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Everything posted by Skull

  1. Edit: Whoops. Edit 2: [bleep] it, I already triple posted: have the full album.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZA8yMkiMzc Do it.
  3. Skull


    Got two exams today, two tomorrow. Totally winging it today. Gonna make up some stuff about urban ecosystems and then make stuff up about history. Then all I have to do is learn 55 families of plants and their defining characteristics for tomorrow. [bleep] me.
  4. Skull


    Got a hipster haircut. Gonna chat up some women now. Not really. But I did get a haircut.
  5. Skull


    My friend bought body fat calipers because he's a nerd, so we all used it to check our body fat percentages. Apparently I'm only ~15% body fat which is actually really solid. I would have thought more like 20%. Moral of the story: I can keep drinking beer and not working out and everything will be just fine.
  6. Skull


    DMing my first ever session of D&D in about 30 minutes. I'm pretty nervous, still trying to tweak the campaign to make it good. If I had my way I would take another week to perfect it, but I'd probably never be entirely happy and we wouldn't get to actually play. I don't really know one of the guys playing which is what makes me most nervous. I kind of wish he wasn't playing with us and that one of my other friends joined instead, but I'll have to deal with it.
  7. Skull


    Yeah, its really not a big deal. I don't need it to graduate so it's actually kind of relieving to be able to stop worrying about that class and focus on other stuff. I might still audit it because it's an interesting class, just with extremely difficult exams.
  8. Skull


    Took my herpetology lab practical today. Ate shit on it, along with everyone else. So I'm withdrawing from the class. Also went to the bar with a classmate and two friends, so I'm much more drunk than I should ever be at 7:45 on a Monday. But who can complain about drinking with 3 attractive girls (plus the bartender, so 4)?
  9. Skull


    If school got cancelled tomorrow, I'd be so happy. I have a lab practical that I'm not even a little bit ready for. I'm probably going to withdraw from the class if (when) I fail it.
  10. Skull


    Woke up with a migraine today, that's been great. Only threw up once so I've had worse, but still. I had to turn in a paper for class, almost threw up on the bus there and back. I'm finally feeling a little better so its not the worst thing in the world. But yeah, hope you guys had good birthdays, Hedgehog and RPG.
  11. Skull


    So uh, big day for Net Neutrality folks. I'm pretty excited, the FCC's decision is great news.
  12. My roommate shouts when he's on the phone. In Russian. It's actually funnier than it is an annoyance. I'm just mentioning it because I was sitting in my room with my headphones in and he just came in while on the phone and I couldn't hear what I was listening to over him.
  13. Skull


    Gloves, hats, scarves, and a good windproof heavy jacket. If you've got all that you'll be fine. The first few months will be pretty okay. This time of year it doesn't matter what you're used to though, I think -20 sucks for pretty equally for everyone.
  14. Skull


    I'd kill for a 30K a year job resetting passwords. Even full time. Part time just makes it awesome. If I could make 30K a year doing pretty much anything part time I'd be super excited. Especially since my post graduation job options are probably around 30K a year full time, if I can ever convince a company to hire me. On an unrelated note, Oldschool RS has permanent f2p now, so probably going to dick around with that a little bit. The account I played over the summer is pretty solid, so once the crowds die back it should be fun. ([bleep] off with your "No rs in my ot" garbage, I do what I want. Also it'd be kinda fun to dick around with some of the old ot crew in a game again).
  15. My roommate is a sub-par cook at best but always criticizes my cooking (without tasting it, just watching me make it). He came into the kitchen while I was making a pan sauce just now and decided to talk shit about what I was doing. Basically while I was seasoning it he was telling me that I was adding too many different spices ("I feel like if you're not making Indian food, 4 different spices are too many"). The sauce was literally just sauteed onions and garlic in butter, then added red wine. I put some brown sugar, cinnamon, cumin, chili powder, and ginger. After telling me it was going to be "too crowded" (His rebuttal to me saying that complexity of flavor was a good thing), he decided to try it (after I told him he couldn't have any). His comment was that it was "bland". Mother [bleep]er talked shit about me over seasoning the sauce and then complained about the exact opposite. In his defense, I meant to add a little soy sauce to bring out the flavor a bit more, but I forgot because he was bothering me while I tried to cook. He said he probably has more taste-buds than me and that's why he doesn't need to season his food (what?). But he really likes the chili I make that has probably 8 or 9 spices and he liked the beans that I made the other day that were in a sauce of basically every spice we have in the kitchen. tl;dr: My friend is an annoying little shit sometimes who likes to have opinions on and complain about things that literally in no way effect him. I'm totally going to drink his milk tomorrow to get back at him hahaha
  16. Skull


    I haven't so much as trimmed my beard in over a year and a half. I think the last time I was clean shaven was about 3 years ago? The point of this being that I actually don't know how to shave, which probably has a lot to do with my decision to grow a beard haha
  17. Skull


    Ended up being a pretty fun session despite the rough start. I'm not super worried about only rolling a one this time, I still have higher hit points than more than half the party. If I roll a one next time too I'd probably ask for a re-roll though. Hopefully we can play again soon. Also it's snowing again. I'm supposed to go to a party tonight, not sure that's going to happen since we would have to drive.
  18. Skull


    Rolled a [bleep]ing 1 on my level up for D&D. Everyone else doubled their hitpoints and I rolled a [bleep]ing 1. With the highest hit dice of the party. And we were supposed to have started already and our DM is still sleeping my roommate has to leave in 4 hours, even though we've had this date set for two weeks and made a google doodle of our availability. Friend told him to level up this morning and he was like "Are we going to play again anytime soon?". :rolleyes: We literally have a google doodle and a facebook chat specifically for D&D. And we talked about it last night, while he was there. And have been talked about it occasionally for the past two weeks. And he lives with us. And instead of playing D&D, everyone is watching my friend play a shitty flash game. In other news, I think I'm going to start drinking like now.
  19. Skull


    Had a pretty lame birthday, but in a good way I guess. Classes were canceled which was nice. Played DnD with my friends for a bunch of hours and otherwise just generally [bleep]ed around. Certainly not as exciting as turning 21, but still. Also I think this is the first birthday of my life I didn't see my parents on, which is kind of a weird feeling. But I'm seeing them tomorrow so that's basically the same thing. Edit: Also I know it's super lame cause I'm probably going to bed before 10pm. I've been in my bed since like 7 haha
  20. Skull


    Did they want them to suck their toes?
  21. Skull


    Just made a super dope lunch. Porkchop with a Dijon glaze/sauce (My own creation: dijon mustard, some sort of citrus juice, olive oil, soy sauce, roasted garlic, parsley, hot sauce) and sauteed kale. I've been really productive, waking up at 7am every day. Granted it is the first week of classes, I'm bound to fall out of the habit sooner or later. Edit: Also, the TA for one of my classes is super attractive. Not really relevant to anything, but damn.
  22. Skull


    I had some weird shit happen to me last night where I was like asleep but not really but I was dreaming and I knew I was dreaming but I couldn't quite control it. And sometimes I would be dreaming and also awake so I was just seeing things in my room. But I could wake up whenever and also immediately go back to the weird dreaming thing I was doing. I guess it was kind of lucid dreaming meets sleep paralysis. It was kinda cool but also really uncomfortable.
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