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Everything posted by XwitchKingXx

  1. Ok thanks, (nice avatar btw, Theoden FTW)
  2. Since I've had members, since Classic actually, and I know you need to do Lost City for D long, and Hero's Quest for D battle, what about D scimmy, what quest do you need to do if any?
  3. A trick I did in classic is, Tell all your friends that your buying X/Selling X and if they see somebody buying X or selling X, give that person your name.. I usually got everything within an hour. But I can't do that anymore because I only have two people on my friends list, and only one of them is on anymore with me lol. But I suggest you do that, it worked a lot for me
  4. Cars. I swear to God somebody suggested it back in classic. (In Game Of Course)
  5. Well, I "thought" I was quitting RS, so I dropped all my stuff on members, and well. I forgot his info so even though he doesn't have anything, I can't get on him anyway.. but I would've liked to get on him for his (decent) stats.
  6. I've been playing since late 2001 I believe, of course not on this account.
  7. Whatever game you play, there will always be cheaters, deal with it. It's just a game.
  8. I remember back in classic, I was mining at Rimmington, and pker walked by and kids were following hmi chanting fight. like 12 minutes later, a kid came back saying he saw the greatest fight of his rs life. pker vs killjoy, killjoy won with a 31 or 2 on him or something around there.. been so long.. but ya, lkj was beast.
  9. I was told it was by cancer.. I hope not though.. :(
  10. Can anyone confirm about theoldnite? I want to be 100% positive
  11. Sallem (We were friends back in classic) and I heard The Old Nite died? It may be old news (if true RIP) but I've been out of the rs world for years. and Snake Slavik was my hero, 2 char's with 99 range. BEAST
  12. *Gasp* No! I demand a blood test! :-w
  13. It also teaches you it's ok to kill people, they respawn!
  14. hahaha no im not saying any personal info on my FIANCÃÆÃââââ¬Ã°-HEY but she phoned me some years ago just for fun , and it was a long distance call to my mobile phone haha. and das, i will clobber you to the earth with my bejeweled meat hammer!! :evil: 8-) I'm not trying to be mean, I just don't understand RS weddings and all. but hey, good luck :)
  15. Since my returning to RS, I found that more people are a lot more rude now, then when I was heavily into RS. It's a shame.. but I am a nice person, always accepting friends if anybody wants to be mine, I actually feel bad for the low levels or the people who just died because that used to be me some 5 years ago, but luckily I had my friend help me, so ya, I feel bad for them.
  16. this was in classic so it was a big deal then. Full rune, drag long, sharks
  17. lol.. I remember a while ago I actually performed the wedding.. Hey, they gave me 50k to do it. lol.. I think they got "divorced" like a week later? but ya, RS weddings and couples are really stupid imo.. Who knows, your "girlfriend" could be a rapist, or even your best friend! :o but, good luck, and have fun!
  18. He is 100% right. RS sucks compared to when it did when I first joined. The updates killed the game for the classic players imo. and rune looked better then than now. I wish there was a way to transfer all my stuff/stats over into classic when I become a member, I really miss it a lot.
  19. I go to World 63. I always find what I need.. (ok, like 90% of the time I do.) I have a thing for World 63.
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