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Everything posted by Haaa_Haaa0

  1. ok, this is going to sound lame, but i saw on an oprah (yes, oprah, and i am a guy!) a kid who had something like 20 different guitars, some of them signature models, and could barely play anything remotely difficult. I mean, i don't even think alex lifeson of rush has that many guitars! -edit- i just checked the official gear list at rush.com, he only has 10 different guitars, one of which he has 3 of, and a mandolin. Thats pretty bad when he's playing at a professional level and has half the guitars of that spoiled brat^.
  2. being 14, im hardly nostalgic, but i've done some pretty crazy stuff XD. Like the time i hotwired my friends go-kart, or "Urban wakeboarded" (skateboard+rope tied to back of bike+fast pedaling and/or hill=major fun), or made a tennis ball bomb, or went airsofting...ahhh, the list goes on. My next big plan? Poor mans C4 :twisted: !
  3. ahhh...i remember the first time i heard the magical, "that's what she said!" line. everything's pretty much gone downhill from there. I'm pretty decent at retorting to some of those comments, and at dishing em out, too. But, yes, just about anything can be related to something sexual, if you have the right (or wrong?) type of mind, and time on your hands. And as for being something new, i have to disagree. This has been going on for ages, if you've ever read Shakespeare, he was a dirty old man. :lol:
  4. hmm...it would have to be Garret. (4th or 5th grade to current). Hes not a bad kid, but the most spazztastic (yes i used such language) kid you will ever meet. He has no problem with self humiliation, and indeed, seems to revel in it. I think he holds the record at our school for fastest bus citation, because on the second day a girl got on and he yelled, at the top of his lungs, "*cabbage*, she's HOT!!!" The bus driver told him to remain on the bus until everyone else had gotten off at school. I think he even may be bisexual, as i just learned today that he kissed a guy. No idea if it was a stunt or not, but with him you never know. I love the kid though (in an entirely non-gay way), he adds quite a bit of variety to school.
  5. heh, among my friends, I'm the one with the really good setup, but you all put me to shame. :lol: And maleficius, i personally started off with a starter cd and then used tabs and wikipedia for techniques. I played piano for something like 5 years (my teacher gave up on me though :lol: ), and i can tell you that a musical background really helps. If you have a decent musical ear and a knowledge of some scale and chord structures, you'll be golden. I, however, have little or no musical ear. Best thing to learn aside from techniques is music theory.
  6. creepy, plain and simple. they cater to the kind of people who need to be seeking professional help. some of my friends think they are funny, but i dont see how. i have to agree, the creator was probably doing drugs when he made them. or he's just screwed up. or both. :?
  7. alex lifeson, by far. the way he and geddy lee go back and forth and then together again, all the while with neil peart pounding away just never gets old. every solo and song has a particular taste and feeling, but with a recurring theme throughout the album. ive never heard a guitarist do this so well.
  8. hmm...pretty much everything. I have everything from Rush to Korn to The Rex James Brothers (bluegrass, no banjos though \ ). i do prefer the softer stuff, though, because anything to heavy makes me wanna stand up and headbang :thumbsup: .
  9. Just wondering, but what kind of a gear do you use for guitar? List any and all of your gear, down to the picks and strings if you want. I personally have a Laguna SE-122 guitar (factory setup with handwound heavy gauge DR strings), Spider 3 15w amp (by Line 6), a Mitchell M-100 plywood top acoustic(with cheap Lyon light gauge strings), "Brain" picks, a capo, and some hercules guitar wall hooks. I got Laguna's "Ultimate Rock Pack" for a Late X-mas present last year, and that is most of my electric setup. My dream guitar is either the Laguna LE-522 ( =P~ ) or a Gibson Les paul, but I'm not sure about amps. As for acoustics, I haven't looked at many guitars. Anyways, go ahead and post your gear, wanted gear, and almost anything else guitar related! (If there is a thread that i missed already like this, go ahead and close this one, and if this is in the wrong place, feel free to move)
  10. hmmm...im pretty sure i got mine the slow and very hard way: cannonballs. what a waste of time. first i made 100k from flax (that took me a whole day) then i spent like the next week or two buying steel bars and selling c balls. Heh, now that i think about it i was more excited about my first 100k then first mil. I still even remember back to my first 10k XD It took me like a week, and i had to use it to buy the map piece from the goblin in the dragon slayer quest.
  11. kk i think i got it, i used image shack though. thx so much!
  12. ok so im trying to put a pic in meh siggeh and for some reason, i could only get it to work as a link or just code. im hosting on a friends imageshack account, any ideas? the official sticky wasn't very helpful -.- thanks in advance!
  13. family rules because of school...my dad is pretty much kicking me off of all electronics ('cept for "some" tv...) for all of september until i get back into the swing of things...ah well i kinda need a break anyways, it'll give me a nice reprive to come back to the game with renewed energy, maybe get a couple of my lower skills (level 34 farming ftl...) up closer into the 50-60 range. so i voted school because i usually am limited because of that.
  14. i have to agree, the novelty does wear off. *sigh* i remember the first day i got full bronze...i was the happiest noob in all of runescape. Now, i can buy a Dragon Axe without much effort. Everything requires more work, less play, and it's all less of a learning experience. I now know that it is probably better to sell things to other players (as the GE didn't exist in those fabled days of old) rather than to a general store ( :oops: ), and that there are better way's of leveling magic than finding runes laying on the ground and killing chickens. This means the work part of the game is easier, but Castle Wars just isn't as fun, quests are easily looked up on Tip.it's database, and skilling become repetitive, boring, and a chore. The naivety of my old play style was what made the game constantly fun, because i was always looking for new ways to do things. I still enjoy the game (i actually find it relaxing to skill, kind of like meditating :P), but it has become almost a burden at times.
  15. i suppose that if you were wealthy enough to just have one lying around in you bank, then sure i might buy one, but i would personally rather use all that money for better gear and skills. and if you have enough money to just have a green party hat lying around, theres almost no point to playing anymore. Rares have become an item to reflect market trends and for uber rich players to invest in.
  16. i think that rather than adding a new, "Ultimate" weapon, they could come out with a weapon that could be gradually upgraded. Start with say, something equivalent to bronze, and then slowly boost it until you have something close to a whip, based on your combat level. Also, they could have different upgrades that are directly linked to skill levels, like having a runecrafting attachment that does a small magic attack at random, or a smithing attachment that "degrades" the quality of the opponents armor for a period of time. Quest points could be used as a medium for upgrade, the more questpoints you have, the better the weapon, boosting, say, skill related attack regularities. This would encourage less "pures" and a more immersive gameplay style. It might never be directly as effective as an Armadyl godsword, but used in conjuction with another weapon it could be the little trick up your sleeve that saves your butt some day. As for the whole "ultimate weapon" business, no we really don't need anything more powerful without either increasing the level cap or making it extrodinarily rare, like 3rd age to the extreme. *off topic* love your siggeh and avatar, klan! rush ftw :P
  17. Looks? I'd rather be the potbellied *cabbage* and be able to beat you to a bloody pulp than be a rich, elegant, and worthless fighter. Doesn't matter how bad you look if you can make the other guy look worse :twisted: .
  18. it has dropped a lot, but i know a few people at my school that still play it. as for being less popular than other games, look at the latest article on runescapes site! #1 most popular MMO in the world? the only thing i find funny is that one of the only differences between the so called "cool" games (such as halo 3) and the "uncool" games (W.o.W. and Runescape) is that one is a D&D based gameplay, whereas Halo is a First person shooter. You think there are some people in Runescape that make it their life? I know, off the top of my head, 2 guys at my school who play Halo 3 for up to 4 hours every night in order to get that next "Live" promotion. The stereotype about MMOs and roleplaying is absolutely sickening. :evil: But that is what it boils down to: the public perception, and their ignorant, unaccepting stereotypes. :wall:
  19. Two words: "Def Noob." The stigma that if you cannot hit high and with some regularity, you must be inefficent in combat. This, however, is untrue. I beat a strength pure about my same level, when i had 65 attack, strength, 70 defense, and 45 prayer by using Torag's and praying. He was wearing the classic dragon legs with a fighter torso, but because of his decreased defence was an easy target for even me. Granted, it was all in fun, but i still was repeatedly flamed by him. Also, I will openly admit that the special is horrid, and the Hammers aren't very good. But by using less food when training, on, say, the level 50 spiders in the stronghold of security, it easily covers the cost of the repairs. And even if it isnt really effective in combat, I still always get a kick out of people in Castle Wars who repeatedly exclaim "Def Noob!" when I don't get hit as often as they would like to :thumbsup: .
  20. would i be able to use this effectively with only about 2.5-3m? it is, after all, the "billionaire's" guide to investing. amazing guide otherwise, i'm impressed. I've never had much luck investing, but im willing to try again after this!
  21. lol i remember the sneaking part of rat catchers...i put a huge rant on the rs main forums because it would take about 15 minutes for the guards to get lined up so i could run through...and then of course i would lag (on my old slow computer) and miss the oppurtunity. In the end it took me almost 2 hours to finish just that, and i still havent finished the quest... :oops:
  22. woops meant 207 :oops: but i figured it was only a loss of i think about 90k or so? so not that bad. if i ever get around to ranarr farming i think i may start making pray pots now =D>
  23. ...is this an honest guy who just got scammed by that site or someone of *koff*censored site*koff* trying to scam?
  24. i found a way that didnt cost too much, but now i have a bunch of pots sitting in my bank i cant sell, and cant drop quickly. I made 130 Serum 107's, and when i gain acsess to Burgh de Rott im going to use them all up... :wall:
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