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Everything posted by skelly08

  1. Nothing rare, i see him all the time at cw .... infact i also go pking with him on tuesdays :^o but he always moans that he's skulled... :XD:
  2. For me the rants forum is the place to go when your feeling bored or depressed... Just find a dodgey looking thread and read what the hilarious moaner or the person spamming to get his account locked has to say.
  3. Last time i went to fishing guild it was packed with those guys, at least 10 low level accounts with only fishing in high scores, weird names and all following the same routine.
  4. Hmmm minus almost 6 years would make me .... a few hours old :^o
  5. Ugh i really can't remember but it was likely pickpocketing men and women to raise thieving.
  6. It was slayer for me, i remember it being released and getting it to 46 really quickly then i stopped after a week or two of it's release and only just raised it from 46 to 55.
  7. To skelly08 is to plan on going somewhere in rs to do something, then spotting an attackable npc and just spending all that time killing it over and over again.
  8. Skeleton corpses in slayer tower. "how do you make a skeleton laugh" then examine again and "tickle his funny bone" Yea i know...
  9. Rofl, i remember that when i did the quest. The skelelton examines in the slayer tower are good too lol. How do you make a skeleton laugh rofl?
  10. Yep i go crazy, my heart is pounding like mad and i start pulling my hair, really i do. The same thing happens if i ever go pking, or even enter the wilderness :anxious:
  11. When i'm pickpocketing people or teleporting around town -.-
  12. If you wanna get me any harralanders or chocolate dusts i would be extremely gratefull to help me get 45 herblore for legends.
  13. Whip, rune trimmed legs, plate and helm and full blue mystic all a xmas present from my friend.
  14. Nice goal, good luck! I might come and give you some support when i have nothing else to do lol.
  15. When i was new, i thought monsters gained xp when they hit you, so when a cow killed me and all my rl mates laughed at me i said it must have been a strong one, proberly lvl 50 or something rofl. Someone told me there was a wilderness king too lol
  16. Training thieving once kepping my hp low and eating a cake at 1hp, i'd been doing it for hours trying to get 50 thieving, and a small crowd had gathered around me, begging me to die. I kept going for ages whilst joking with these people, suddenly.... oh dear you are dead! appear in lum. AHHHH i forgot to eat #-o , started getting pms from the people there laughing at me and thanking me for the free stuff. Lost a few 100k, some cakes lol, black cav, other junk clothes and my cooking gauntlets so i quicklly ran into bank and teled to varrock and got my gauntlets. People were still there, now mocking me and offering to sell me my stuff back.
  17. Nice to see that jagex actually listen and are willing to make changes if a large portion of the players want it. Mod marvin appeard on world 27 last night for a while a told some people what would happen, perhaps this could have all been avoided with a simple poll lol
  18. I kinda take a screenshot of anyone i see that is 125 or 126 combat lol :oops: so i've got a quite a few but i'll only post my best lol. The monkey moejoe one is very recent Autolycus is ranked 2nd for attack and 6th for hitpoints. Jarvis76 is ranked like 60th or something overall tezz jr is ranked about 30th overall
  19. Always on herblore because i hate it, i got aboout 6 lamps yesterday and it raised my herblore up a level eventually.
  20. Gather all the equipment you get from tutorial island when you are teleported to the mainland, get skulled then start screaming just before you die "please don't kill me! please! please!" Then offer them a tinderbox to leave you.
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