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Everything posted by svs

  1. Haha but anyway it doesn't changes my point that you should not rely on Jagex, they always change their concepts and ideas but they do keep saying that they won't do stuff than a few months later they do it.
  2. Jagex has literally never said they have three skills in development. ESPECIALLY not 6-8 months ago. Stop trying to make up things, if you're trolling you're doing a bad job of it. Maybe take the time of unemployment to improve your research skills. This did mentioned something about 3 skills. But if I recall rightly it was more along the lines of they had 3 skill concepts on the table when they decided to develop dungeoneering. Ergo they did not say they were working on 3, they said they had 3 workable ideas. 1 is now in-game. Which leaves at least 2 skill concepts on the table waiting for dev time to be assigned. You got that right sir. Ps: Can one not be just a little bit wrong about something nowadays? ...
  3. :unsure: :( This really means they plan to switch focus to their other games and let runescape die a silent dead in the next 5 years How on earth could you possibly draw a conclusion like that from such a simple statement. They JUST released Dungeoneering, do you honestly think they would immedietely start working on another skill? Yea specially when they said they had 3 skills (dungeoneering being one of them) under development on the official forums about 6-8 months ago. Fact, Jagex mods either; lie a lot, change their mind a lot or forget a lot. Or just a combination of those. Just keep this in mind, never rely on Jagex. Should i? I'm unemployed so i don't feel quite "okay" right now. Not because i don't have a job but because i must now spend hours finding a new one and boy i hate that most of all, i'd rather clean toilets in a train station than searching for a job! But when there's new clues to hunt i will :D
  4. heh i quit my job this morning, but i didn't quit it to play Rs, i quit it because i hated my job. Anyway is it today that the update will come? I'd say good timing if so, than i can get some trail items before too many others do to. /Off topic. Why do foreigners learn dutch when they go work and live in Belgium? We don't oficially speak dutch in belgium and those idiots partners of mine are all foreigners and can't speak nor understand flemish, only little dutch. Was there no more room in the netherlands for even more foreigners maybe? :P Anyway i cba to speak dutch just because some polish geezer learned dutch instead of flemish and i'm terrible at speaking dutch. Well can't blame them since you can't really learn flemish since the whole world is trying to surpress that language and class it as a dialect. /rant :D Stupid foreigners i curse thee! Then you're gonna be 100k richer because this is the last week this month. So Jagex got no excuses. 100K richer? I really hope this week is the TT Update. I would put 10000000000000k into the party room if it's not. Honestly. <_< Then i'll get 10000000000000k richer right? Edit: I'm editting my post suddenly i'm on the tip it treasure trail page, WHAT THE F? Before i can figure out what the hell just happened i get directed to the runescape homepage then my internet browser shuts down completely. My pc has a mind of it's own, it want's me to do treasure trails!!!! Me and my pc have so much in common.
  5. If they ever implement that in treasure trails i'ma save up enough money to buy an m-41 walker (da bulldog tank) than bust down Jagex hq demanding them to put in something different :D I know there's a trick for solving it without making a mistake but i cba to find out, actually i'm too complicated to figure it out.
  6. I usually have 1-2 people whom i talk to whenever they're online, then there's a few i talk to when there's noone else to talk to. And it's always the people i'm closest with that leave. My buddy pudgythesquid with an iq of a squid because he can't even recall who i am :( My buddy freak e bob, da mole huntar orly?yarly11!one My buddy phill(and some numbers) with the ugly 'akvatar' My buddy kippendoder, your nephew is a turd, don't let him acces your account! My buddy nvstoned, autoing gets you banned fool -.- Meh i get over it and then make new friends :D But alas, there's a few people that i very much liked, names are ^ What sometimes bugs me is that i don't know if they returned yet, under a new name or what happened to them irl and what are they doing now?
  7. Thanks all, all questions have been answerd.
  8. Why can't i boost rc? What about fishing?
  9. Perople told me i could boost my rc up to 75 to do the elite tasks but the tip it guide sais i can't, what's up with that? Any other skills i can/not boost for the elite tasks? Thanks in advance.
  10. Fully updated all the way up to task # 108! That's about an extra 25 tasks updates and 7 clues! I would also like to note that i do not count cancelled tasks towards my total amount of kills but i do list them as tasks so you can see which ones i cancell or remove and when. Yesterday i got 3 effigies from 238 black demons :D Anyway back off to slaying! Some of the clue and monster spoils i've been saving up
  11. Bit of luck? If only i could use them.. got 10 in bank now :(
  12. If a warned person did something wrong and that person does not aknowledge it, Eg according to him/herself he/she's right and shows no improvement in his/hers attitude overtime than when that same person breaks another rule action should be taken. Action in the form of a temp ban, warnings are so old. We can all have a bad day, everyone's kettle boils over once in a while and it's always easy to tell people to keep calm but i assure you that it's not always easy to keep calm. A warning only pisses users off more, especially when they're pissed off already. A ban also pisses off the users but when you can't post you have some time to question yourself. And when the ban if lifted and there's no improvement in the attitude they should get a perma ban with no chance of getting unbanned. I mean if it's clear to see that a certain person is just posting to [bleep] around or mess up other people their day they should be removed like a pest. In my eyes i think we're doing a good job, it's inevitable for some unwanted troll posts to slip trough i think if you aren't S.V.S.you just can't be everywhere at once. ;) But i must agree, this trolling thing is catching on and i think a lot of young users might think it's actually very fun and very innocent to troll around. But there's a huge difference between a trolled spam posts and a trolled offensive post. Kids, don't troll it's un-cool! Constructive feedback is the way to go!µ Did i make any sense there, i've not been quite myself today i feel rather odd and i think my latest posts might contain a tad bit of gibberish. I should take a goooood looooong naaaaap....
  13. Bright idea and covered any aspect required to make an item like that work. Great job, you have my support, we could definitly do with something like that not only because there's not enough dung rewards but because this would perfectly fit in the game and most importantly it's a handy item that will most likely be used a lot, unlike many other dung rewards. I think even if they relase the second batch and bring out 200% more items than they previously did it would still not have enough items, minigames have more items availible -.- Not even all the items within deamonheim as one cannot enter a dungeon fully armed, so what's the point of the many many many many items when you can only save 3 at max lv? Gah dung sucks ass
  14. Views vary a lot from board to board, i bet the total # of daily views on the suggestion board isn't even 50% of the total # of daily views on this board. It's just because the boards with the least amount of views are not less interesting but just less active. I did it a couple of times in the past, intentionally posted my topic on the wrong boards but i have my reasons. The only advantage you get from posting a topic on a busy board that should have been posted on a deserted board is that you will most likely always get a couple of views if not a few replies before the topic gets actually moved. And if you intentionally posted in the wrong board than you succeeded in your plan. Once it's moved it will just drop down to the second page within hours and people rarely check moved topics on the board they were previously posted, unless you use an eye catching title. But then again, anyone replying to it won't bump it up on the board it was previously posted so like i said, the only advantage is to get some (extra) replies/views before it gets moved. If this was posted in the correct forum, i would probably not reply to it. Just because i personally find less active boards less interesting XD
  15. svs


    Mounts trough summoning.... nah :P That would destroy too many aspects of my idea and otherwise i wouldn't even want it to happen. And i'm also aware of the many other means of transportation that will drop you off at a set point. Besides them canoes are as handy as them balloons and them balloons aren't very handy at all! Should Jagex remove them? Certainly not they are not taking up much space and aren't annoying to look at , the only annoying part is the time it takes to use either one of the transports. Should Jagex add more interesting ways of getting around? Yes sir! Would things like canoes and balloons not be used anymore when Jagex implents my idea? I don't see why they should be used less or not at all.
  16. Argh my pc broke down, i lost a week of ToG and peng hunt :( I could have reached 93 slay too! Dang pc always breaks down on the worst moment possible, like double xp weekend last time -.- Thanks bud, and you're right it's much work but it's also very rewarding and it doesn't bores me at all :D Going to put hellhounds up as a possible task once again as i can now acces a multi combat area that holds hellhounds.
  17. Maybe you might find something about it here on tip it. That''s how i got that information in the first place, that was about 8 years ago.
  18. Lets get this straight first, for the record the odds of a clue being dropped is totally random. It takes me an average of 8 minutes to solve a lv 1 clue. An average of 15 minutes to solve a lv 2 clue. And an average of 37 minutes to solve a lv 3 clue. It's more or less just double the time of the lower leveled clue. So i assume a lv 4 clue to take around 1 hour on average. The average Gp i get out of lv 1 Clues is 55k The average Gp i get out of lv 2 Clues is 4K The average Gp i get out of lv 3 Clues is 70k Even though Jagex promised us to get a TT item each run i bet those common items will replace the items like rune legs/rune plate and will after a month be cheaper than rune legs/rune plate and the old rewards will skyrocket because they will become even more rare. So i expect the average gain for lv 1 clues to double and the rest won't change much. Lv 4 Clues will probably get us around 300K average. I just hope there's no more uri emotes, i already use up 53 bank slots just for all the armor, if i'd have to buy or make the armor myself each time i'd get that clue i'd had to spend an average of 15 mins extra per clue. And there's something else that bugs me. Zamorak Pagex are the most expensive Saradomin and guthix pages are almost free. Yet Zamorak Pagex are found more commonly than guthix or saradomin pages. I know the zamorak book is the "best" to have but the price difference and droprate just don't make sense. 500k per page for zammy book, that's 2M to complete the book while those pages are 3 times easier to find than sara/guth pages. Sara and guth pages only cost around 20k and guth pages are even more uncommon to find than sara pages. So the rarest but worst pages are the cheapest and the most common and best pages are the most expensive. Should be rarest, best and most expensive, not any other way around. I hope Jagex keeps things like this in mind but i doubt they will because they don't seem to be able to think ahead. Like they don't know that stoplights show green light after it showed a red light if you know what i mean. Like automatically knowing that 2+2=4 if you know that 1+1=2. Edit: Dragon trimmed armor is out of the question, unless ofcourse Jagex is planning for lv 4 clues to take an average of 6 hours and you ofcourse only have a 0.1% chance of getting dragon trimmed. No but perhaps we'll be able to trim armor, we'd get a trimming kit of some sort that high level smiths can then trim on anything they'd like. Or gems or something that we can imbue in our armor to give it special abilities XD
  19. Well i doubt treees get a set time limit and i doubt they get a set log limit. I think each time a log is chopped you have an 'x'´amount of chance for the tree to be cut down. I also know that multiple people can get logs on the same moment from the same tree even if that last chopped log would cut the tree down. You can easely test this by doing it on a regular tree, it only holds one log but even if you have 100 people chopping it, with the correct timing everyone could get a log. The same goes with ore mining, correct timing may result in multiple persons mining the vein and getting the ore. Also higher populated worlds make trees, veins, monsters etc... respawn slightly faster. And some veins are considered soft while others are considered hard, this used to be very important in RSC, in the mining guild you'd had about 18 rocks, 5 of those were soft and they were all near the entrance, everyone would be mining those. We still have soft and hard veins nowadays but people don't seem to care as much as they used to anymore, yet it's still very handy to know which ones are the soft veins. Soft veins are mined much much more easely than hard veins.
  20. Ye they usually should give you the task if you just unlocked the abiltiy to kill those beasts. Gzz btw, i'm only 590k removed from ice strykes.
  21. Activision stinks, those noobs can't develop or test a game properly before they release it. But EA, such a good franchise and they make a stupid mistake like this when even they're motto is: 'EA Challenge everything'. Go figure. Meh well i guess it's their loss, froobs! -.-
  22. Fully updated. 92 slayer 97 strength and 131 combat achieved!!1!one
  23. I once was ranked 991 in magic, too bad i have no pictures of that. I actually have no old skool pictures :( So here's the oldest one i found:
  24. I can't believe people even dare to make a topic like this. Might as well just say that Hitler was a nessessary evil, the outcome is the same if you catch my drift. -Bots take up space, space is bandwidth, bandwidth costs money, not enough space results in lag. -Dealing with bots takes time, time costs money and you can guess twice where that money comes from, from our membership payments. -The money time and energy they spend on dealing with bots could be spend on updates or lowering the membrship costs even further down, that is if there were no bots to deal with... -Botting may alter the game script and i have no idea where that might lead to but it's certainly not something good. -Bots lower the prices of many "cheap" items, therefore people gathering the same items them bots gather, are making less and less and less and less money. And those who do not gather, but only buy those materials get them cheaper yes but it still doesn't change how much money those people make actually, because they're not making any money that they already have. -What most of you didn't realise is that the cost on some high level items are inflated because of bots, not all bots are lv 3 skillers, there's actually a big part of them who want some fancy armor or weaponry but cba to get it themselves so they bot, i've seen lv 130's+ bot, i always wonder why. Because of that, there's always enough demand and always enough people who got enough money to buy those items. I bet if there were no bots tommorow, if everyone got their money in a fair way than those high level expensive items will surely drop in price. So in the end, everyone looses from bots, even bots.
  25. I had two of those from the same monster in less than 50 kills, ha! And i was even expecting them to be around 200K but nooo... only 36 k :( But anyways check my logs if you don't believe me, the only thing is that i didn't get them on the same task.
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