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Everything posted by X3EN

  1. ok guys, I'm sick (IRL), so I wont be playing at least until friday.
  2. 4/10 since this char is more than 3 days old and the pic isn't cropped. Nothing really impressive though.
  3. Actually, with 1 def they will 2hit a level 3...
  4. Damnit. Got pked by a lvl 109 just a lap after logging in. So i'm taking a bit of a break today. Will be back at agility training tommorow. Now I'm gonna try to get more herbs in al-kharid with my mage training i guess.
  5. 7 levels agility (49-56) in a day, played several hours. so i've reached 56 yesterday and I didn't reannounce that. Bump. Now, reached 57. YAY!
  6. bump... Since i'm racing, updated my status. (see first page, but not first post)
  7. you see, people believe in me more than in you :D 73/100 ticks in AA EDIT: as i've read in your first post, DO NOT start in AA instantly on 40. You have 10hp and you will fail often. Wait until 42 (at least).
  8. Well, but I know what i'm getting into. I might get killed on first opportunity in wildy course, because now I'm 53cmb and unarmed instead of 68 and dragon baxe/hally...
  9. I'd say start at 42 (at arena) and lvlup each level with the tickets... Because barb arena will get boring really soon...
  10. Hi there, good luck on your goal. Would you race with me to 99 agility? I need motivation to get that skill training up that high. I am not planning to use ape atoll, as it needs the quest and so on, and it isn't good enough until lvl 75. <--- RESERVED FOR LVLUP PICS ---> Signed in for a race - 10th March 2007 - Agility 49. 50 agility - NEVER 51 agility - NEVER 52 agility - 11th March 2007: (ran out of cakes, but didn't manage to get the 101st ticket) and my stats... 53 agility - 11th March 2007: 54 agility - 11th March 2007: 55 agility - 11th March 2007 (didn't catch a screen because I ate a cake) AND THEN, 1,5k to 56, i got pked. Lost my boots of lightness and a bit of cakes. Had to go anyway, so I'll be back. 56 agility - 11th March 2007: 57 agility - 12th March 2007: FINNALY! Beaten my 2,5years ago banned main in agility! 58 agility - 12th March 2007: (somehow i hit prtscr two times, but it didn't cache (nothing to paste). So I had to use this one. 59 agility - 12th March 2007: pked a bit after this accomplishment 60 agility - 13th March 2007: And then i got pked again. 61 agility - 19th March 2007 (note I played only 4,5h for the whole week I was sick, this is reached now, when I can play freely again): 62 agility - 19th March 2007: 63 agility - 20th March 2007:
  11. I actually think the music is better now, yet some melodies were better before. Mostly I am for the new musics.
  12. those powerlevelers for cash are mostly scam anyway...
  13. I started rs on 12, now I'm ~month to 16. I came back to rs a few weeks ago and a week ago to P2P. Never been called a nolifer or etc, maybe I wasn't playing those two years when noobs took over the community?
  14. About that quote... Now that you brought it again... I disagree with him completely. First, there is no need to make macros to increase your programming skills. All you will learn is to automate a limited activity. If you want java skills, why don't you set up a some private server emulator (like l2j) and finalize a serverpack (like make full bugfixes for your server, a balance system, custom add-ons etc). This would be alot more usefull. And if you choose l2j, I have already programmed such usefull and wanted thing as automated events + full event bugfixes. Ownt? sorry for offtopic, but we can't let such people talk such trash...
  15. Indeed. But reducing number of the autoers, even for a short period of time is way better than just having them to ruin the game.
  16. I still remember my first day in runescape. It was around five years ago, in spring 2002. After completing the tutorial island, I've tried walking around. I visited the general store (but it took alot of time to find it again) and tried to do some exploring. I trained on mobs (via each style, so that my meelee combat stats would be all around the same level. I wandered to some forest (actually i wandered the lumby forest to the first chicken pen on the way lumby->draynor). After a bit of training (to cmb lvl 6 YAY!) i decided to find the general store again. After a lot of time I wandered to Varrock. Then i banked/visited the store/walked around. I didn't want to leave because I was pretty sure I wont find it again. Then I walked to find mobs for cmb and I managed to find Varrock only a few days after... The end. (Note, that was my main, and it's banned 2,5years already).
  17. If you know more than "a bit" of german, you can learn (you will know where the slang is). If you don't even know the pronuncation, don't bother. That will not help you at all.
  18. yes, the macros may be run while nearby the computer. Such people will inform the cheating community, but this "call a captcha for a bot-like" will still result a massive first week ban. And it would prevent macroers from autoing (fully afk) until they get a solution.
  19. at the beggining it was called 'coldfeet'. People were entering the letters for other people, so that other people would enter the letters for them. Basically, CAPTCHA is useless. UNLESS we have mods that go around inspecting and they can call this screen for a man that seems autoing and take some action if needed. This would result a massive first few weeks ban and would need some real work to get around
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