to spend a mountain of time just trying to compete on a level with everyone else. That's why people RWT...but your point summarized much of this anyway.
  20. This. I'm also a bit disappointed in their reasoning for the high respawn rate. Scarcity is only one aspect of high price; usefulness and perceived value to players is the main aspect. If players don't get any value out of these bolts for their intended use, then the high respawn rate will serve more as a hindrance to prices reaching their actual value.
  21. Oh wow, I had forgotten about that legal decision back in '10. This was back when they hadn't properly protected their IP in the United States. I would admit though, had Jagex properly protected their product and their name in the States, they would have stood a better chance. Even then, the waiting of over 2 years to file a suit is questionable regardless... Jagex has merely won a battle. They haven't won the war yet. In fact, if the bot nuke and subsequent follow-ups to the bot nuke are any precursor, this war just got a whole lot worse. It's been going on for as long as RuneScape has been around, and Jagex hasn't been ahead of the curve - either technologically or legally - not since the time between the bot nuke and Runefest.
  22. I don't see this being particularly appealing for long-term PvP use... As for it not having an effect similar to Hexhunter: I would have expected that. A Hexhunter effect would make PvM nearly trivial.
  23. There is a huge difference between a script kiddie and any sort of hacker (whichever color hat they may be; white, black, grey, blue, etc).
  24. Fresi, you're still missing my point (and arguing that which I acknowledged as off-topic - hence the "that's not my point" statement). Let me clear it up for you. There are culturally acceptable forms of using another person's work for profit and fame. Depending on the market or the material, it can occur with or without their permission. I say this now, and encourage you to listen to some music. Start from the 50's and work your way up to the modern day. Then read a few novels from back in 1920 and compare them with some modern novels. Compare fashions from 100 years ago to now. Food from 100 years ago to now. Methods of hygiene from 1,000 years ago to now. There really are culturally acceptable forms of using another person's work for profit and fame. Also consider that, back in the day, the entertainment industry didn't have the ridiculous extended copyright provisions that they do now. But if you want to debate that part, we'll have to take it to PM. Remixing happens. That's my point in a nutshell. The fact that jagex won that court case, makes it more likely they will win the next one, and this time probably faster. In general when something new hits the courts, the first case will be long, but it often sets the guidelines for future cases similar to it. The court case sets precedence over another court case, which may or may not work in Jagex's favor. Take, for instance, if someone were daring enough to program something that could perform OCR on their product with 99% success. First, it'd be an achievement in computers and language recognition. Second, if Jagex were to sue on DMCA grounds, then that would effectively make OCR programs such as ABBYY Fine Reader and Nuance OmniPage in violation of the DMCA - despite those programs having a very, very legitimate and legal reason for being. One court case doesn't put a firm end to the legal issues. It merely means that the bot makers use another legal avenue (legal loosely defined here as one not covered by DMCA or copyright law) to bring Jagex back to court again. And that is a waste of time and resources.
  25. You should probably dig further. In general, the whole culture of Hip-Hop and Rap was started based on mixing and sampling other artists and fellow rapper's work. The same applies heavily for Jazz. Back in the day, you didn't get permission for mixing or using someone else's beat or tempo or key - and many artists profited heavily from it. As a whole, society has come to appreciate, let alone accept this development in the music industry, since it means that we [the consumer] can get a new, exciting flavor on an old beat or tune that we thought was long since dead. I mean, I don't have problems with artists doing what they do. It makes music awesome. But that's not my point. My point is that there are culturally acceptable forms of someone building off of someone else's work for profit - and it can occur without their permission. Whether or not it's illegal depends how the law is written. Make no mistake, I don't advocate botting in RS, nor do I think that it's a moral action to do. But the legality of it is still up in the air - one court case doesn't exactly mean that it's 100% and totally against the law. This is why I feel that, while botters should be punished severely, the way to curb the bot makers is to adjust the game in a way that makes botting pointless.
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