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Everything posted by Errdoth

  1. /me laughs at your screwed up timezone, I'm just about to go to sleep :P
  2. Image maps are (x)html, visual basic is not a web thingy, I don't think?
  3. Favorite: Ramen (and not the crap that comes in a bag) [hide=I take pictures of my food.][/hide] Other awesome foods: Sushi, Udon, Steak (a good New York is where it's at), Lamb (*drools*), Pita bread and hummus, and pâté Dislike: Olives, processed cheese, and a lot of "snack food" [hide=My most awesome cooking masterpiece, even though it's been done before] BREADCRAB! (Ran out of dough for the arms and stuff though :( )[/hide]
  4. The Lost Christmas Eve - Trans-Siberian Orchestra I haven't felt christmassey at all lately, and it needs fixing :|
  5. Intimacy? Yeah, it's awesome, though I still like A Weekend in the City a bit more :P
  6. - Bloc Party They're quickly becoming one of my favorite bands, (hopefully) going to see them next Monday (ugh, who put a concert on a monday...)
  7. You can try using save as, then, in Firefox, click on File -> Open File, navigate to where you saved it, select it, and then hit open. The addon _should_ be supported in the 3.1 beta. If you get a message about it not being supported when you try to install, you can try this: http://www.jamesvandyke.com/2008/01/23/turn-off-add-on-compatibility-check-in-firefox-3-beta/ Hope you get it sorted out :) (Also, 20k downloads D:)
  8. lrn2google: http://severtski.com/2006/03/mouse-this.html edit: Whoa, varn ninja'd a post in there, didn't see that :|
  9. Hell yes. Saw the trailer a few days ago, and dayum. The original half-life is still awesome, though :lol:
  10. It's meant to do that, and doesn't break the rules (I've asked :P ) If you removed the addon, I can't see how it would be causing the problem. Have you tried reinstalling java, starting in safe mode, or creating a new firefox profile? Could it be a java problem? Does it work with the addon uninstalled?
  11. Pillage, then burn. Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Take his fish away and tell him he's lucky just to be alive, and he'll figure out how to catch another one for you to take tomorrow. If youre leaving scorch-marks, you need a bigger gun. Your name is in the mouth of others: be sure it has teeth. ~Schlock Mercenary
  12. Someone just showed me this, and holy [cabbage] is it epic. Spy pyramids are insane. Dn9970dxQ2g
  13. Ehh...at least change it to something else. "[scam]" makes it seem malicious regardless. Mebbe "[use QFC]?"
  14. Very cool, thanks for reporting your findings. Also, almost 15k downloads, which is awesome :D
  15. Pixel2life doesn't really have all too active a community. I published a tut on there, and tried to hang out for a bit, but there wasn't too much going on :|
  16. Try creating a new profile, sometimes things get a bit screwy. Also: Please shut up.
  17. No, that's a deprecated tag. You'd be using the font-family attribute in your stylesheet. For something small like that, the easiest way to do it is going to be with images, but you could do it with flash or even with a bit of php: http://p27.us/fonts.php?font_size=24&text=Helvetica%20Beeyotch [hide=Quickly written code] <?php $font = 'Helvetica CE Regular.ttf'; $text = $_GET['text']; $size = $_GET['font_size']; $box = imagettfbbox($size, 0, $font, $text); if(!$box) { die('error'); } $height = abs($box[7]) + abs($box[1]) + 6; $width = abs($box[4]) + 6; $pic = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); if(!$pic) { die('error'); } imagealphablending($pic,false); $col = imagecolorallocatealpha($pic,255,255,255,127); imagefilledrectangle($pic,0,0,$width,$height,$col); imagealphablending($pic,true); $colour = imagecolorallocate($pic, 0, 0, 0); $x = ($width - $box[4])/2; $y = ($height - $box[5])/2; if(!imagettftext($pic, $size, 0, $x, $y, $colour, $font, $text)) { die('error'); } header('Content-Type: image/png'); imagealphablending($pic,false); imagesavealpha($pic,true); imagepng($pic); imagedestroy($pic); ?> [/hide]
  18. Just a question, if the universe is only several thousand years old, how are we able to see light from stars that are hundreds of millions of light-years away?
  19. Hernia when I was 5, I think, as well as several stitches on my chin a few years ago :( Good luck with the surgery :|
  20. ARGH! Finale of Dead Air, all four of us survived, were heading to the plane, and...the frelling server shuts down! RAAAAAAGEEEE
  21. http://www.deviantart.com/#catpath=customization/wallpaper&order=9
  22. I've only been through the No Mercy and Death Toll campaigns so far on advanced, and this game is awesome. Very, very awesome. Auto-shotty = epic for tanks And the original half-life is on sale for less than the granola bar I'm nomming on right now :P
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