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Everything posted by Ryuuka

  1. i always look at the close to 99 pics people posted an though "wow" i never thought i would be one of them myself but this just proves that you'll never know... 4 to go
  2. lmao..no srs..lmfao...GF, NOOB! <3. lolz. ffs chia told you not to look at this thread!!
  3. i once dreamt chia cha beat me up and then threw me down the karamja vulcano :^o dang i got beat by a girl
  4. could be awsome... anyways i was talking to chia cha and some other friends about it yesterday and everyone but chia seem to "know" that the price will go down to around 9m and then go up again in december.
  5. Just so that you might add red bull is also illigal in Denmark because of its dangerus effects8around 15 red bulls within 10 hours is enough to give you a cardiac arrest so watch out)
  6. Forum Name: Ryuuka Picture Name: Alex Rn Picture: [url=http://imageshack.us][img=http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/2668/alexrnsb2.png][/url]
  7. NEVER use the word... nuff said
  8. There's no law against using a direct link, Jagex are idiots if they think they can prevent users from doing that. we've been able to do it as long as runescape excisted now we just got an easier way to do it... its all thanks to our own tip.it guide "how to create shortcuts to runescape worlds"
  9. well you most likely haven't noticed this yet but if you look in the hotbar you will see that the runescape name has changed when you enter at new server example, if you enter a world in HD(world 99) it will look like this http://world99.runescape.com/p0,g1 this will effectivly mean that if you want to quickchange a world you should simply change the number to maybe 98 http://world98.runescape.com/p0,g1 now this is a small change that i know many merchanter would have loved before the grand exchange because they most likely spent hours trying to come into world 1 or 2. what i mean but easier to understand #-o what do you think about the new change?
  10. the one with cavaler is kinda right when you wear one and then take it off you will be bald with no hair lolz
  11. ill just repost Name: Alex Rn [url=http://imageshack.us][img=http://img397.imageshack.us/img397/2291/alexrnvg4.png][/url]
  12. Some of them are back on so go play! shame on jagex world 99 is OFFLINE
  13. Now we only need world 99 to go online...
  14. long time since it was made so the my english wasn't at it's best anyways please do ^^
  15. Just a bump for my guide so it wont go lost in the new forum :geek:
  16. bump from an old friend =D> this guide is still the best
  17. Here lies Nobody omg thats me!
  18. this is a very nice shop =D> if i had time i would join but sadly i don't :wall: of well when i get time i will ask \
  19. Someone accused this for being fake... GTH n00b!! :XD: oh well really i posted my last post on my friends guide but i just couldn't stop myself. bye tip.it i will hopefully be back next year!
  20. hey dude... i loved your guide though much of it has been seen before still no guide has put it all together until now. keep up the good work. though you might haven't seen it I'm leaving runescape a year because I'm going to school so this is my very last post on tip.it for a very very long time. keep up the good work and don't let your spirit die you noob :XD: heroes die, legends live for ever. or thats what my friend told me goodbye my friend i hope i see you sometime later.
  21. i shame firefox closes down all the time when i log on :wall:
  22. great stuff :thumbsup: 9/10 needs some pictures maybe a dragon chain drop
  23. -10/10 common knowledge and still isn't the fastest anyway... besides its not a guide its a picture and something even a f2p know have writen without knowing anything about rock crab training
  24. i won't be adding picutre because i will be leaving for a year in 5 days... going to study away from home for 1 whole year :uhh:
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