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Everything posted by Skull

  1. Skull


    I don't know, I'm pretty happily not engaged ;) Congrats on the engagement
  2. Skull


    As someone who has consumed a fair amount of grain alcohol, I can tell you it's absolutely fantastic for making punch. Taking shots of it is idiotic, even using it in mixed drinks is questionable. But if you put a handle of it into a bunch of fruit juice, it's excellent for parties since it's a lot of alcohol in a small volume of liquid. It means you can have an incredibly tasty drink and still keep ABV up around 15% overall. That's why alcoholic punch/jungle juice can be pretty dangerous. If you don't know what's in it you can heavily under estimate how much you're drinking. That's why it's responsible of the person who made the drink to do a little math and find out how strong it is so they can let other people know. Also, Christmas or something. Enjoy it to those of you who celebrate it.
  3. Just re-watched all of Avatar:The Last Airbender. I forgot just how solid it was. I have to decide if it's time to restart Korra or not. On one hand, it just ended. On the other hand though, I don't even remember the first season for the most part. Also [bleep] yeah Korrasami. I'm glad it's confirmed now, my friends and I discussed the possibility of Korrasami being a real thing since early Book 3. None of us though they'd actually do it, but here we are. I personally don't particularly like the idea of a romantic relationship at the end of every series (especially the obvious male lead and female companion), but I think Korra and Asami's relationship was given enough dimension and growth that it seemed entirely appropriate.
  4. Drinking to not be sober is certainly problematic. However, I would say it's a difficult line to draw, although I guess intent is really the key aspect.
  5. I have the same problem Saq. I can't do golden rum anymore, I took a shot of it like a year ago and it came back up so now the taste just induces the feeling of needing to vomit. Vodka is similarly ruined for me, although I can make that happen if I have to. Whisky is how I survive shots now. Unfortunately it has to be decent whisky, so I end up spending lots of money on it. I'm saving tequila for last once I ruin whisky for myself. And I totally feel you Tim, sometime you just have to go for it even if you know it's an awful idea in the long run.
  6. It's over, the insinuations and hinting is the best we're going to get.
  7. Don't chug liquor. I mean you can, but it's stupid. If you want to rip shots, than by all means go ahead and do it. Just know what you can and can't do first. For example, if you know that 8 drinks is your hard limit for a night, don't do 8 shots as fast as you can. Do 4 then wait 30 minutes. If you're alright to keep going, do 2 more than wait again and so on and so forth. I have a pretty good handle on how many shots I can take, so what I usually do is just take shots at regular intervals until I get to about 75% of what I know I'm good with and then I stop for about an hour. Maybe sip a beer to keep face if it's that kind of event. If at the end of about an hour I think I can drink more, I take a shot and re-evaluate every half hour or so. That said, taking shots is not something I particularly enjoy unless it's decent liquor, so most of the time I just pound beers until I'm too full to drink any more and I spend more time peeing than anything else. Also, 6 shots in 30s Tim? Why would you want to do that? It's not like the liquor is cheaper if you drink it as fast as you can. You'd probably get a lot less messy if you took a bit more time on it.
  8. Skull


    My college has a radio station that I'm a DJ at. It wasn't the end of the world having to go back in for the extra two hours, I was mostly annoyed because I got a parking ticket because I'm not allowed to park on campus, even though it's break and there are plenty of spaces. Not a huge deal, I just would have rather spent the $30 on beer, food, or Christmas gifts for my friends (Probably beer). Besides, I'm not obligated to go in, I agreed to do it.
  9. Skull


    Had a beer because I though I'd be in until 11 tonight. Had to go back on the radio for 5 and now I'm just real [bleep]ing sleepy. Ugh. Shouldn't have agreed to come in. I don't even get paid to do this shit anymore.
  10. So relating to the past page's conversation, I made out with a guy last night. Dude's one of my best friends and honestly it was totally fine. Didn't get any enjoyment out of it, but it wasn't the end of the world. It was pretty tame as far as making out goes too. There was a little bit of tongue involved though haha. I also made out with a different friend who is not a guy and that was definitely less okay. Significantly more enjoyable though. And maybe more serious. I think the idea is that we're just not going to acknowledge it going forward though.
  11. Skull


    Gonna crack a Dogfishhead 120 minute IPA tonight. I've been sitting on it since August, since they recommend aging. Depending on how it tastes, I might have to pick up a couple more to age. But at $10 a bottle, I'm probably going to wait until I break out the second one after I graduate to pick up any more.
  12. Skull


    Yay college. Two finals today, then I'm getting [bleep]ing hammered. I wish I hadn't gotten up so early, my first final isn't for 2 more hours.
  13. Going back to the orange/blue thing, literally every shot of this trailer.
  14. I found the hat on the ground like a year and a half ago. I'm "actually" a Red Sox fan, don't know if that's better though. Either way, the hat exists solely so I can have something on my head.
  15. Skull


    My kitchen is flooded with what is almost definitely something between gray-water and sewage (yesterday it was definitely sewage), so lunch for today is McDonalds. Definitely dying of McChicken overdose, four is apparently one too many. Also, took a final today, only two to go on Friday and I'm in the clear for 6 weeks. Edit: Getting my senior portrait taken today too, so I get to wear a suit. That's pretty fun. Last time I had a suit on I puked in my hallway and passed out in the bathroom. I doubt I'm going to top that.
  16. Skull


    Broke my phone, lost my keys. I don't give a shit about the phone, but the keys are a serious issue. As in probably $200+ to replace.
  17. Skull


    The problem with making comparisons between income over long distances is the assumption that the economy is the same, the taxes are the same, etc. In reality, comparing Australia to Estonia is essentially pointless unless you have a strong grasp of the economic differences. I mean even within the United States there's so much variation that a straight comparison of incomes is a poor measure of true disparity. Comparing where I live, one of the highest cost of living locations in the US, to somewhere like Oklahoma, you could get almost twice as much in Oklahoma for the same amount as you can here. Essentially what I'm trying to say is don't complain too much about something that you have no frame of reference for.
  18. Skull


    That's all what it boils down to. Black shoots black? No problem. White shoots white? No problem. Black shoots white? No problem. White shoots black? Everyone goes crazy. That's literally the exact opposite of the point I was making.
  19. Skull


    TIF drinking contest would be hilarious. Assuming you guys all give yourselves ~2 beers extra (because it's the internet), I still couldn't keep up haha. I'm cool with being a lightweight though. The problem is really that I have about a 2 drink range in which I'm drunk, but anything under I'm sober and anything over I'm puking. It's hard for me to hit the sweet spot. (You guys referring to the "serious drinkers". I'm sure I could still bury all these college freshmen if there was a need.)
  20. Fish is called something different based on it's state of being, as in if it's a live fish swimming around or a dead/cooked fish. You're saying thank you for all the (live) fish. If you want to say thank you for cooked fish you would want to say: Gracias por todos los pescados. Pez/Peces vs. Pescado/Pescados
  21. If you can, try to give some thought to what you're drinking while you're drinking it. Try to pick out characteristics, starting with things like "bitter" or "sweet". Read reviews and see what other people are saying and then see if you can pick out the same things. If you can't, it's not the end of the world. There's nothing wrong with not having a refined taste in beer (or anything else for that matter). I personally though all beer was the same and tasted like piss up until shortly before I was 21. If you're worried about it for the sake of appearance, I would you suggest you tell people that you don't have a favorite because your favorite part is trying something new. That said, it might be worth it to have a few ideas on what you could say are your favorites. Pick maybe one or two mid-range beers (something that you can get up to a 12 pack of) and one more expensive beer (something that comes in 6 packs or even 4 packs). Honestly, the take home here is that if you don't find enjoyment in beer (or at least the taste of beer), there's no reason to force yourself to try to enjoy it. If you want a generalized list of beer types and what they're like though, I could write one up for you or link you to something. --------------- As far as liquor, I would say literally chose based on price-point. I'm not too well versed myself, but I would say that vodka is probably the least nuanced and a good vodka is one you don't taste. Something like whisky is probably a good choice if you're trying to present yourself as "sophisticated", but that won't happen no matter what you're drinking if you're just railing shots anyways. I personally like spiced rum for mixed drinks, things like coke or ginger beer. Cheap whisky is good with ginger ale, good whisky is probably best drank neat or on the rocks. I don't understand gin, so do with that as you will. Obviously this is all my personal opinion, so take everything as such. My liquor knowledge is essentially limited to taking shots and making mixed drinks that consist of one alcohol type and one mixer. Also [bleep], this is the longest post I've ever written. My priorities are obviously skewed toward alcohol consumption.
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