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Everything posted by Abe

  1. Don't cha just miss farming :P i kno i will after i go f2p Good Luck on smithz0rz :
  2. Dragonforce ftw Good luck on all your goals, especially theive : also, feel free to add me ingame :-$
  3. post lic of inventory please, i have almost the same stats as you and i can barely kill 1 boss :-#
  4. hot trip :oops: u just let the avansie's att you? or armadyl item? :-s
  5. well, now i'm sad that i can't get 99 farming :cry: but, oh well :wink: congratz to chewy and dead =D>
  6. hello, good luck with the Smithin : and thanks for the sara brews :-$
  7. well, ever since i've been a member i've always wanted 99 farming I love to train it and i love the cape : but unfortunatly i only have the seeds for 95 and am completely out of money. that's why for Christmas i would love to get the seeds for about 97-98 farming, and hopefully while i'm getting that i can raise the money for 99 So, for Christmas I would love: 1: 150 Palm tree seeds 2: 500 Maple seeds and 3: 20 Calquat seeds This would truly help me acheive my nooby goal of 99 Farming, thank you for reading this and have a great Christmas :wink:
  8. acheivement diary cape after there are maybe 5? :
  9. i'm preparing by waiting for it and seeing what happens :-$
  10. i think rcing is fine the way it is -.-
  11. never knew that there were so many awsome tifers :
  12. i just wonder if they will make the eggs trade-able :uhh:
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