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Everything posted by Unleasher10

  1. i completely agree. : Not really... The 500 hours he spent playing could have made him over $2000 dollars at a minimum wage job. If I were sleep eight hours each night at a hotel, does that make me eligible for $32 each night for free from the hotel I sleep at, just because if I were to work during the night then I would earn that? No. Why should RS be different?
  2. I'm F2P, but I don't think we should get skillcapes. Sure, we might have every moral and ethical right to get them, but Jagex isn't about whether we deserve them, they're a business, and if they didn't get money they wouldn't exist. If even one player goes members for them then it's worth keeping them P2P.
  3. Good point. However, what I'm getting at is that either you should see all achievements as worth something or you should see all achievements as worthless. After all, if I smith a rune scimitar today and sell it (not that I can, 43 smithing :oops: ) players could still use it months from now. True, they aren't worth nearly as much as RL achievements, but they're still worth something.
  4. Leaks? Last time there was a 'leak', it was some guy that made dragon arrows in paint and claimed they were real. And they might not have updated the pickaxe, we might've only noticed it now. But I agree that Jagex has hinted towards the dragon pickaxe twice, and the first was definitely intentional. How can you draw a detailed drawing of a red pickaxe and not notice it? I think they're trying to get us used to the idea and gather whether we'd like it before they release/develop it.
  5. True, but aren't all achievements in-game and out useless in the end? After all, we're all going to die one day. If you're religious you might say that spiritual achievements aren't useless, but nobody can take that away so that isn't relevant. On another note though, I think Misplacedme had to put this article together in one day because the Editor didn't make one and didn't have much time to think of a subject, which is why it seems to discuss a similiar topic to the other Tip.it Times article 'Pixels'.
  6. Wow, it would be nice if people actually read the arguments before flaming people and calling them evil. Nobody says it's OK to pick on the stupid, we're saying that it's not fine to only blame the perp if you're own stupidity partly or completely caused something, and that you don't deserve sympathy for something you do to yourself because of being stupid or ignorant. It doesn't feel like I've gained anything by reading that post either :P
  7. And? I never said that that was right, I never even knew about it because I don't live anywhere near wherever you do. I think in that case the rapist is completely 100% to blame, because unless she was walking around in the park with her underwear somehow visible she did nothing to cause it. And don't worry, I'm not planning a career in law.
  8. Okay, have it your way: Just because lots of people get drunk or smoke or abuse animals or pump CO2 into the atmosphere, does that make it right? All of those are legal in lots of countries. XD, you've had a funny life. But if somebody's told you not to, guess you shouldn't. Well, it isn't all his fault if the raped person was somehow stupid or ignorant to cause it. I'm not disgusted, I'm just using the same term as in "It's a horrible act, and to see even a hint of you defending a rapist Malo, makes me feel like vomiting a little. " I think in the end it just boils down to the fact that you can believe whatever the heck you want to, and I can't force anyone to share my view. No use in arguing/flaming/debating/discussing it really, it's like me trying to convince you that chocolate is better than vanilla and vice-versa.
  9. The prices of random items are determined by players, and if there is a shortage of items such as yew logs due to autoers that normally provide them being banned the prices will rise... :wink: I don't think that many people buy rs gold to significantly affect market prices. You can also note that people in the fishing highscores have risen ranks without leveling at all, which obviously means that people who provided fish were somehow removed, which means that there are less sources of fish in the game, which means there are less fish. If you look at it from another perspective though, your argument about money circulating doesn't make much sense either, because though money goes back to the autoers, money circulates through every single player group in RS anyway. If I buy a runite pickaxe from a normal player and mine rune ores with it and sell them back to the same person, the money that I spent is coming back to me as well. Would you care about that? If the higher leveled materials were cheaper, wouldn't people just buy the higher leveled materials instead? Either this is caused by price manipulation, or by lots of new, lower-leveled players entering the game, assuming that WoW's leveling system works the same as RS's.
  10. Welcome to capitalist America: FREE RS GOLD AND 3RD AGE NOWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONLY PAY $5 PER 1MIL RS GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!! AMOST 100% OF ORDERS DELIVERD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!! BUY 2MIL FOR ONLY $12 DOLLERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, back on topic: I think they should give you a popup every so many hours, just to remind you, but you should be able to ignore them if you wish. On Jagex's corporate site they already have an entire page devoted to how they're eco-conscious, and I think it would be really good press if they could say that they encourage players to limit their playing time.
  11. I never go into world 7 because random people trade me when I walk around in Varrock. -.- If it was changed we'd have a far greater chance to notice other tipiters, because there'd be less people.
  12. So, just because lots of people macro or scam or get drunk does that make us suddenly free of all blame for doing it? No. No, because nobody is advising us against going out shopping for groceries, and the woman had no way to know the was at risk of losing her purse. On the other hand, people are advised by just about everybody not to get drunk, if you choose not to listen it's your problem. Nobody's defending the rapist. However, you're defending the woman, and that 'makes me feel like vomiting a little', especially when the woman also deserves blame imo. I think that was just an example, not, ya know... XD
  13. I somehow doubt anyone on this thread actually has uncontrollable problems with concentrating, I think it's just the power of suggestion and lack of dedication, but maybe that's just me...
  14. I just reported 20, you can add that. Nice goal, I hope you achieve it :) Edit: I just walked away from the yew in Draynor where I reported them and picked up 3k from a deathpile. Karma is true after all. \
  15. Me too, but I fail/avoid them on purpose to get more :-w Anyway, does anybody here ever read each other's posts? He admitted it's a random a couple pages back, but still:
  16. XD Whatever makes you sleep at night. Since you can pretty much get addicted to anything, I think doctors should just diagnose 'Chemical Addiction' and 'Other Addictions', rather that making an individual disorder out of every possible addiction. Oh yeah, and that gambling thing's false: http://www.snopes.com/luck/casino.htm
  17. At first I would due to 'what if that happened to me' human nature. But if I actually thought about it, I'd reckon that if they knew their shoelaces weren't tied and they didn't bother to tie them or they didn't bother to check, no, not really. Call me cold-hearted, but the same thing applies to people who don't tie their shoelaces just as much as it applies to hunter xbow scamming and people who don't fasten their seatbelts before driving. If I were to break my own legs out of laziness, or not bother to check if my shoelaces were tied, tough luck. Now that you've given me an extreme example: Joe is a lazy 12th-grader. He only just manages to pass most of his exams, tests, etc. One day his science teacher gives him an assignment that will count for the bulk of his 4th term's mark. He is feeling lazy and he decides to google for pre-made assignments. He gets one and prints it. Next day, he hands in his assignment. Fast forward a year. Joe failed 12th grade because the assignment he got off the internet had all the answers incorrect. Would you feel sorry for Joe? *puppyeyes* No? You cruel, heartless, savage beast! Well, it's the same principle. He was lazy and he failed because of it.
  18. Isn't warning people to stop or you'll report them considered abuse of customer support? Anyway, I personally think begging's annoying, but not enough to get you reported. It's like stealing somebody else's ore.
  19. I'm not trying to attack you, I'm just disagreeing and expressing my opinion. Isn't that exactly what you're doing? My point is that in that example anybody that buys the hunter crossbow for howevermany million gold can't argue that they were scammed. After all, the person said 'hunter xbow'. They can't complain later, because it was their own fault for falling for it. I also think that it's their won fault for being stupid. Intelligence might have a bit to do with genes, but IMO the greatest part of it is because of pure hard work. Anybody who refuses to look at the front page out of sheer laziness can't expect to be felt sorry for because they are lazy. On the other hand, a disadvantaged person can expect to be felt sorry for because it isn't their fault that they are in that condition. Meh, I'll just write a letter :)
  20. I also kind of expected responses from the editor. Anyway, I agree with the first letter completely. However, in my opinion the second one is just stupid: For anybody that's wondering, he's referring to this topic. And, as I said in that topic, a handicapped person is definitely not the same as a stupid idiot, especially in the case of the hunter crossbow or any other scam. Let me quote from what I said in page 2 of that topic: No, it isn't. Firstly, the victims in the 'scamming' case get to choose whether or not they want to buy the hunter bow, or even read the topic, while in the wheelchair example the person is pushed off. Secondly, in the 'scamming' case the dumb idiot is choosing not to read the front page, and choosing not to double-check the name of the bow. In the wheelchair example, the handicapped person's predicament isn't because of his own laziness or bad choices. Therefore, it's more like showing a page reading 'Climb off if you want to' to a person that's in a wheelchair because he fell asleep with a cigarette and it burnt his leg (or something). So, either the guy that sent the letter just didn't bother to read the second page of the topic, or just chose to completely ignore me and the point that most of the other posters on that topic were making.
  21. Nice research and effort, but there are a few fatal inaccuracies. Firstly, nobody mines and banks iron to level mining. When leveling you mine and drop iron, resulting in zero profit. You need to make it clear whether you're using the method for fastest experience or the the method that makes the most money. If you're using the latter, then mining would rake in a ton of money with rune ore mining at 85, and even before that with addy and mith. Secondly, nobody crafts their own ess to train RC. For quick experience you craft airs in world 16. This loses a ton of money, but after level 55 or something you start to make a bit. Then, from 91 on, you craft either laws in world 66 or more airs (I don't feel like working it out), assuming you're just training for experience. Why the double standard? Why do you assume the miner would mine and bank iron and coal from 30 till 99, but in the case of the runecrafter, he/she would upgrade to natures when they could? What ever happened to rune ore? Why does each of the sentences in this paragraph end in a question mark? And thirdly, I think you should also take into account the time it takes to level the skills in the way you described it there. Mining iron, even if you bank the ores, takes far less time per experience time than buying and crafting your own airs, bodies, etc. from my experience.
  22. Lol? Firstly, you definitely are whining. Secondly, we are just telling you why you're so --not good-- at mage. Once again, if you still don't get it: Do smoke rush to poison your opponent, then do ice barrage till they're pwned. Optionally skip out the smoke rush.
  23. EDIT: and if you still do those reader submitted articles id like tyo take up the quest of the week again, that is if you still want it Yes, we still do reader-submitted articles. However, we no longer do reader-submitted series, but if you are good at sending us an article of the same point every week, we can see what we can do . hurrah for that Or you could probably just join and become a normal Asgarnian Press journalist. I can't really say, but maybe the admins would let you.
  24. I voted for Varrock, not because I have the brainpower of a pretzel (mm...pretzel) but because most of the diary would prolly be f2p. Another thing, if there are more noobs than level 126s, why should the level 126 people be treated specially and given more attention? Majority should win regardless of the level of the people who are voting for something. If the majority are noobs, good for them. Jagex never said that if you play RS for years or max out or get 99s you are entitled to special treatment. Jagex doesn't owe high levels anything, get used to it. Sure, they might have put in more effort, but a lot of rich people put more effort into earning money than poor people, yet the poor people get an equal say in who governs the country.
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