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Everything posted by Lakitsym_Rose

  1. That was three minutes ago. There are currently 59710 people playing!
  2. You honestly think 10-12% of the 600,000 houses play RS? You honestly think a half million houses with no power is having little impact on the numbers? And obviously if you're reading this the power outage isn't really an issue for you. The ones who are affected can't really come on and vouch for the fact that comcast isn't lying about a massive power outage caused by a huge ice storm. Yes. In fact very little. I would say it only changed the number by 5-10k people. Next time you try to debate me at least look intelligent doing it because if I can say "Yes." to a question which is meant to make me look stupid then you're doing it wrong.
  3. You honestly think 10-12% of the 600,000 houses play RS?
  4. The bots were providing half of you skillers with your 99s. Now I don't support them but I would prefer RWT over this form of Runescape. Ah of course. Because only pures drop-traded and OF COURSE it somehow ruined the game for others. Am I right? I don't understand how this ruined it for other people. What? Whenever you see a 55 with a Ranger set you cry? Yes. Only pures drop-trade. lol
  5. The "kids" are crying because they are upset Jagex has ruined an important part of the game for them. Grow up you guys, taking out PK'ing ruined thousands of people's main activity. I'm normally on RS right now but I'm not simply because I don't know what to do. Just because it hasn't affected you yet or won't affect you doesn't mean you need to be such snots. The "protest" did seem big. I was in one channel, completely unrelated to the other and heard about it, then a couple minutes later heard it in another. Lots of people heard the message. And from a nocturnal player there are normally 150-200k on at this time.
  6. I don't know why. People can still kill others for loot from the Bounty game.
  7. Well it appears my PK'ing days are now over since I will never, ever, get Defense on this account. I have recovered my previous account and got it members so I intend on getting that to decently high level. I will update my last PK trip and PK's in a bit. Good luck to all pures and mains alike who are intending on quitting. I wish you all luck irl.
  8. Yes, we're pathetic. We're not saying there are conspiracies, we're saying Jagex are morons for picking such a weak link of RWT and the fact that they killed of a popular past-time for thousands of people. They could have done something so much more efficient but instead they thought it would be smart to simply kill of staking.
  9. Omfg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 White mystic bottom! Lol grats on bow
  10. Top 5: Strength - 89 Magic - 84 Woodcut - 80 HitPoints - 79 Thieving - 72 Favorite 5: Strength - 89 HitPoints - 79 Thieving - 72 Herblore - 61 Farming - 50
  11. Nothing special, overused music. Try PK'ing all around, use original music, and use a better host.
  12. Not even that, the chances of them popping every single baloon before they start disappearing is really low.
  13. So you honestly think they decided to not include a single Mind Rune in there?
  14. It's definitely a mind rune... Either way, they already figured out the sudoku The life rune has 12. How the hell do you figure that that is more likely then a Mind Rune?
  15. 6 circled letters, E N L I C U Jagex confirmed that the Life Rune would be used in Summoning when they told us it would be out in January. They are obviously Mind Runes.
  16. Sad when someone has a decent point and everyone has to go be an [wagon] about it.
  17. What quest do I need to do to eb able to make Tarromin+Ash pots?
  18. A pure suggested on Official forums a little while ago that we should have a forgiving idea-like thing. Someone has a blackmark and after X amount of time without getting another they take it away. This would improve RS because people would act more friendly and appropriate so their blackmarks would deminish.
  19. Less then a month before my friend keylogged me. Ah.. Good times.
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