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Everything posted by -Devoted12-

  1. That is where it is at, from the Tip.It Guide. As for how much time it takes to respawn, unfortunately, I can't remember, but I thought it was fairly fast. If I had to guess I would guess 2 minutes, possibly 10 at max, but that could be totally off. I just remember I was surprised how frequently I could steal from the chest. I also found that I could cover the costs of alching by thieving these nats, then reselling. I couldn't tell you if this is still accurate, since I can't remember what I alched nor what the prices of nats were back then. Best of luck! :)
  2. Yeah, that is always good. I also like to have thieve the nature chest, which I found can cover costs of alchs if you remember to thieve it. I, myself, got very bored alching, so I ended it there, but I liked that spot best. It in a house above Ard if I remember correctly. :D
  3. *cough* Summoning? *cough* Anyways, I agree that this is an amazing achievement. Herblore seems like such a fun skill which I just haven't given the time of day. Truth is, I have no idea where to start, and I don't want to spend my cash on it, just yet. I am very happy for you, but what happened to your avatar? Didn't you used to have a cool Herblore one?
  4. I could definitely live without range. This is pretty much just a bias view, so just a warning. I hate this skill with a burning passion. I feel as though it is useless because anything that I can do with Range, I can do with melee or mage, so I don't see the point of the skill. I feel as though it is extremely slow, even though xp per hour isn't too slow. This skill just annoys me and is one of the only skills in the game I wish could be gone. :lol:
  5. Congrats! You made your money off of Godwars, I assume, since you said you were going back to GWD soon. :) If so, then great luck! Congrats on such a nice 99. :D
  6. On second thought, I am willing to unlock this, since it was recovered from the forums. Sorry for the inconvenience. ;)
  7. Yup, that is one of the major priorities, in my opinion. All the bells and whistles will be added in time, when we get the major things sorted out first. :)
  8. Which skin are you using? I am using Prosilver and the log out button is way to the right. I understand it is different on some skins, so try to specify, please. :D
  9. There really isn't a discussion point here, it is a statement. ~Locked
  10. Yeah, there is already a topic and the goal is a lot smaller, let me tell you, they can't get to 150. :lol: Here is the link... viewtopic.php?f=81&t=741102 Have fun! :D
  11. Yup, if you would look to host an event that is the place to go, but if you just want a topic, you can create one in Questionnaires as long as you don't see any recent ones. (Questionnaires is this forum) ~Locked
  12. This is turning into a flame war and since you yourself said this is not realistic, then this topic serves no purpose. ~Locked
  13. I find a lot of your ratings bias and unfair. Thieving a 7? Construction a 4? Slayer a 8? Thieving can be more xp a hour than Construction and is cost free. There is more than one method that reaches high xp per hour if you learn how to do it correctly. Construction costs much more than thieving, which you profit off of at the fastest methods. So, how does thieving receive a 7 when it is one of the fastest skills in the game, plus you profit, when Construction costs over 100M and is slower than Thieving? I just find that ridiculous. Staying along those lines, if Thieving is a 7, then Slayer is much more than an 8. Prayer, you are just being bias. Prayer is just as easy as any other buyable if you have the cash so if you rate Construction a 4, then Prayer deserves a 4. Runecrafting, I see your point. It is a bit easier, but I think it deserves a 9 if you compare it to a "7" thieving. Agility is easier than Runecrafting/Slayer, so I don't understand why that is a 9. Herblore I can agree with. Crafting is a lesser of Construction/Herblore/Prayer, but still very useful. Fletching I am fine with and Hunter too. Smithing, goes along with the other buyables. Fishing is fairly easy, especially now-a-days. Doesn't stack up against Slayer or Runecrafting, which are both rated 8's. Cooking doesn't deserve a 1. That is just rude. It goes along with Fletching, both are equally easy. Farming, in terms of ease, is easy. You don't have to do anything but a couple of runs a day, but I would take Farming over Agility any day. Farming takes much more time. (as in days not time spent) So those are my reviews. I find you bias against buyables and certain buyables at that. Yes, they are fast if you have the money, but I find it funny how you assume 100's of millions in cash is easy to come by. Anyone can say 99 in all buyables is easy until they find they are no where close to the cash needed. Prayer is no easier than Construction, Herblore, etc. so why does it deserve a higher rating? Thieving is simple and you profit from it yet it is a 7. I am just confused by your rates is all I guess and I have totally different views. By the way, don't take this as an attack. This is me just basically rating my ideas verse yours, not correcting them. Everyone has their own opinion and for all I know, you could be loaded, so these buyables would be a breeze. :)
  14. Seems there is already a thread on this. Please use this: viewtopic.php?f=200&t=745861 to continue discussion. Thanks! ~Locked
  15. Seems you answered your question. :D ~Locked
  16. I am the in the middle. I know I am not self-sufficient because I buy tree seeds, herb seeds, planks, etc. Yet, I do not power level. I may get a nice amount of xp in one day, but that is only because I enjoy the skill. I always try to balance out, also, buyable skills. Farming is a perfect example, do a couple of herb runs while checking your trees, one run a day, and profit off the skill. :D
  17. Adding upon what tripsis said, as for your third option, that is usually your internet service, not us. For instance, I use Firefox. In order to get things to pop up in a new window and not in a tab, I have to enable that. It is usually on tab at default. With Firefox, you got to Tools > Options > Tabs > New Pages To Be Opened In: you should click the new window option. I also know that this is near the same with IE7 and you have to enable new windows also. As for your first one, I can't totally understand you. Do you mean that the scroll thing in between the left and right click buttons? If so, it works perfectly fine on my computer. I can scroll with it.
  18. Or you can have a 3-6 second default time before the balloon pops up, though that is a bit long. Also how did it annoy you? you have to hover over the link, and then it would present the preview? I am not a big fan on pop up things. I would rather just click the topic and read the thing. I can usually tell what types of threads I wish to read from the title, so it isn't necessary for me to have a preview. It seems to me that the previews always just got in my way and every time I touched a link, something would pop up. It is just one of those pet peeves of mine, this and sub-forums. :lol:
  19. I would only support this if it was optional. Anyways, it most likely won't be happening for a long time if it were to be passed. The techies are already swamped, so these will be the least of the priorities I would assume. :? Anyways, I never liked forums with the preview, it just annoys me, yet a lot of people like it. I wouldn't be against it, but I would like it to be optional.
  20. Ha ha, I hate the thumb up/down system on Youtube. If someone doesn't agree with the video, whether it is political views or whatever, they go through any comment that is pro for the video and give them a thumbs down and Vice Versa despite their comment being good or bad. They are mainly just ignorant. Anyways, back on to topic. I like how you took out the negative situation. As for only positives, I can see how it can benefit the forum, but I also can see it just becomming plain annoying. To be honest, I wouldn't mind it going any way, but I really don't want this to happen, for no particular reason, really. I have never been in favor of those kinds of systems, although it does benefit some forums. (It also hurts some.) I think we are fine how it is, but if it is implemented, I will be fine.
  21. Thank you so much for all your help, everybody. Everything is working perfectly and I have the version of Firefox I need with the correct theme. Thanks loads!
  22. Thanks for the link! That appears to have done the trick although I don't like the new look of it. Is it possible to download the Zune look, that is black, on this one also? I am searching for it now. :) It seems barely any of the themes support this version. Is it because this version is so new?
  23. Suggestions are good. :D Anyways, looking good as usual. My sigs got deleted in the 80 day backup, so I will replace one of them with the stat sig, but I wish that my Tip.It Mod thing was still here. :cry: Keep up the great work!
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