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Everything posted by deyan2

  1. TBH I wanted to post this fact next week, exactly one year after Zarfot has stopped to gain any experience at all. After one year of complete inactivity in experience gains Zarfot is STILL the one with the most experience in his lowest skill. 36,481,956 xp to be exact in fishing. No RS player at all got more xp in his or her lowest skill as Zarfot has. I don't think anyone has ever achieved this result or will ever achieve this result ever again. Especially not after one year of complete inactivity in xp gains. Too bad Zarfot will soon be kicked off the highscores. Well I hope all other players out there will realise Jagex will only show your skills if you pay Jagex cash forever. I repeat, FOR EVER.
  2. TBH I doubt about playing rs at private servers. It's basically the same game but then appearantly not the real one, but at least it got highscores and no bots and so on and on and on?
  3. There was a time where he was not. And there will be a time where he will not again. My point is still valid. He has been member since 2 days after it was actually possible to become member and he has been member non stop since then... Iconic players like Zarfot and such for example will get removed tho. So actually even if you're still the best player out there it doesn't matter any more. Remarkeble for a game that calls itself the best Free MMORPG out there and actually claims RL cash shouldn't influence your status ingame or on the hiscores.
  4. If Jagex is really gonna do what they write they are gonna do then that's the stupiest thing I've ever seen them doïng...
  5. Has anyone ever heard of "Guruhonza"? He acts like a bot and highalches till his hp is full again and then he fights Giant spiders and when his hp is allmost empty he alches again till full hp and then he fights the spiders again. I really do have the feeling he highalches with an autoclicker because he doesn't really do it fast and effective. Anyway, does anyone know anything about him? It seems like a good F2p player with over 400M total xp and such.
  6. No, it's also to help the new and younger players, handle the reports, controll the Dutch F-mods (who pretty much suck atm), translate stuff and so on and on and on. Dutch J-mods said they had over 40 of such tasks while the avarage J-mod had max 10 of them.
  7. TBH also I think it's a little weird that RSbuddy is now the most advertised fansite on entire RuneScape. I wouldn't even be surprised of more J-mods have ever heard about RSbuddy nowadays as about Tip.it for example, especially in about 2 years when 50% of the J-mods from now left the building again I'm affraid RSbuddy is just getting more and more popular by noobs even though we all know how that started. All such actions make me sometimes wish Jagex was a compagnie with max 20 peoples working in it and all of them listening to Andrew.
  8. How many times bigger do you think that the Dutch community is compared to all the African countrys and languages together? 2 times? 3 times? 50 times? Is it really that much asked to have 1 out of the over 400 J-mods out there to actually understand Dutch?
  9. Because atm Jagex is too dumb to understand what I say if I call you a "83rleike thebiel" & d3 g3mmidd3ld3 Nederlander niet. And next to that there is a Dutch forumpart and the F-mods out there are screwing those forums up pretty badly while no Dutch J-mod can controll them and they actually translate text in the community their disadvantage but in their own advantage. People actually receive blackmarks and mutes without any serious reason.
  10. A lot of people are upset that there are no more Dutch J-Mods. They feel that not replacing them is detrimental to the community as a whole, and the Dutch community in particular. I haven't completely read up on it, so I'm not sure if Mod Baker in particular is to blame (or even if he had anything to do with it at all) but a lot of the anger seems to be directed at him. Mod Baker is the boss or leader or whatever from the J-mods working and chatting with the community on the forumparts with other languages. Now the Dutch J-mods had loads and loads and loads of work, the Dutch community is like 3 times as big as the German community for example. Somehow there were only 3 Dutch speaking J-mods, later even only 2, and at the end only Mod Moonie was still there. Several J-mods told us that the mood at Jagex was getting down and down, there are Mod quotes out there like "my boss looks sad atm". Everything that was written went through a translater and was or could be rereaded by others. Even though the mood was pretty clearly sad at Jagex, Mod Moonie was planning several partys for us to join anyway, so she clearly wasn't planning to leave, next to that she borrowed some place there in that diffrend country as her own and had a boyfriend out there. Leaving would be the latest option she would choose. Suddenly she was gone anyway, no goodbye to her community, no sign at all whatsoever it was actually even a (still Jagex loving) Dutch F-mod who posted it on the forums. Ex J-mods that were still onvolved with the community also told us she was most likely fired. Later on they also told us she didn't die or was sick or anything like that, the community loved her, some persons within the community even gave chocolate and such to Jagex IRL by post several times. When we asked Jagex why she was gone so unexpected they said something like "sorry we can't tell, it's a story between us and her". I really see that as a stab in the back for her. Acting like she might possibly the one who left us behind like trash. I really think it's pretty sad they don't even admit that they did the wrong thing (again), they still don't btw. Mod Baker is the one who brought the mood down everywhere out there, several J-mods and ex J-mods told that. One of the J-mods also told us Andrew didn't even have much of a choice changing such things within Jagex either anymore (that was about 8 month ago when he said that). Now the Dutch community aint got no J-mods at all any more for a pretty long time, even though they have had several promises. Also in that part of community trust I still don't see any progression at all whatsoever. To me it's actually pretty much logic that they can't find any good person any more, I meen what person is smart enough in Jagex their opinion to handle this job, but is actually dumb enough to want and take a job like that? Knowing it doesn't pay that well, have Mod Baker as your boss, have to work together with corrupt F-mods, knowing all J-mods before you where gone in no time, knowing you will have barely any power at all, not even about the forum(parts) you will have to take care about yourself, even if you completely disagree with the rules some leaders (like Mod Baker for example) force you to listen to, a complete community that's warning you for all the troubles you will get on your head. And I must say, most of the J-mods that worked for the Dutch community allready weren't that really smart, that was clearly visable. Actually the smartest one out there was the one who spoke the least with the community and us has been told that they actually looked for a diffrend job for him within Jagex. But no, he didn't want that and left Jagex. Maybe it sounds sad, but for some reason I really hope Jagex will allmost get bankrupt and ask Andrew back for help, pretty much the same way as happened to Apple.
  11. Ranged: Def 70 Ranged 95 Style: Rapid Place: Flesh Crawlers/Zombies Arrow: Mithril Not picking up any arrow or even anything else at all Only autoattack (not clicking monsters myself) No prayer used 1 random appeared 1340 arrows shooted in 1 round (costs: 1340*20=26800 + 3943 gp for food and teleport = 30743 gp totalcash/3029(sec)*3600=36538.3955 gp an hour) Prices might change Inventory: law rune, 3 air runes, 1 fire rune, 25 Swordfish (didn't use anchovis pizza) Armour and weapons: Coif, teamcape 18, Amulet of Power, 10K mithril arrows, maple shortbow, Green Dragonhide body, Green dragonhide chaps, Green dragonhide vambs, leather boots (this is highest ranged att without any armourpart degrading as far as I know, or in every case before dungeoneneering) Rates are including banking (teleport varrock, bank, eat up till max hp, bank, restore inventory, run back to ranged place) Same story +- but then addy arrows: Def 70 Ranged 95 Style: Rapid Place: Flesh Crawlers/Zombies Arrow: Adamant Not picking up any arrow or even anything else at all Only autoattack (not clicking monsters myself) No prayer used 1464 arrows shooted in 1 round (costs: 1464*?=122976 + 3943 gp for food and teleport = ? gp totalcash/3320(sec)*3600= +-140K? gp an hour) Prices might change Inventory: law rune, 3 air runes, 1 fire rune, 25 Swordfish (didn't use anchovis pizza) Armour and weapons: Coif, teamcape 18, Amulet of Power, 10K mithril arrows, maple shortbow, Green Dragonhide body, Green dragonhide chaps, Green dragonhide vambs, leather boots (this is highest ranged att without any armourpart degrading as far as I know, or in every case before dungeoneneering) Rates are including banking (teleport varrock, bank, eat up till max hp, bank, restore inventory, run back to ranged place) Everything where a ? you can calculate yourself I'm too lazy for it :P Same story at Spiders: It's slower xp/h in my case, but one of the reasons for that was my pretty low defence (defence lvl 70). If my defence lvl was higher I probably would have had a higher xp/h rating at the Spiders as as the Flesh Crawlers and zombies. At the spiders I was simply more busy eating/banking as actual training.
  12. Andrew, can you tell us anything we might like to know about Fen research?
  13. "Founded by hobbyist game developers back in 2001" Andrew is busy with a new project nowadays and he doesn't want that project to become as company like as Jagex is nowadays. This picture shows +- how much I liked RuneScape: The more Gower the more I like it. I have about the same opinion as Andrew Gower has.
  14. Yes I am Dutch and no I don't think I'll ever trust Mod Baker (with some number behind it that I forgot). He ruined a big part of the future of RS as well as the future of some J-mods. Only a bunch of Dutch F-mods keep on licking him.
  15. That is *nowhere* near as impressive as boxing Jad with 1 prayer point 1 prayer point is basically the same as 99 prayer pointst agains a jad :S ? Or well in 2004 it wasn't, but nowadays it's really easy to make it till the end with only one prayer point because you can't get hurt and you won't lose the prayer anyway. But go ahead, challange woox to kill the Jad on a even lower combat ;). They actually kill jads without even looking at it nowadays :S?
  16. Huh? Ask around in the Dutch community on the RSOF, most people out there know the facts ;). Ask about what happened to Mod Moonie, Mod Petal, Mod Katherina, ask what Mod Aiko said about it and what his opinion is, ask what Mod Max W said about it and so on and on and on ;). Actually there isn't even any Dutch J-mod out there any more, so only Dutch F-mods (who aren't that trustfull either btw but that's a diffrend story) will answer or normal players. 277-278-43-62890850 you can read a bit of info as well. And the Dutch F-mods are the ones who hide our posts if we ask too much about it, they actually still support everything Jagex does and did.
  17. Mod Baker is the latest one we should trust. He was the one who fired Mod Moonie (the latest Dutch J-mod), he was the one who made several other J-mods angry and sad. He fired Mod Katie (a polish J-mod) he also fired a J-mod from Norway. Also: He first achieved 99 cooking (cheap tnx to bots) and now he's probably goïng for woodcutting (and finds some bots and suddenly he does ban them?). I'm sorry, but to me it just seems like he's playing knowing everything beforehand. He's really one of the silliest j-mods out there.
  18. I've seen a level 3 with a firecape For the ones who have problems reading my post: "WITHOUT HELP FROM JAGEX LOWERING YOUR STATS AFTERWARDS" Did that help?
  19. Tbh I think it's a bit silly... This kid made a challange up for himself alone by killing some monster in a weird way (offcourse nobody is gonna do that, why should anyone :S?). And now suddenly J-mods give him the honour to talk about him on the home page? Now there are 100ths who can do the same stuff as he did, just nobody cared or is a drame queen. Why not put anything really amazing on there? Who was the first to make lvl 99's? Who gave the biggest drop party? Amazing monthly records, good old history storys, top F2p players? Or just in case think out a battle for this week and put the winner on the home page next week. What I know about Woox is that he's a little show off that really isn't any better as bunches of other pkers. What about U E A X Pker? Who succesfully killed a jad at cb 41 (a record that's standing for over 5 years now isn't it)? Cb 40 even, I thought it was a little higher, but still the lowest combat lvl in history to achieve a firecape (without help from Jagex lowering your stats afterwards).
  20. Jagex still continues to ban: Defence +0, +534 (def 71) Strength +0, +334 (str 89) This is just for today Defence +0, +582 Strength +0, +362 Now... Defence +0, +730 Strength +890, +540 Now...
  21. He was most likely recovered. Not hacked. Recovery system assigns you to a new password of your choice after being accepted. Yes I know, but I also concidered that as being hacked actuallly.
  22. After 2009 +- most hackers that succesfully hack hack with help from Jagex. Especially if you pass is changed after the hack I guess also your hacker has had help from Jagex, this because I don't think the hacker has any reason to change your pass if he ever had it, because he doesn't care about the account anyway, just about the gp's and the stuff worth gp's on it. If he didn't care about the gp's but about the account itself he probably would have changed the password, but then why removing the cash on it?
  23. What's that "report post, quote post" stuff? :S I've never seen that before? Well maybe it's just because I'm F2p but still.
  24. I guess the latest 2% they were talking about are Funorb bots ;).
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