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nine naked men

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Everything posted by nine naked men

  1. one day you're going to get angry at the wrong person and have something unpleasant happen to you and then maybe you'll reconsider?? in dealing w/road rage, you should probably learn some empathy. realise the person yr [bleep]ing over also has issues of their own, maybe moreso than you, and it might keep you from being a prick. just generally teach yourself to think before you do dumb shit. i'm sure there's books about that.
  2. the daily currant, known non-satirical, straight-laced news source, with hard hitting articles such as "obamacare death panel orders first execution" and "pope francis expands vatican drone program"
  3. i've got a couple bets going on the 'who will die of dysentery in the miserable, desolate wastes of russia' event
  4. nine naked men


    you'll know he's found the tapes when the vomit starts seeping under your door hashtag shots fired
  5. The Raid: Redemption if you want 1 and a 1/2 hours of dudes punching each other real good, with a solid premise and story, this is your movie the fights are so good, and real visceral. there's one move involving a door which is crazy in how brutal it is
  6. i dunno if goldeneye is as timeless as the others, it was pretty great but i played it a couple months ago and it has some kinda dogshit controls.
  7. it's still really confusing to me how ocarina of time was the one that made out with the "best game ever wow" title instead of majora's mask
  8. nine naked men


    flay the skin from your jaw and then salt the wound so nothing may grow there again this is my shaving tip for everyone
  9. - transcend my mortal shell and become a cool ghost person
  10. nine naked men


    not safe for polite company
  11. nine naked men


    my favourite furry story is when they tried to hold a fundraiser for their town's fire department or something and held a picnic but it all got shut down cuz they [bleep]ed on an ambulance or a firetruck or something boy howdy that's funny
  12. nine naked men


    hi guys just a psa community is back and it was pretty wanky and up its own arse in season 3 and godawful in season 4 but season 5 is happening now and it's pretty great so you should all watch it psa over
  13. speaking of, the kill la kill ost leaked and it's real great
  14. welcome to the internet, please take this complimentary t-shirt that says "i went on the internet and all i got was this lousy t-shirt and also someone tricked me into visiting goatse.cx" seriously though whoever made the models probably made them because you can sell them to dumb anime nerds who have more money than social skills. and i'm gonna take a leap of guess and say that the person was reposting it more out of "look at these cute anime toys" than a deep sense of rage jealousy and insecurity
  15. nine naked men


    currently at the "oh shit i ate too much i think i'm gonna die, i'm just gonna lie down and be real still" stage of christmas merry christmas dyudes
  16. y guy so fat that when he sleeps around the house, he really sleeps around the house
  17. heyyyy i finished snk after stopping somewhere 10-13, when the lack of budget or animators or time or whatever was getting real apparent. it's definitely very interesting, w/a lot of room for explanations and worldbuilding and stuff, so i'm probably going to keep watching. probably even read the manga, just to avoid being spoiled and stuff. i guess the action scenes will lose a lot not being animated but i'll deal. i'd watch hours of titans just running all wacky over the hillsides tho that shit rivals cute cat videos klk still da best
  18. nine naked men


    it's weird, i really like yeezus but i have no idea how i would begin to explain why i do. wanna talk about shit 2013 rap albums, cage is now 2 for 2 in terrible recent album releases i can;t really think of more 2013 rap albums... run the jewels was pretty good i guess. canibus maybe? aaaa
  19. nine naked men


    yea how can people enjoy this subjective experience if i don't?????
  20. nine naked men


    For reference, the topic is discrimination against transgender individuals. And... What the [bleep]. That's really all I can say. I thought I was going to be able to approach this calmly, now I'm not sure if I can write about it at all. I knew what to expect, of course, but seeing the statistics changes things, to put it lightly. I'm wrapping this up and I'm genuinely proud of what I've done. i can confidently say that that is pretty cool, well done
  21. a bunch of valid issues that will in no way result in the crash of the videogame industry with the prevalence of indie game studies, ways to fund yr game that aren't going to a big studio (kickstarter, mainly), and ways to get it out to a bigger audience than it would normally (stuff like the humble bundle, steam greenlight), the big developers may (may) falter but there'll always be people to pick up the slack.
  22. nine naked men

    Dota 2

    i don't think i've played it in a couple of weeks. it got to the point where actually playing a match to completion on aus servers was a coin flip. and even if the server didn't shit the bed, you'd be stuck playing with the aus dota community which is a massive pile of shit. i've been following the competitive scene when i have the time though, and the new heroes, balance changes and modes they've brought out look real cool.
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