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Everything posted by -Devoted12-

  1. In light of recent events, we most likely will be unable to count last months winners, unfortunately. I will have to talk with MC, but most those posts were lost and it is simply too hard to sort through 50 pages of cache in order to count. This could change, but regretfully, I doubt it will. So, this means the contest will start anew, beginning here. Same rules as before. Unfortunately, you may not repost old pictures, there is no way for us to clarify how old they were or if they were in the other contest, which makes it unfair. Now let us go out and find those TIFers! Hiya, I thought I would go ahead and make this thread for a little fun, game also, that we could have throughout the game of Runescape. The rules are very simple, basically, when you see a TIFer, whether found in world 99 or any other world, take a screenshot of them and post them here! It is a friendly competition in order to "find" some of the more well known TIFers as well as trying to find those TIFers whom try to stay out of the limelight *Cough, me, cough* , or any TIFer at that. I challenge you Tifers to try and find all of us, beginning now! Major Rules:: Do not quote pictures unless you place remove the picture. We don't want to stretch the page! Please do not post old pictures, because then the user doesn't know they were spotted. (You can't tell them, HYT Spotted! Laughing ) Also, no pictures should be taken at Clan Events seeing as there will be numerous people there, so we all know it, so no need to add them. Smile Thanks for the rule suggestions Mega. Surprised Anyways, let the screenshots begin, and best of luck finding all those TIFers! Smile Also, when you spot someone, try to say "hyt, spotted." Just makes the game more fun and makes the person whom is spotted realize he must run, fast to avoid "capture." Credit goes to Supreme Skillers whom I got this idea from. Smile Now go find those TIFers! Smile ~The Contest~ After talking with MC who plans to help me tally up the results for this contest, we decided to make this thread into a contest. Every month, we are going to tally the results and hand out a couple of awards which are seen as follows... Paparazzi - Number 1 Hunter - The person whom spots the most people. Pro Hunter - A person whom spots more than 3 people Celebrity - For the most seen TIFer only. (Try not to make it so you always are getting seen, that is no fun!) Undercover TIFer - The TIFer spotted the least amount of times whom has posted in this thread. Again, this is only a friendly competition to bring out a little more fun in this game. Also, remember that Clan Events do not count was TIFers pictures. It is unfair. Best of luck hunting, I know I will have some fun! Happy Hunting~ Smile Thanks!
  2. Since my old post got deleted since the 80 post backup, I will continue my support here. Keep up the good work, Sunny. :D
  3. Question answered. If you have further questions, please post in the Help and Advice Forum. ~Locked
  4. This is old news so I am going to lock it. :) ~Locked
  5. I believe that is where the issue stands. Other than that, discussion can't go on further. Plus, since Tip.It does not endorse a clan chat, then this doesn't belong here. ~Locked
  6. It seems there is already a topic discussing this AND it has been discussed before. ~Locked
  7. Please use the other existing topics on this issue. No need to split the conversation. :) ~Locked
  8. Congrats, it is indeed a rare site. :) I remember when you first started your party thing that is really popular now and I thought you were crazy. Congrats! :)
  9. I would normally just edit out "the players" name and tell you to no longer name players yet since this whole posts revolves around this ONE player and since almost every post has mentioned this players name, I am going to lock this. If you decide to go "public" then you can but you can't name any names on Tip.It, so announcing it on Tip.It would be forbidden. Remember to no longer name names. ~Locked
  10. Thanks, Val! Aww, thanks soo much for the picture! Only 100k til that Giant Sack! :lol: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wow, it has been about a week and a half since I last posted OR signed on to Runescape. Sorry for the inactivity. My life has been heptic and tiring and I also celebrated my birthday yesterday. :) I think I should be back on from now on. :)
  11. Welcome back. :) Unfortunately, since you are back in RS2, you have to use this sticky: Introduce Yourself to Tip.It! Enjoy your stay! :) ~Locked
  12. Locking this sicne it is so old and doesn't belong here anyways. As for the spammer... :wall:
  13. The serves crashed. There was a topic on this earlier you can contribute in if you wish. As for the spammer, cut it out. :shame:
  14. Thanks for your response. I have a laptop and I would prefer to play it on my TV anyways. :( Thanks for your help anyways. :)
  15. Hiya, I recently have been researching on what I need to buy a Xbox 360 including Xbox live. I have everything I need except the wireless adapter needed to connect to Xbox Live. To me, after all the expenses are thorugh, this has become a very pricey game system and $100 for this adapter also seems on the pricier end. My wireless router is downstairs of where I would play the Xbox 360. Is there any other options instead of having to buy the Xbox Adapter for $100. For instance, would it be cheaper to buy an adapter and hook the ethernet plug up to that and is that even possible? Thanks!
  16. This has been in many previous topics before. Therefore, it is old news. ~Locked
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